Chapter 743 Tomb General Doesn’t Eat Fruit

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  Chapter 743 Tomb General Does Not Eat Fruit

  "Everyone knows the answer to this question. However, the reason for the problem is a more grand proposition." "

  Yes." "

  How is the Shenming Sect?" "Zhen Ming Sect?

  " The Yamen didn't say it clearly, but it hinted that it didn't like that there were too many people in the Shenming Sect, so that's fine." "The Shenming Sect couldn't

  recruit everyone in the first place, and the mayor knew the harsh conditions of the Life Cultivator, so he wouldn't suppress it. Where's the night guard? "

  I will always act according to your plan. But..."

  An elusive smile appeared on Han Anbo's face.


  "These days, there are a lot of night guards coming in. Except for a few night guards, most of them have joined our patrol department. Now, the total number of night guards exceeds a thousand, which is more than the townspeople in the lower mountainous area. There are quite a few people in the upper mountainous area. There are complaints, they are eager to let you go to the mountainous area." "

  I didn't expect so many Night Guards to join. The Spider King is really powerful. How about the demons from Hua Mo Mountain and Sand Demon Sect?" "There is

  no news yet, it should be better. Didn't come in."

  Li Qingxian nodded, holding the life chart at the same time, observing the rivers and rat warriors in Gui Town.

  Han Anbo said: "Actually, there is one more thing that gives everyone a headache."

  "What's wrong?"

  "There are many chaotic gangs in Gui Town, the most famous of which are the Shengxian Sect and the Lying Street Sect."

  Li Qingxian nodded. , I remember seeing the Shengxian sect, who kept chanting "Fu is a panacea, Fu can prolong life", believing that having more blessings can lead to ascension. As a result, they entered the mist, and everyone was as steady as an old dog, following the big team.

  "The Lying Street Faction basically doesn't cause trouble, but the Ascending Immortal Faction has gone crazy these days. They are trying to persuade people to get lucky if there are more people, and they will become immortals soon. There are not many people in Fuxing Town to begin with, and they are all dead in the past few days. Dozens of them. Especially the leader of the Shengxian Sect appeared frequently. He was a Taoist cultivator and knew some minor magic, so he fooled many people. A friend of the Night Guard was deceived into the Shengxian Sect and went to rescue him, but was beaten out. . Later, when the Ye Wei brothers helped, there was a conflict between them."

  "How did you deal with it?" Li Qingxian asked.

  "We were planning to gather people and take action immediately," Han Anbo said.

  Li Qingxian said: "Let's go out with me to see how the brothers are doing."

  As soon as Li Qingxian walked out of the door, Yu Ping hurried over and said, "I'm reporting to Lord Sizheng, Mr. Fu is asking for

  an audience." Li Qingxian glanced at Han. Anbo entered the night guard station and met Mr. Fu.

  Mr. Fu smiled and said: "I have met Ye Sizheng. I came here to make peace between the two families. A small dispute is not worth a big fight. I have asked the leader of the Shengxian Cult to admit his mistake, return the Night Guard friends, and pay for the gold bars. One stick. And I promise that from now on, the Shengxian Sect will no longer recruit Night Guards and their relatives and friends."

  Li Qingxian said: "As you know, I, Ye Han, am a straight-tempered person and don't like to use roundabout ways when I speak. I will give Mr. Fu's face, but I want to know the origins of the leader of the Shengxian Cult."

  Mr. Fu laughed dryly and said: "In the past, there are some things I couldn't say, but you are about to enter the mountainous area, so it doesn't matter if you say this. In Fu Town, you dare to do this Da, who do you think is the root cause?"

  Li Qingxian and Han Anbo looked at each other and said, "I understand. Since the other party has taken the initiative to admit his mistake, then we, the Night Guard, have turned their hostility into friendship."

  Mr. Fu smiled and said, "Ye Si is a reasonable person. , I’m very grateful. By the way, you see, it’s time for you to set the date for the mountain banquet.” “

  Can’t you wait any longer?”

