Chapter 53 51. Balazin

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  Chapter 53 51. Barazin

  Endurance, 1st Company Training Hall.

  is the widest training hall on the entire Endurance. The empty gray metal walls stand silently in the distance. The ceiling is terrifyingly high, and the lights shine directly from above, making it bright and dazzling.

  The entire hall is divided into different areas, physical fitness area, shooting area, and combat area. Small groups of Space Marines marching in small groups are interspersed among them. Looking from the observation platform on the second floor of the training hall, countless white-green streams are flowing directly. flowing in an orderly manner.

  From time to time, there was the sound of the translator piercing the electric current, the muffled sound of heavy power armor stepping on the ground, the sound of horns, the sound of gasping, swords piercing the air, and the roar of bullets.

  Lai Yin, a veteran of the first company, was a little proud. He wanted to show off, but his behavior already showed his pride at this moment -

  Lai Yin was walking on the way to the training cage with the three-man team he taught.

  There were not many people on this march. After all, it was a bit impatient to use a training cage for new recruits. It does not mean that the recruits cannot beat the training cage, but it is not a mistake to rush into sparring without developing some combat skills and methods. What a great choice.

  But the training results of the three-person team led by Lai Yin were extremely fast.

  As far as Layin knew, Karastifon, Haznir and Morag in his team were the elite of the resistance on Barbarus.

  It is precisely because of this that they were assigned to the veteran Lai Yin, whom Barasin trusted.

  Both Lyin and Barathin were moderates who welcomed the Primarch's return.

  Lai Yin felt that his comrades were indeed a bit stubborn. After all, the return of the original body was a matter of time. In the early stage, it was okay when the original bodies of each legion had not returned. But later, the army without the original body would be gradually eliminated. Reduced resource and weapon supplies.

  There was no need to oppose the return of the Primarch, who would lead the Legion into new glory and lead its warriors into the favor of the Emperor.

  The glory of the past is the past, and the grand plan of the future is the dream!

  Believing that the Primarch Mortarion could lead them to great success in the galaxy, Layin took the new recruits seriously.

  The three people he led were also very competitive. Although they were a little uncomfortable and a little awkward at first, Lai Yin was also experienced. When he first joined the team, he couldn't stand the veterans.

  Haznir is a tough guy. He had a scary look in his eyes when he first started training. After Lai Yin showed them his hand, the kid became more at ease.

  Morag is a young man with an out-of-touch personality, but he is quite honest. He follows Lai Yin's training plan step by step. Even during his free time, he asked Lai Yin where he would recommend the recruits to spend their leisure time.

  As for Karastifon Laiyin, he knew that he was right. He was the real purpose behind Barasin's assignment to Laiyin and the other three.

  Relying on the intuition of a veteran, Lai Yin could tell from the beginning that Typhon was a thoughtful person.

  Barazin also approached him later, implying that Typhon had a high status in Mortarion's resistance and had a good relationship with their primarch.

  That's right.

  After the original body returns, at least half of the senior leaders in the entire legion will be replaced by people from the original body's own planet.

  Every Primarch was like that, even Guilliman, who was known for his enlightenment. The honorary title of the last Ultramarines was Macragge, not a veteran from Terra.

  No one person can stop the entire legion. Instead of resisting the return of the original body, it is better to establish a good relationship with the future management of Barbarus descendants in advance while the other party has not yet established its foothold.

  Lai Yin knew that Barasin also knew that Barasin's current position as Captain of the First Company was quite displeasing to the Primarch Mortarion.

  Even though Barazin is currently the leader of the moderate faction of the Death Guard's Terran brethren, he is the one who most welcomes the Primarch's return.

  On the day the original body was found, in the strategy room, except for the dazzling white lights flashing on the screen in front, the rest of the room was terrifyingly dark.

  Balazin stood in front of the screen, staring at the intertwined information on the screen.

  Lai Yin stood behind him.

  "Lai Yin, in the future, you may need to worry about some things."

  Lai Yin looked at the backlit figure in front of him and
  ignored Lai Yin. Barasin continued to talk to himself,
  "Wise gave me this I have already made these preparations on the day I took the position."

  Lai Yin spoke, but his voice was hoarse,

  "Maybe you should be a little more optimistic."

  Balasin seemed to smile at himself, and he punched the Smashing his chest,

  "You know what? The moment they informed me, I felt the connection from the original body." "

  Our original body is a tough guy and will lead you to the glory of the Great Crusade.

  " Racine's voice also dropped.

  "Don't worry, I'm also the one who brought our Twilight Raiders all the way here. I will arrange everything." "It's

  just that there are some things that I'm destined to be unable to do."

  Silence filled the entire strategy room.

  Without words, Lai Yin stood at attention and saluted.

  "Twilight Raider, Lai Yin, promise to complete the mission! Chief Commander Barasin, please rest assured!"

  Barasin did not move, stuck on the chief command seat in the strategy room like a stubborn stone.

  Finally, there was a sigh that was close to nothing.

  "For the Emperor."

  When the training cage arrived, Lai Yin showed off the work of the Mechanicum to the three recruits as if showing off, the smooth and curved hemispherical fence, and the fighting machines lying quietly on the duel cage. on the ceiling.

  Haznir was already eager to give it a try, and Lai Yin did not hesitate and directly called the battle server.

  "Combat Exercise α-3, medium lethality."

  Fight the hard one first, and then defeat this tough one.

  Veteran Lai Yin smiled as he watched Haznir rush forward. He estimated that Haznir could only hold three moves.

  Among the three, Lai Yin felt that Morag could barely survive the battle server's battle drill α-3.

  And Carastrifon should be able to challenge a higher level of difficulty.

  But Lai Yin is not in a hurry. Although he knows that he needs to have a good relationship with Typhon, some recent clues about Typhon let Lai Yin know what this guy is hiding.

  Typhon is a smart man, and he has already received the favor that Lai Yin sold him, but Lai Yin knows that it is difficult for such a smart man to be on the same front as you.

  They only look for what they want.

  You can't treat such people with the greatest kindness from the beginning. You have to trick them and make them feel that these kindnesses are earned by their cleverness.

  Only in this way will they cherish it.

  As for those tiny things, Lai Yin narrowed his eyes.

  During training, the grip strength of his hands was slightly weakened, and he trembled involuntarily. Small scars from the Space Marines' recovery appeared in places that would not be injured at all during training.

  He was not one of these careless recruits. Lai Yin crossed his arms and smiled kindly, watching Haznir in the training cage being knocked away by the battle server.

   Happy reading (σ′▽‵)′▽‵)σ
  (End of this chapter)

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