Chapter 741: Ten days and a hundred months to control the sky star

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  Chapter 741 Ten Days and Hundred Moons

  in Tianxing Tiansui Academy.

  Li Qingxian looked out the window quietly and wrote furiously.

  Outside the classroom, there were black figures all over the floor, their faces vague.

  Suspended over the playground are numerous cities with similar shapes but different details, like small gardens stacked on top of each other, piled up like dark clouds.

  They are all small cities with four strange terrains.

  Wei Village, Wei Town, Wei City and Wei Palace are connected into one.

  Different terrains are established in the four different terrains, including white buildings, melon fields, rivers, residential areas, mountainous areas, ginseng fruit trees, huge children, a large number of toys, and a magnificent forbidden palace...these four mysterious terrains

  . The complexity of the Bureau City far exceeds the mountains and rivers on the 88th floor.

  The shadows outside were noisy.

  "In this Gui Village, the melon fields are very important. They are a supplement to Gui Village, as well as the nearby crop fields. You can only have more, not less. You are too focused on the white building and the residence of the loving goddess, and have neglected other things..." "The Guicheng City

  " There are a lot of weirdness and changes in the city. The strange city is more like a huge trap. Therefore, there should be more traps, killings, eliminations, traps and other potential situations. It is not a good place to be a majestic place." "This city is more like a huge trap

  . The Wei Palace is the core. I believe that we should imitate the famous 'Ten Directions Great Dragon Power' and build ten true dragon power blocks in the ten directions, such as Nine Dragons Wall and Wanlong Mountain. Otherwise, we will not be able to suppress the other three Wei Palaces... ..."

  Li Qingxian was watching and listening, taking notes quickly.

  Different destiny magicians have different specialization directions, different visions, and different concepts. The situation that each master finally builds is also very different.

  Everyone argued for a month and then stopped to make final revisions.

  At this moment, thousands of Shiji cities are floating in the sky.

  The gentleman on the podium waved his pointer, and a column of golden light descended from the sky, covering all the buildings and the playground outside the classroom.

  There was a rumble on the ground, and the entire playground transformed into the shape of heaven, earth, mountains and rivers, forming the famous general situation, mountains and rivers under heaven.

  This world is exactly the same as the mainland of Qi. It is surrounded by the sea, thousands of peaks compete with each other, hundreds of rivers compete with each other, and all things grow.

  The vast momentum rises into the sky, forming an endless stream of light, like a Milky Way waterfall flowing upstream.

  Under the impact of the silver light, many cities in the sky swayed slightly, and only a few remained standing still.

  Mr. Academy waved his pointer again.

  The beam of light shrouded the sky, and thousands of stars fell from high in the sky.

  In the blink of an eye, ten suns spread across the sky, hundreds of moons surround it, and thousands of stars are densely packed.

  In general situation, ten days and one hundred months control the stars.

  Li Qingxian saw this eternally famous general situation for the first time and took a deep breath slowly.

  Although the mountains and rivers of the world are vast and vast, they still take the shape of the world and do not escape the scope of the mountains and rivers of the Eighty-eight Floors. It only takes a few months of serious study to master it.

  But the Ten Days and Hundred Moons Zhentian Star is different, it is the first day game.

  Not only is it known as the first heavenly position of the Tianshi Sect, it is also the key general position of the star chess master's star chess setting technique.

  It's a pity that the Star Chess Master knows how to teach it to others, so he can only go to Tianshi Sect to learn it.

  However, when seeing the general situation, Li Qingxian had a faint doubt.

  This overall situation seems not as grand as imagined, and I always feel that something is missing.

  The general situation feels right, and the momentum is very strong, but I always feel that it can be improved a little bit.

  Afterwards, Li Qingxian shook his head gently. He couldn't be arrogant. This was a masterpiece that the great destiny magicians of all ages had continuously perfected. He couldn't take the destiny magicians lightly after seeing the atmosphere of the upper world, the majesty of the devil, and the power of the gods several times. inside.