  “It would be inappropriate to delay it any longer. After all, a big shot like you doesn’t have Not going up the mountain. Even General Tomb at that time was not as late as you." Mr. Fu said. "Oh? General Tomb seems different from others?"

  Mr. Fu hesitated for a moment and said: "Master Ye, I would like to advise you that you must follow the local customs at all times. There is no chance of victory for the minority against the majority. When you go up to the mountain for the banquet, eat the ginseng fruit as soon as possible and become one of your own. Everything That's good. Otherwise, it would be ridiculous to go against the mayor and the Xue family like General Tomb did, and end up hurting both sides." "

  You mean, General Tomb didn't eat ginseng fruit?"

  "Yes. Everyone knows it. Eating ginseng fruit can prolong your life and improve your cultivation, but General Tomb said in front of many gentlemen in the Upper District that the ginseng fruit did not suit your taste and he would not eat it, which was a violation of the rules. From then on, most of the gentlemen in Upper District stayed away from General Tomb."

  " That's it." Li Qingxian nodded.

  After sending Mr. Fu away, Li Qingxian looked at Han Anbo.

  Han Anbo frowned and said: "The Shengxian Sect has been advocating that the townspeople should die. These days, many people have been harmed. Now the root cause is the mayor, which means that the mayor feels that the number of people who have died recently is not enough. That would be strange."

  "Mr. Fu, there is no need to lie. Could it be that the leader of the Shengxian Cult harmed others? It doesn't seem like it." Li Qingxian said.

  "It's hard to say. There must be something going on here. We have to continue investigating."

  "Do you know this General Tomb?" Li Qingxian looked at Han Anbo.

  Han Anbo hesitated for a moment and said: "There are three tomb generals in the river guarding army, all of whom are top-grade. I have never seen the other two, but this one visited Beijing back then and I have seen him from a distance." "Let me introduce you." "His name is Huang


  . , struggled all the way in the old king's army, but the old king rebelled, so he stayed in the north for a long time and was ignored by the court. Later, the old king's army cut off their military pay, and divided three branches of tomb captains to raise military expenses by digging graves. Huang Tiantao died He is a top-grade general and serves as the leader of a group of tomb captains. I don’t know exactly what he has done. I just heard that he suddenly disappeared a while ago and that the tomb captains everywhere are looking for him." "How is he?


  "The people in the old royal army were quite extreme. They were either treacherous and evil, or they were loyal and courageous. Huang Tiantao was a decent man. He didn't drink, didn't accept money, wasn't greedy for power, and didn't care about his life. He was nicknamed the Four Bu Generals. Therefore, he can serve as the Tomb General and continuously provide wealth to the old royal army. Interestingly, the other Tomb General is the famous Five Poisons General. He is capable of eating, drinking, whoring, gambling and greed. But the magical thing about that man is, He is very good at making money. He regards the income from digging graves as his capital, and he keeps making money. In fact, he earns as much as the other two tomb generals combined." "There are

  strange people in the world." Li Qingxian nodded.

  Han Anbo said: "So, General Tomb must know something if he doesn't eat ginseng fruit." "

  I've asked Gai Fengyou to inquire about it, and I'll probably hear back soon. Go tell your brothers and tell them that the Shengxian sect is soft." Yes."


  Early the next morning, Mr. Fu came to visit again, chatted for a few words and then left.

  The purpose is to determine the time for the mountain banquet.

  Li Qingxian waited for another day before receiving a summons from Gai Fengyou.

  "Master Ye, I really made you guess. There is indeed something fishy about ginseng fruit." "

  Tell me." "

  In order to complete your mission, I deliberately made friends with the wealthy people in the upper district, and I did not hide my purpose. I just wanted to get more ginseng fruits. One At first, the rich families in the district still concealed it, but later they found out that my purpose was really the ginseng fruit, so they stopped covering it up..." "You know

  , they are more cautious in their words, most of them are vague, and only a few words are definite. For example, They say that every time a person dies in Guizhen, there will be one more ginseng fruit on the ginseng tree. They say this is a rule of Guizhen. The specific reason is not sure." (End of Chapter


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