Chapter 742 Don’t forget the man who dug the river when you are drinking water

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  I don't know how long it took, Li Qingxian's eyes darkened, and the Tiansui Academy was shattered.

  Some words that seemed to be true or imaginary came to my ears.

  "This kid can really hold on. He's much stronger than you were back then..."

  "It seems like he's no better than you were back then..."

  The sun and the moon passed by.

  Li Qingxian opened his eyes and slowly exhaled.

  Then he hurriedly stood up and looked through the contents recorded in Tiansui Academy, quickly reading the key points to avoid forgetting them.

  Take out the communication charm plate and listen to the communication from all parties.

  Meng Huaichuan was dormant in Shangshan District, keeping a distance from the King of Chu, and had a slightly better relationship with the mayor.

  Gai Feng talked about some recent developments.

  Li Qingxian put away the messenger plate and asked people to find Han Anbo.

  Not long after, Han Anbo pushed the door open and entered with a calm expression. He glanced at Li Qingxian and hesitated to speak.

  "What's wrong?"

  Han Anbo sighed and said, "Let me tell you what happened these days." "

  The gentlemen who went up to the mountainous area found that life was difficult these days." "

  A large number of townspeople died in the strange fog. The people who are alive are suffering from insecurities and their bodies are damaged. Even if new townspeople continue to join, the situation in Gui Town is becoming increasingly worrying." "There are

  fewer and fewer people farming, fewer and fewer people working, and many people cannot afford to see the doctor. We can’t afford to buy a house. As for the number of people born, there are none at all. Except for old women in their seventies and eighties, women with childbearing potential are all in the upper mountainous area, and there are none in the lower mountainous area..." "The houses in the lower mountainous area are all occupied by people from the upper mountainous area

  . If the town residents can’t afford it, they can only rent. Many townspeople can’t afford to rent, so they simply lie on the street. Now the mayor has issued a new order. In order to maintain the town’s environment, even lying on the street will cost Collecting money is an anecdote for the ages..."

  "I inquired from the town government. After discussion, the gentlemen in the upper mountainous area unanimously concluded that the townspeople in the lower mountainous area are too lazy. If everyone works as hard as before, they will get less money. If you spend some money, your life in the mountains will be better."

  "In short, the problem of the upper mountainous area lies with the lower mountainous area, and the problem of the lower mountainous area lies with the townspeople. As long as the townspeople buy houses, buy medicine, and buy things, the town will get better..." Li Qingxian interrupted: "Wait a minute

  , This thing sounds very strange. On the one hand, you don’t give money to the townspeople, and on the other hand, you have to ask the townspeople who have no money to buy things in the mountains. It doesn’t sound reasonable.” “Nothing in the world is reasonable or unreasonable

  . ." Han Anbo said.

  Li Qingxian frowned and said, "That's not right. People in the upper district should understand that if people in the lower district are forced into a desperate situation and either die or rebel, it is not a good thing for the upper district." "This is what you think, in

  fact The gentlemen in the Upper District have never cared about the life and death of the people in the Lower District. In other words, they are concentrating on the inheritance of their status, power, and wealth, and have no time to care about the life and death of the people in the Lower District. The town is getting more and more chaotic, and the Upper District is becoming more and more chaotic. The more people there have to work hard to accumulate wealth and strive to survive, instead of thinking about what will happen to the upper district if all the people

  in the lower district die." Li Qingxian thought for a while and said: "I think some of them will have foresight."

  Han Anbo said: "The dirty beggar gave an example of this. Let's take the river water in the upper mountainous area and lower mountainous area as an example. Decades ago, the builders of the town established the town, and every town builder had the skills to build the town. Strength, because they have truly experienced everything in building the town. These town builders worked together to dig deep and widen the main river channel, so that everyone from the upper mountain area to the lower mountain area can have water to drink." Li Qingxian nodded


  "Decades have passed, the founders of the town have died, and their descendants continue to stay in Shangshan District. The new masters have not experienced the construction of the town. The water they drank since they were young is brought to their homes from the main river, and every family has a regular basis. Tributaries, they really open their mouths when they have food and stretch out their hands when they have clothes. But this does not mean that they are all drunkards and ricebags. They have learned to dig deep into the river, learned to widen the river, learned to divert water, and learned to deal with all kinds of people. In short, they have learned a lot. In terms of ability, they have learned a lot. In terms of quality, it is far better than the gang of mud-legged people in the lower mountain area who use wooden barrels to collect water from the big reservoir. Of course, there must be some waste." "It doesn't sound

  good, but it is true." Li Qingxian said.

