Chapter 54 52. No roaring heard in the foundry hall

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  Chapter 54 52. No roar heard in the Foundry Hall
  Endurance, the Foundry Hall.

  foundry hall of the Death Guard may be the place that has changed the least since the return of the original body. Simple geometric shapes are arranged here in an orderly manner, without chaotic disorder, without those disharmonious things. The tools and drawings are in order, and every root is in order. The exposed cables were carefully routed and marked with a binary pattern that only Death Guard Techmarines could read.

  On the gray-white walls, the original dark red Dusk Raider flag was removed and replaced with a gray-green Death Guard flag.

  The roar of the assembly line has been intermittently ringing in the foundry hall. Servants wearing simple red cloaks silently shuttled between the huge machines. The skull gear emblem of the Mechanicum on the cloaks swayed up and down as they walked.

  In a corner of the huge foundry hall, Alberto, a technical sergeant wearing mk2 armor, was sorting and checking the supply of ceramic steel for the latest batch of mk3 power armor.

  According to his superior and teacher Enrique, the newly returned primarch prefers heavy infantry combat, and the legion's demand for mk3 power armor may increase in the future.

  Compared with the mk2 expedition power armor of the standard period of the Great Expedition, the mk3 steel type gave up part of its flexibility and concealment, and instead increased its defensive strength. The thick sloping plate on its helmet can even make bullets ricochet.

  The mk3 steel type power armor is equipped in all legions, but only a small part. The mk2 expedition type is still the main force of the legion.

  When the legion uses mk3 power armor on a large scale, it will usually be a meat-and-mortar battle with high casualties. This kind of armor is not suitable for sudden advances and surprise attacks. They were born for force on the frontal battlefield.

  Alberto sighed silently in his heart. The foundry hall and the logistics department may be the first to notice the future direction of the entire legion. While
  most of the training soldiers are still undergoing daily training, in the foundry hall The technical sergeants have already begun preparing equipment for future wars.

  There was another temporary workbench diagonally in front of Alberto's workbench. Hades was sitting there, holding a waterless quill in his hand, making empty gestures from time to time.

  Although Hades was called to help, a recruit who had not received any training could not be of much help. He was not even as easy to use and convenient as a servitor who had directly implanted the operating instructions into his mind.

  But Enrique didn't ask Hades to really come over and help.

  On their way back that day, Enrique sent Alberto a binary ray.

  "Alberto, I leave the teaching of this recruit to you."

  "We must make this recruit interested in mechanical forging. We are not the only ones who want him."

  Alberto felt himself confused for a moment.

  But he will not question it, as long as he completes the teacher's task.


  But it was obvious that his teacher would make some mistakes, and Alberto didn't have to teach Hades at all.

  The moment he led Hades through the foundry hall, Alberto felt that the new recruit's happiness was overflowing.

  Does he still need to teach you this? Does this even need him to mention Hades's interest in machinery?

  Come on, Alberto has never seen a recruit so obsessed with machinery.

  If the technical sergeants he brought before were as obsessed with Hades, it would save him trouble.

  So Alberto, who had a lot to do, happily gave the recruit some insignificant drawings and sent him to cool off.

  What Hades said is,

  "The current legion's equipment manufacturing tasks are heavy, and some low-level blueprints found from other worlds cannot be classified. You can classify them according to their uses." In

  fact, these low-level blueprints are generally They were all burned directly, and most of them contained some strange everyday designs.

  The previous grade classification has ensured that these low-grade waste papers do not contain any important technology and content.

  But Hades in front of him was obviously watching with great interest.

  Hades held the quill and restrained himself from subconsciously turning the pen. The drawing in front of him now looks like a small household appliance.

  Gothic letters are densely marked on this drawing, and a square box as big as two stacked bolters is drawn in the center of the drawing.

  Some key numbers were encrypted in octal, and Hades's left eye flashed red. This was not a difficult encryption, and it was quickly solved by substituting some standard readings and back-calculating.

  Hades stared at the drawings in front of him. Two standard square slots could accurately control the heat and time within the set range, automatically change the direction of the contents, and automatically stop operation and warn the user under extreme conditions.

  So here’s one –

  a toaster!

  Or the kind that allows the user to decide what pattern to print on the bread slices.

  The aroma of toasted bread and fermented wheat lingered faintly on the tip of Hades' nose.

  He is hungry.

  Okay, I decided to go to the cafeteria later! I'll go take a look at the duel cage when I have enough time tomorrow.

  Hades calmed down, took out the next drawing, and continued studying.

  Time always passes quickly. When Alberto reminded Hades that it was time, Hades nodded to Alberto and put the drawings in his hands into the "furniture" category.

  "Thank you."

  Alberto nodded to Hades, who responded and left the foundry hall.

  In fact, Hades also knew that it was probably useless to let him see this.

  In Hades's vision, it was because he broke the battle server. Although he was not entirely responsible, in order to prevent a similar situation from happening next time, it was necessary to scare the monkeys, so the casting master found a reason to give him some "punishment". ".

  In fact, since the responsibility lies entirely with Hades, there is no punishment. It is probably just a show.

  The Foundry Hall is a separate department, and no one will check whether Hades is really "accepting the punishment he deserves."

  So, thank you to the casting master Enrique and the technical sergeant Alberto for being generous!
  Completely wrong logic, but in the eyes of Hades, who lacked information, it was self-consistent.

  There are still many good people who study technology. Hades was wondering if he could apply for a technical sergeant in the future?
  Hades found his familiar position and sat down in a familiar place. The familiar servitor brought familiar porridge, and the familiar porridge exuded a familiar aroma.

  Alberto asked Hades to leave early today, and there were still more than forty minutes left.

  He can eat ten bowls!
  However, just when Hades just picked up the spoon and started scooping out the porridge -

  a burst of urgent footsteps broke the silence in the empty canteen.

  "Senior Hades!"

  "You'd better go to the duel cage now!!"

  There was a bit of nervousness and anxiety on Vox's face, and his brows knitted unconsciously.

  Hades' spoon holding porridge stopped in mid-air.

  Also, don’t you need to call me that?
   Happy reading (ω)
  (End of chapter)

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