Chapter 104 Wang Laoshi ordered to get watermelon late at night

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  Chapter 104 Wang Laoshi ordered
  some night guards to look over when he was getting watermelon late at night. Those who listened to the book picked up the meat and put it into their mouths, chewed a few mouthfuls and swallowed it.

  The sunshine boy was silent, and when everyone chewed, he could hear that person's voice.

  But no one else responded.

  The listener leaned over in a low voice and said: "The witch said he will live soon, not immediately. There is a way to remedy it, so don't worry too much." The

  sunshine boy nodded.

  After the witch left, the sunshine boy took advantage of the fact that no one was paying attention and placed a piece of meat on the underworld mark on his left arm.

  And silently recited in his heart: "The emperor eats first..."

  After leaving it for a while, nothing changed. The sunshine boy secretly thought that he might be forced to touch the Qiuti melon soon. If he couldn't get rid of this piece of meat quickly, he would have to eat it.

  The sunshine boy's mind changed quickly and he realized that this piece of meat was probably equivalent to Wu Lulu or Santu Mountain, a kind of trick.

  "Watch your destiny and your luck!"

  The sunshine boy was so excited that he simply regarded the meat as a destiny star, used what he learned from the destiny sect, consumed mana, and drove the fortune ruler and destiny scale to deduce.

  After a while, the sunshine boy was a little panicked. Unexpectedly, the piece of meat echoed the fate technique, forming a feeling similar to fate.

  The destiny scale deduces that this is a false destiny star. The five elements belong to gold. There is an empty destiny star, but it actually has no power.

  The measuring ruler deduced that the meat actually contained the luck of death and the tomb, but the specific image could not be seen using the fortune-telling technique.

  Tried mugwort again, no reaction at all.

  "This piece of meat is a very small trick. It does not even directly affect life and death. It cannot be compared with the non-circuit. It can be resolved without powerful life skills. Fire defeats metal. Metal life can naturally be solved with fire, but it is a trick after all. Ordinary fire It can't be solved with my magic power, so I need to use different fire. How can there be..." The

  sunshine boy looked around, and his eyes fell on the four lanterns in front of Wu Niang Niang Temple.

  The four lanterns continued to drip blood, and the red fire inside was more powerful than ordinary candle flames.

  "There must not be ordinary fire there. The main life material is lantern fire, and we also need..."

  Sunshine Boy came up with some auxiliary life materials based on the life magic formula, found listeners and foodies, and whispered: "I want to cast a The fortune-telling technique requires a handful of water plants, burning wood or torches, soil on the wall, and my own hair. Finally..." The

  sunshine boy looked at the butcher's knife in the hand of the witch in white clothes, and asked in a low voice: "These are all It's easy to find, but the butcher's knife is hard to find."

  Unexpectedly, the man listening to the book smiled slightly and said: "When I was investigating in the village today, I paid attention to every place, and I still remember the butcher's house. As for the water plants, the ditch at the head of the village It's there."

  "Awesome." Sunshine Boy gave a thumbs up.

  The three of them summed it up, and the sunshine boy approached the captain and said that he wanted to use life magic to explore the village. The captain hesitated for a moment and agreed.

  The three of them got water plants at the entrance of the village, dug a handful of soil in front of a wall, and finally arrived at the door of the butcher's house.

  The door is locked.

  The foodie looked at the earthen wall that was as tall as one person and said, "I can climb in."

  The sunshine boy shook his head.

  The person listening to the book said, "You can't barge in, it might violate a taboo."

  "We can't borrow a knife from a witch, right?" said the foodie.

  "You can try." Sunshine Boy said.

  The listener was startled and said: "You are so brave. Let's change the direction. Most night guards carry swords. Maybe someone has killed pigs with a sword. Just borrow one." "I actually forgot about this. Let's go back

  . ."

  When the three of them went back and asked, they found out that the captain's knife had been used to kill pigs and they borrowed it.

  The sunshine boy walked to the stone mill in the distance, took off a piece of his own hair, wrapped it in wet water plants, held the spiritual talisman between his fingers, chanted a spell and cast a spell.

  After casting the spell, he shook his right hand, the spiritual talisman burned, and the paper ashes fell on the water plants.