  "At this time, looking from the sky, there is a river in the middle of the town, running through the town from top to bottom. In the upper mountainous area, many tributaries branch out in all directions. In the lower mountainous area, it gathers into a reservoir for townspeople from all directions to draw water." "

  A At first, the new bosses all thought that they could do the same as the town builders, digging the bottom of the river and widening the river channel. But as they dug, they discovered that something was wrong. Why? The few people who didn't dig the main road had more and more tributaries in their homes. Wide. This is wrong, because the law in the town stipulates that this is illegal, but the mayor doesn’t care. Even people who are close to the mayor have tributary rivers in their homes that are wide and deep." "Even the deputy mayor

  . The mayor also called on some new bosses to drive away the mud-legged people and seize the publicly owned tributaries left by the founders of the town." "The

  impact of this incident is very huge. When those new bosses who keep their duties take a look, you not only don't care, but you also If you advocate it, we won't be polite! As a result, more and more gentlemen ignore the main river and only deepen and widen the tributary rivers in their own yards." "They

  dig and dig in the big yard, but the yard is not a town and the space is limited. They can only dig deep and dig, and they become lake diggers. So, the people who dug rivers became people who dug lakes. The people who dug lakes looked at the deep lake water in their yards and were very proud, because their ancestors only had one lake left. With a little bit of water, they accumulated a lake of water. Do you think they will feel inferior to their ancestors? Not only will they feel powerful, they will even feel that they are better than their ancestors. They and their descendants should dig the lake for generations. Who will dig it? Who is a fool when it comes to rivers!" "If those who dig lakes keep digging, they will only be able to dig lakes and not rivers. However, they can control others digging rivers." "At this time, looking from the sky, the master of the mountainous

  area On both sides of the river, there are no longer dense slender tributaries, but patches of deep lakes. There are more lakes in the upper mountainous areas, but the water in the reservoirs in the lower mountainous areas is shallow. When the water is shallow, the townspeople have to go deep into the mud. There, I fetched water with all my strength. Because, there are regulations in the town that people who dig rivers cannot directly collect water, but can only collect water from the reservoir. No matter how good some people are in digging rivers, they will not be able to collect water because they are dug. The Lakers are stuck and cannot build tributaries, so they can only drink reservoir water for the rest of their lives."

  Li Qingxian looked stern and nodded lightly.

  "But in this world, there are always people who have not forgotten to dig rivers. They find that it is wrong, because if this continues, all the people who go up to the mountainous areas will become lake diggers. Who will dig rivers? But the people who dig lakes are all our own people, and they are all on the palms and backs of their hands. Meat, what should I do?"

  "So, the outstanding river diggers called on more people to dig rivers, and said to the people carrying barrels to collect water from the mountains, as long as you dig rivers well, you can also dig out tributaries and introduce them to yourself. Yard."

  "So, people from the lower mountainous areas worked hard to dig rivers. Some people found good terrain and quickly enlarged the river channel as soon as they dug. So, according to the rules, they made a meritorious service and became big river diggers. They can Build a yard at the foot of the mountain area next to Shangshan District, and you can dig tributaries to your home..." "

  The new big river digger originally dug the river happily, but because of his meritorious service, he was invited by the lake digger in Shangshan District to go for a walk in Shangshan District. I discovered that not only can rivers be dug, but lakes can also be dug! The new big river digger has mixed feelings in his heart. I obviously have done a lot of work digging rivers, so why does the water end up in your lake? Who can't dig lakes?" "

  New People who dug rivers began to dig lakes at home one after another. The new people who dug rivers were highly skilled and could dig both rivers and lakes. Their level of river digging and lake digging were higher than those of people who dug lakes. The lakes at home became deeper and deeper. There is more and more water. These big river diggers gradually gave up digging rivers and became new lake diggers." "

  Looking from a high altitude at this time, the lake water in the upper mountainous area is slowly increasing, but the lake water in the foothills area is increasing rapidly. Because of the large number of digging Thanks to the efforts of the river people, the river channel has been widened, so the water in the reservoir in the lower mountainous area has surged to feed more people. Everyone has replaced them with many beautiful buckets to collect water, but they are still people carrying buckets." Li Qingxian nodded


  Han Anbo continued: "Everyone is digging, and the old lake diggers are not happy. They think to themselves, you new lake diggers were just mud-legged people carrying buckets by the reservoir before. It was our old lake diggers who gave you a gift." These mud-legged idiots have a chance, and your lake water will be given to us! So, the old lake diggers went down the mountain in droves, saying that they were qualified to close the tributary channels, and finally forced the new lake diggers to drain their own lake water." "Slowly

  . , the new lake diggers and the new big river diggers accumulated hatred in their hearts, and they no longer thought about digging the river, but began to band together and think about moving the lake water to other towns. Other towns had problems with the lake diggers in our town. hatred, so they colluded secretly."

