Chapter 331 Chapter 320 The Reliable Death Guard

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  Chapter 331 320. Reliable Death Guard

  The mist caressed the pale armor, blurring the boundary between reality and thought.

  There was a flickering light at the other end of the arch, and countless Eldar faces were carved on the stone arch. They were either sad or happy, laughing or crying, but without exception, under the strange light and mist, the pupils of these stone sculptures were Staring hard at Mortarion.

  A subtle creaking sound sounded, and Mortarion tightened his grip on the giant scythe. His eyes were hidden under the hood, and poisonous gas spurted out from the mask.

  There was no way he could go.

  The Lord of Death has reached the end of the tunnel. To his left is a teleportation device made of stone arches. Mortarion can tell that this teleportation device has a strong connection with the subspace - maybe the other end of the arch is the subspace. .

  The extremely strong psychic fluctuations here are also provided by this teleportation device, but Mortarion judged that he alone would not be able to destroy this building.

  To Mortarion's right was that weird illusion room. Mortarion didn't even want to cast his gaze there anymore. He didn't accept it or recall it.

  But when he tried to retreat, this seemingly endless corridor trapped him here.

  Mortarion began to walk backwards along the wall. The same stone wall, the fog shrouded the entire sight. When the door to the next room appeared in front of him, the Lord of Death was surprised to find that it was not Fenus Manus. And it was still the room prepared for him.

  Mortarion turned his head sharply. To his left, the familiar Eldar sculpture was staring at him silently.

  Mortarion cursed secretly in his heart, and he began to miss Hades again.

  Two doors stood on his left and right, as if forcing him to make a choice. The way forward and backward were blocked. For him, was it left or right now?

  Mortarion's face was expressionless. He would never make a foolish choice according to the enemy's wishes and fall into the enemy's trap.

  He first spent a moment insulting Vulkan and Faenus Manus, as well as the Eldar who deserved to be cut into pieces and thrown into the compost pit.

  As for the prophecies the Eldar had just made... Mortarion decided to bury them somewhere in his thoughts. The Lord of Death did not want to spend time thinking about these useless riddles.

  The original body thought quickly. He now had ten black bullets and thirty-two white bullets, but in this high-concentration psychic environment, the white bullets seemed to have lost their effect.

  And the black bullets are not enough to completely offset the psychic energy here. In the desert of psychic energy, it is a drop in the bucket and of no avail.

  The original body took a deep breath. He ignored the calls and attractions to him from both sides. He held the black bullet in one hand and pressed the hand holding the ammunition against the wall. Then he turned on the positioning broadcast of the communication channel and stabbed the no signal. The voice sounded.

  Mortari settled for a moment. He firmly planted his mind on the land of Barbarus and on the Death Guard fleet. He needed to ensure that he would not waver.

  Hades, wish me luck.

  Then the Lord of Death closed his eyes and began to walk forward, his gauntlets clanking against the ash-smeared walls.

  Mortarion carefully sensed the spiritual energy fluctuations here. Subtle wisps of black smoke floated on his white helmet, and soon merged with the poisonous gas floating out of the Death Lord's respirator.

  At a certain position, the Lord of Death crushed the black bullet in his hand for the first time, and the channel sound trembled suddenly.

  He's in the right place.

  Mortarion did not hesitate, he immediately took out the next black bullet and continued walking into the darkness.

  The ammunition in his waist was depleting rapidly, and the Lord of Death's thoughts dived into the deep sea. He chose his route carefully - but at the same time, the voices calling him became clearer.

  Those sounds that exist in the mist near the arch.

  "Mortarion, Lord of Death, do we have any ill intentions? You can take it from your bag, so why bother venting your anger on those who cry and cry for blood?"

  Mortarion continued to walk without wavering, his fingers rustling. The ashes of the soulless ones are scattered.

  "The monkey who destroyed our homeland!"

  Mortarion began to recall where the Eldar were in a better position to strike with a scythe.

  "My former best friend has committed a heinous crime. The gods are angry and are about to be torn apart. How can you deceive yourself and hide yourself from the sun?"