  The water grass burns, melts into grass juice, and wraps the hair like green grass stems.

  Sprinkle another half of the soil under the wall to completely cover the green hair, place the meat pieces on top, and cast again. The green hair emerged from the soil like a small snake, crawled up the piece of meat, and tied the piece of meat with a knot.

  Place the tied piece of meat on the night guard knife that used to kill the pig, and cast the spell three times.

  The long knife screamed softly, and a series of red blood beads condensed on the blade, slowly flowing onto the flesh, dyeing the green hair and flesh red.

  Like freshly fished out of pig blood.

  When the magic power was exhausted, the sunshine boy wanted to guard the mourning platform, and the thunder dragon fire seal swallowed up the magic power and recovered in the blink of an eye.

  The sunshine boy held the piece of red meat in his hand and the soil from the wall in his pocket. Under the puzzled eyes of the night guards, he pulled out a burning stick from the bonfire and came to the entrance of Wu Niang Niang Temple. A lantern for herding cattle Down.

  The night guards stared at Sunshine Boy, and some villagers also stared with bright black eyes.

  The sunshine boy bent down and bowed, and said loudly: "The night guards pay homage to the empress!"

  The villagers' expressions softened, while several night guards pondered these words.

  When you call Ye Wei, don’t say your name. When you visit the Empress, don’t say you’re praying for the Empress’ birth.

  The sunshine boy grabbed a handful of soil from his pocket, secretly used magic power, and slowly sprinkled it around. The fine soil formed a circle, surrounding himself with the lanterns used to graze the cattle.

  Hold the piece of meat in your right hand, hold the burning stick in your left hand, and recite the incantation.

  After the spell was completed, mana poured in, and the flames of the wooden sticks turned into blue with a bang and expanded three times.

  The sunshine boy suddenly acted like crazy, shaking his head and walking around all over the place.

  Suddenly, he raised his right hand violently, and dazzling lightning exploded around him.

  Everyone felt the lightning flashing in front of their eyes, and everything turned white.

  Almost at the same time, the sunshine boy secretly used his magic power to throw the piece of meat into the green flames. With a wave of the stick, the green flame rolled up the piece of meat and flew into the lantern where the cattle were grazing, falling on the candlelight inside.

  At the same time, he used magic power to grab the wormwood on the lantern. He couldn't sense the power of fate, put it into his clothes, and put it together with another piece of wormwood.

  The lightning dissipated, flames erupted from the mouth of the cattle lantern, and the smell of burnt meat spread everywhere.

  The sunshine boy threw down the burning stick, bowed again, and said loudly: "The worship is over, the night guard takes leave." The

  sunshine boy walked back to the night guard team with a smile on his face.

  Along the way, the villagers looked at him in confusion, and even the witch and Wang Laoshi had doubts in their eyes.

  The school captain asked: "What are you doing?"

  The sunshine boy glanced at the lucky boy and said: "Isn't it because of him? He said the wrong thing, and the witch came for him. I can only cast a spell."

  " You're talking nonsense." Good Luck said.

  The captain said: "You two should not blame each other. The most important thing now is the meat."

  "Deceitful." The sunshine boy said without hesitation.

  Everyone was silent. Although they had already guessed it, they still didn't want to accept the reality.

  "Every night guard master..." Wang Laoshi walked over and said with a smile on his face, "Our grand ceremony for praying for the birth of the Queen is over. Now we need to go to the west of the village to get a big watermelon from Mr. Gua. We are all ordinary people. At night We dare not leave the village for fear of encountering monsters. The gentlemen of the Night Guards are capable of cultivating themselves, so they must be willing to fetch a big watermelon for us." "Do we have to go?" asked the


  "If you don't go, the mistress will have to go. The mistress is raising the fetus, so she can't move around." Wang Laoshi said with a smile.

  "Let us discuss it," the captain said.

  "A quarter of an hour." Wang Chengcheng turned and left.

  "What do you think? Those of you who listen to the book should tell me first." said the captain.

  The listener said slowly: "The mistress is obviously an important person. This time, we have to go even if we go, and we have to go even if we don't."

  (End of Chapter)

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