  Learn first and then talk.

  The mountains and rivers of the world and the stars in the sky of Ten Suns and Hundred Moons are attacking from above and below, causing many situations to shake even more violently.

  Then Mr. Academy cracked his whip again and again.

  Major situations appeared one after another, and the power of many major situations was connected into one, forming a huge impact. The seventh general situation appeared, and part of the general situation city suddenly made a clicking sound, and the surface cracked.

  Some life magicians shook their heads softly and waved their hands to recall the situation.

  They summed up their experiences one after another.

  "The crack is in the long river, but the source is indeed in the city. My situation is too dense, but I have ignored the characteristics of the qi machine. I recorded it, please remember..." "So that's the case, no wonder I deployed this qi machine

  . At that time, I felt that something was wrong, but I couldn't explain it. Now it is cracking, but it is suddenly blooming. It is prosperous and then in decline, and it is too much to do too much..."

  Failed life magicians have recorded their experiences for all life magicians to learn from.

  The general situation of the eighth building was revealed, the heaven and earth were shrouded in endless divine light, the playground was so bright that it was difficult to open one's eyes, but the great destiny magicians were still human-shaped black shadows.

  One after another, new general situations were broken, and the life magicians took it back and began to summarize and review.

  The ninth block's general situation appeared, and the earth was shaken. Every situation in the sky exploded.

  No one is standing still, and all the suspended cities are shaking gently, some regularly, and some swaying randomly.

  Li Qingxian counted them and found a total of twenty-seven.

  In the world of fortune-telling, any situation city that can withstand the impact of the nine major situations is ranked at the top, and can even establish a sect.

  This is an unprecedented situation in the city. In such a short period of time, twenty-seven masters... Oh, no, several of them made several in one go, and they were all suspended high in the sky at the moment.

  Not only Li Qingxian, but also all the shadow magicians were amazed and praised him.

  A group of top academics praise the god of learning.

  Li Qingxian, a scumbag, could only record, and record with all his strength.

  I really can't understand many places.

  After a loud noise, the tenth block emerged.

  All the divine light between heaven and earth dissipated, and was replaced by tranquility and peace, with beautiful mountains and clear waters, white clouds and blue sky. The entire Tiansui Academy seemed to be in a paradise, a fairyland on earth.

  Li Qingxian's eyes sparkled, the ten major situations were the current limit of the fortune-telling world, and he returned to his original nature.

  According to legend, the ten major trends can even create a short-lived but real world, as if they have created a small world of their own and become the master of the universe.

  The twenty-seven swaying cities not only stopped shaking, but also did not crack. Instead, they exuded a vitality.

  Li Qingxian squinted his eyes and saw that the Qi of the twenty-seven strategic situations was constantly changing and flowing. With the help of the ten major situations, it was slowly improving.

  Seeing this scene, Li Qingxian suddenly woke up.

  The overall situation is never a force of attack and destruction.

  Life magicians never do it to hurt others.

  The ten major situations feed back into the situation of deceit, confirming the true path of the legendary fortune-teller.

  Make up the world with your life, make up the world with your life.

  Fortune-telling, using human life to establish destiny.

  Li Qingxian's ears were ringing, and he was writing furiously, while using his horoscope to record everything that happened in front of him.

  Not long after, the ten major situations flew into the sky and disappeared, and the last twenty-seven situation cities fell.

  All the fortune masters gathered around the twenty-seven situation cities and discussed, studied, analyzed, discussed, and refuted...

  Li Qingxian thought for a moment that when he came to the fortune arts teahouse, everyone was a master of fighting, and everyone argued with reason. A few people even used swear words.

  However, no one cares about emotions, attitudes, dignity, reputation, honor and everything else.

  Everyone is trying their best to create a perfect situation.

   The next chapter has a lot of words and is being revised slowly. It will be released half an hour to an hour later.

  (End of chapter)

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