Chapter 330 Chapter 319 When Mortarion was trapped in the tunnel

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  Chapter 330 319. When Mortarion was trapped in the tunnel...

  Hades' hand holding the battle report paused for a moment, and he blinked in confusion. The words in the Ultramarines battle report were gorgeously decorated after victory. Was looking at him doubtfully.

  "What's wrong?"

  The emperor beside Hades said casually. The emperor himself was also checking the information handed over by Malcador.

  "'s nothing. Someone may be scolding me behind my back."

  The emperor raised his head and glanced at Hades thoughtfully, but did not explain his behavior. The emperor paused and asked instead,
  " Hades, what do you think of the original body?"

  Hades opened his mouth. He didn't think this was a topic that could be discussed in one day. It was difficult to draw conclusions about the nineteen original bodies with very different personalities - -Even

  for Mortarion, it took him years to figure out the astonishing brain circuits of his elder brother.

  At the same time, the identity of the questioner also turns this question into a proposition.

  But Hades did have a universal answer...

  The smile at the corner of Hades's mouth twitched twice,
  "Ah... this... looks a lot like you."

  Then Hades looked at a slightly bright man in shock. A smile gradually appeared on the emperor's face.

  The emperor seemed to be very satisfied with this sentence,
  "They still have many shortcomings, but they are indeed similar to my profile - not exactly the same, and their essences are not all given by me."

  Hades's answer seemed to provoke Having caught the Emperor's interest, he continued to ask Hades enthusiastically,

  "Hades, you have been getting along with my descendant Mortarion before. What kind of primarch do you think Mortarion is?" The

  Emperor It was noticed that when Hades was looking through the battle reports of different legions, he seemed particularly interested in the battle reports of the Ultramarines, Blood Angels, and White Scars.

  Although Hades also spent a lot of time on the battle reports of the Iron Warriors and Iron Hands, staring at the strategic maps and data calculations, and simply staring at the pictures of the Space Warriors are obviously two different reactions.

  Hades stared at the emperor, and he put down the battle report in his hand - this was still a proposition, and it was far sharper than before.

  Hades said in a serious tone,

  "Mortarion is an excellent legion commander. Under his leadership, the Death Guard has extremely strong cohesion. At the same time, his personal position is also reliable enough. Mortarion is very committed to purity." Humans are extremely loyal and extremely reject psychic energy, subspace and aliens. Mortarion and the Death Guard are extremely loyal and stable, so I personally recommend increasing material assistance to the Death Guard." The Emperor smiled and asked

  casually To,
  "Why are you getting nervous, Hades?"

  If the heart can be embodied, then Hades is now a sweaty soybean.

  Yes, why do you think so, Neos?
  "Hades, I just..."

  the emperor said slowly,
  "I hope to have a casual chat. I am very satisfied with Mortarion, although I know that he has some friction with Malcador."

  Hades stared at The Emperor, he chose his words carefully,
  "I need to make sure that you will not make any bad adjustments to the future of Mortarion and the Death Guard because of my words." The

  Emperor shook his head,

  "Yours Worrying too much, I am not perfect, and neither are my descendants. Leon Jonson is inhumane, Perturabo is stubborn and extreme, Horus is arrogant and hypocritical, Robert Guilliman is impulsive... people say The demigods are flawed, that's a fact."

  "Now that you know that, Neos, why don't you say something about them?"

  The Emperor fell silent.

  "I am not omnipotent. How can I make Guilliman stop his sometimes overly exuberant thinking? I can't do it, Hades. The original body is a miraculous thing created by me. Their growth is destined to be accompanied by pain for them. Broken ordeals, if artificially arranged, are destined to consume countless manpower and materials." "

  There is no high wall in this world that will never collapse, and there is no steel that will never rust. As long as you are a human being, you will have the possibility of falling into the abyss. "

  What's more,"

  the emperor picked up the tea and took a slow sip,
  "even if they have not grown, as generals of the Great Expedition, as tools, they are already qualified." He looked at Hades. , Hades also looked at him silently. Although Hades's subspace projection disgusted the emperor as always, the emperor could not analyze Hades's mood from this disgust -

  but Hades would understand. His words, the Emperor thought.

  Sure enough, Hades scratched his head in self-indulgence and began to look for something to eat from the snack box in front of him.

  "Okay, Neos, I still recommend that you pay more attention to Fulgrim, Perturabo, Horus..."

  The emperor nodded,

  "Now answer my question, Hades, Mortarion What kind of original body is he?"

  Hades looked at Macragge's snacks and shifted his eyes to the emperor again. Hades sighed, and then he said,
  "This seems to be a snitch to the parents, Ni. Os."

  The Emperor was unmoved and stared at Hades expressionlessly, as if to say that Hades must provide equal information that could be equivalent to what he just said.

  Hades felt as if the Emperor was saying with his eyes that if Hades continued to avoid the topic, he would call Malcador over - and let the young man deal with him.

  Hades waved his hand,

  "Uh... Mortarion... I think he naturally likes humans, because he was abducted by us the first time he saw humans. As for his love for psychic powers and oppression, Disgust is learned and solidified in the liberation of Barbarus."

  "You talk less because the environment in Barbarus is like that, you know, Neos, where everyone can talk without talking, I'm the only one who can't sit still, but Mortarion has a sense of humor - although I think he'd be better off without it." Hades

  paused, as if he was wondering whether he should say it, but in the end he Still spoke,


  Hades said,

  "I can feel that at the beginning, most of Mortarion's motivations were out of [fear]. He always seemed to think that things would turn out to be bad. If he wants to leave, he will prepare in advance or fall into depression, which also makes him less trusting of others." "

  Then... after meeting humans and the Death Guard, his motivation gradually changed to [hoping to protect some kind of existence] ], so he always likes to stay with the Barbarus people, or go to the Death Guard training room."

  This can be a good quality, provided that he finishes his work first and then goes to entertainment.

  "He doesn't want to lose them... but at the same time he doesn't have a strong desire to make the situation better. Unless the situation is so critical that it will destroy everything, Mortarion always likes to maintain the status quo, whether it is Baba Russ, or the Death Guard."

  "Sometimes this is a good thing, sometimes it's puzzling, but luckily I persuaded him to come back."

  Hades was silent for a moment,

  "...I hope I persuaded him to come back. Yes."

  Hades moved his eyes, and he saw the emperor staring at him with great interest, seeming to be satisfied with what Hades said.

  "I'm very happy,"

  the Emperor said. Hades listened to the Emperor's words speechlessly. He felt that the Emperor told him that he was very happy every day. Is this some kind of mantra?
  "You are indeed a friend who cares about Mortarion, not someone who is simply confused by the characteristics of the original body. You have seen the real him."

  Hades smiled, with a slightly arrogant mouth,

  "I am a psychic insulator, Neo. Si, when have I ever been confused by the characteristics of the original body? Their charm aura is ineffective on me."

  The Emperor smiled, he did not speak, and glanced at the Ultramarines battle report that Hades had put down previously.

   Great! I coded it!
    Speaking of Fulgrim, he was so handsome. My loyal eyes to Mortarion wavered for a second.

    Well, I still don’t like Emperor Zi very much.

  (End of chapter)

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