  Mortarion's breath stagnated slightly.

  He focused his energies on cutting down the Eldar and teaching the Death Guard on the use of sulfide.

  He walked silently in this endless tunnel. Finally, the Lord of Death stopped between the two doors.

  With only one last black bullet left, he managed to disrupt part of the psychic path - but it wasn't enough to get him out, and if there were more ammunition... no, if Hades was here... Mortarion

  again Taking a deep breath, he needed to think about countermeasures again.

  But when he stopped, the voices grew noisier and they laughed.

  "You can take control of yourself. We are willing to help. How can you be alone when the tide is huge?" There were

  sounds from both sides of Mortarion, but Mortarion did not turn around to check. He just stood there.

  He should have realized earlier, when that damn Eldar shouted his name on the ice field, he should have realized that these aliens would target them.

  "The empire is about to collapse. How can it survive forever on lies? My best friend has left and my blood is twisted. Why persist?"

  Mortarion closed his eyes. He quietly felt and felt -

  the earth under his feet. Trembling slightly.

  The Lord of Death counted the frequency of the tremors, feeling them grow more intense until he could hear them.

  Mortarion spoke, and his sarcastic voice echoed in the corridor,

  "Insisted? Do you need a reason to kill aliens?" The

  psychic intensity on both sides of him began to fluctuate instantly, and they seemed to start to yell, but Mortarion didn't care anymore, because At the same time -

  "Praise to Hades!!!"

  The dull explosions and high-pitched mechanical shouts simultaneously exploded the tunnel in front of Mortarion. Mortarion took a few steps back, dust filled the air, and filled the entire tunnel. The fog dissipated.

  Those damn fart noises are gone too.

  The Lord of Death turned his head and saw that the room was empty.

  Mortarion looked up with satisfaction. A violently exploded gap suddenly appeared above the tunnel, and light fell from it.

  Under the mask, Mortarion smiled to himself.

  He watched as his Deathshrouds were the first to jump anxiously from the breach and gathered around him anxiously, asking if he was injured.

  Then came the Kirkland Sage. The red-robed Sage jumped down at an unimaginable speed. He unabashedly screamed for Hades, and at the same time stretched out his appendages hidden under the robe. , coordinating the deployment of the Soulless Men of the Zero Company like a commander.

  Mortarion could feel that the concentration of psychic energy here was rapidly declining, although due to the existence of the strange teleportation device, the concentration of psychic energy here was still very high.

  After Kirkland, Pasteur's head poked out of the hole in the ceiling, and then he was kicked down by Enrique. Mortarion thought that maybe this warrior had received his signal.

  Immediately following were the foundry sergeants carrying the foundry equipment. They nervously saluted briefly to the original body, and then began to strengthen the tunnel that had just been forcibly blasted.

  Mortarion stood in the center of the tunnel. He looked at the death shrouds surrounding him, the technical sergeants who were busy reinforcing the tunnel, and the Kirkland sage who was obviously moving towards which teleportation device.

  A low laugh came from under the mask, and Mortarion opened the channel to restore communication,
  [Galo, report the situation.

  "Received, Lord Legion Commander, there was no attack at the node. Lord Vulcan and Lord Fernus are still out of contact. After Enrique and Pasteur reported your loss of contact, the situation is in line with the emergency of the Zero Company. According to the terms, Vox and I jointly ordered the activation of all personnel of the 0th Company." "

  Please rest assured that the Death Guard has finished negotiating with the Salamanders, and they have been isolated to a safe area. At the same time, the blasting sound of the Foundry covered the 0th Company. Special words."

  Mortarion glanced back, and he saw Kirkland who was shouting a prayer. The sage acted extremely crazy, but his appendage that directed the deployment of the soulless ones did not hesitate at all.

  Mortarion sighed inwardly, feeling slightly relieved.

  Hades, you taught me well.

   Guarantee one update first~
    Don’t wait and don’t ask anything else, I’ll try to save it?
    Damn it, I forgot, I forgot, recommend the book!

    Sex changed to Angron! The author has been beaten up in life, and has been back to stable updates for a month now!
  (End of chapter)

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