  "As time has accumulated, the descendants of the old lake diggers have spread out. They are deeply cultivating the technology of lake digging, and every household is working hard to dig lakes. They feel that they are industrious, they feel that they are working hard, and they feel that they are what they are today because of their ability to dig lakes. In addition to digging lakes, Everything outside of ability is zero, and I look down on anyone who can't dig a lake." "The

  new lake diggers are also spreading their branches and digging a large amount of lake water at the foot of the mountain." "

  But the lake diggers feel that digging lake water in this way is too slow, and they I’m too tired, what should I do?”

  “So, the people who dug the lake came up with a clever idea. They asked the bucket men to build a dam around the reservoir, and then opened a water outlet outside the dam, so that the water outlet could flow directly into the bucket. The townspeople You don’t have to run so far, you can pick up water very close, but part of the water you pick up has to be returned to the people who dug the lake.” “Now the townspeople don’t have to

  step on the mud to pick up water like before, they can pick up water directly from the water outlet, which feels very convenient. Convenient. Everyone thinks it’s good in the upper mountain area, at the foot of the mountain, and in the lower mountain area.” “At

  this time, there were more and more lakes in the upper mountain area, and more and more lakes in the foot area, but the reservoirs were blocked by dams, and the townspeople saw You can't see how much water is in it, you can only see the water in your bucket. But if you look from a high altitude, you will find that the river is actually slowly increasing, but in the upper mountainous area and the mountainside area, a large amount of water is intercepted . Less than 10% of the water flows into the reservoir and is blocked by the dam." "

  Because the townspeople are still working hard to dig the river, the river is still widening and the total water volume is still increasing, but the proportion of river water flowing into the reservoir is getting smaller and larger. Come less and less."

  Li Qingxian's face turned watery.

  Han Anbo continued: "In the early days, the townspeople only had one bucket of water every day. Now, the townspeople have twenty buckets of water every day, but the ten buckets of water have to be given to Shangshan District. Everything looks good."

  " As time goes by, unexpected... no, it is a natural situation." "

  There are too many people digging lakes, their level of digging lakes is too high, and they are too diligent in digging lakes. They are not afraid of hardship and tiredness. Too much river water was intercepted in the mountainside area, resulting in a significant reduction in water entering the reservoir."

  "There is less water in the reservoir, and the townspeople receive less water, but the water they can consume has increased. Naturally, they have no motivation to dig the river. Because the townspeople have become a little smarter and found that they worked so hard to dig the river, and eventually the water was gone. If it flows into other people's lakes and there's not much left in your own bucket, what's the point of digging?" "

  The people who dig lakes obviously already have a lot of lake water in their homes, but because there are fewer people digging rivers, the amount of lake water flowing into their homes will also decrease. They are unhappy. Do they think they are wrong?"

  Li Qingxian said: "Of course not. They feel that their level of digging lakes and managing river digging is getting higher and higher, and it must not be theirs. Problem."

  "Yes, so they feel that there must be a problem with the new lake diggers at the foot of the mountain, and there must be a problem with the group of bucket men outside the reservoir. Those bucket men obviously only know how to dig rivers, not lakes, but they can't dig lakes. It is shameless to accept water for free, and we cannot condone them! Only the people who dig the lake deserve to drink water! Let the people with buckets work hard to dig the river, and let them work hard to provide water. At the same time, we should publicize the hard work of the people who dug the lake, such as three generations of a family digging lake water, and the world We have been rich for generations. For example, all the people carrying buckets thought that the lake diggers in the mountainside area were responsible for the shortage of water, and had nothing to do with the lake diggers in the mountainous areas." "So, some townspeople ran away with buckets.


  " Now, this is the situation in Guizhen."

  "How do you think it should be solved?"

  "You said that if there is a problem in Guizhen, is it the person with the greatest benefits and the most power who is responsible, or the townspeople with the smallest benefits and the least power? Responsible?"


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