Chapter 103 The old witch gives crispy pork belly

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  Chapter 103 The old witch presented crispy pork belly.

  The sunshine boy recognized the witch in the variegated robe. She was the old woman in blue who distributed mugwort to everyone.

  Next to the bonfire, two muscular men were bare-chested, wearing red trousers, and red cloth scarves tied on their upper arms. They walked up to a red-rimmed cowhide drum that was as tall as a person, swung their drumsticks, and beat the big drum.

  Boom... boom...

  Under the light of the sky-high flames, hundreds of villagers gathered around the headless roasted whole pig, holding hands, bending and arching their backs, forming a human ring with three layers inside and three outside, rotating counterclockwise.

  The crowd was like a big round mouth that was constantly rotating, biting the table and roasting the whole pig.

  The witch wearing a hundred-neck robe holds a wooden stick wrapped in white cloth in her right hand, with a series of bone bells tied around her waist, and her face is painted with red, blue and white stripes.

  She raised her hands high, her pupils reflected the firelight, and shouted loudly: "I wish you may be blessed with peace and happiness every year!" "

  I wish you may be blessed with peace and happiness every year!" The villagers shouted loudly as they moved.

  Boom, boom, boom!
  "May the Queen perform miracles and bless the mistress with children." The witch continued to scream.

  "I pray that the Queen will perform a miracle and bless the mistress with children." Everyone shouted at the top of their lungs.

  Boom, boom, boom!
  "All living beings will worship your mother for all generations, and the blood of every family will always be prosperous." The witch said loudly.

  "All living beings will worship your mother for all generations, and the blood of every family will always be prosperous." Everyone shook their heads, their eyes turned white, and they screamed and roared, showing their fierce look.

  Boom, boom, boom!
  "The mistress hung up the blood lantern, the slaves carried the big white pig, praying for birth, and the queen sown human seeds, and the fields were filled with new babies..." The witch also started to twist her head and body crazily as if she was crazy.

  Drums, bells, screams, roars, the sound of burning wood, countless sounds intertwined together, as if adding a thicker layer of black to the night.

  The night guards looked at the crazy crowd with panicked eyes.

  After seeing the Blood Lotus Mark, the Sunshine Boy became more awake and secretly watched the villagers for their fate. Everyone was shrouded in gray mist and could not complete the task.

  I don’t know how many lucky fish it takes to see through it. There are only thirteen lucky fish left, and they should be reserved for critical moments.

  After a long time, the four people who entered the Empress Temple came out.

  "The Queen is blessed!" The four people raised their hands in the air and shouted in unison!
  The witch and the villagers stopped, looked at the Wu Niang Niang Temple together, and shouted in unison, "Pray for the birth of the empress, receive the gift!"

  The villagers walked to the edge of the square one after another, each holding a small wicker dustpan more than half a foot long, and the top of the small dustpan Full of yellow rice, sorghum, peanuts, potatoes, corn and other grains.

  They lined up neatly and walked to the entrance of Wu Niang Niang Temple. First, they knelt down and kowtowed three times. Then they stood up, picked up a small dustpan, and shouted loudly: "Send your heart to Queen Qi Sheng!" After shouting, they took the dustpan from the door

  . Food spilled into the yard.

  Everyone finished spilling the food and returned to the table again.

  The two drummers replaced their drumsticks with butcher knives and chopped the whole roasted pig into small pieces. The crunch of crispy skin filled the audience, and the rich aroma of pork filled the sky.

  The witch selects pieces of meat and gives them to the villagers.

  The villagers took the pork, put it in their mouths, chewed it slowly, and did not swallow it for a long time.

  Many villagers smiled naively, letting the oil from the corners of their mouths drip down their chins.

  Not long after, Wang Laoshi came over holding a plate.

  Nineteen pieces of crispy pork belly of the same size were placed on it. They were square and square. The skin was browned, the fat meat was white, the lean meat was light pink, and the meat was fragrant.

  "Masters of the night guard, this is what the whole village asked for. As a reward from the Fifth Lady, you will have to eat a piece of it when you enter the village." Wang said honestly, handed the plate to the captain, turned around and left.

  The school captain asked: "Should I eat it?"

  Everyone looked at the sunshine boy.

  The sunshine boy thought for a while and said: "I have a way to be sure. That is to first watch a person's fate and breath, then wait for that person to eat it, and then watch the person's fate and breath again. Through the changes before and after eating this thing, maybe It can be deduced whether this food should be eaten. I think, let the lucky man try it. He has a strong destiny and good luck. Even if something happens, he can still bear it." The lucky man retorted: "Since

  I If you have a strong destiny, you should use it at critical times. For such a trivial matter as tasting meat, someone else should do it." The

  sunshine boy sighed and said: "Since the lucky man is not willing to taste meat, who is willing to taste meat on his behalf?"

  Everyone's eyes dodge.

  "There is no way to continue like this. The lucky boy said he would listen to my command, but at the critical moment, he did not obey my command. Captain, what do you think we should do?" asked the sunshine boy. The captain sighed and said, "Let's see if there is any other way."

  "Dingling bell..."

  A witch in a hundred-neck robe slowly walked over, holding a butcher's knife more than a foot long in her left hand. He holds a white cloth wooden stick in his right hand, and the bone bell on his waist keeps ringing softly.

  The butcher knife slowly dripped dark black liquid.

  "Master Ye Wei, why don't you eat? Only after eating can you have strength." The witch raised her head and looked at everyone with a smile.

  Everyone looked sternly, and saw that the eyes of this old woman, who had been normal during the day, turned black, as if black oil was flowing in her eye sockets.

  The captain said bravely: "We ate a lot at noon, and we are not hungry now." "If you

  are not hungry now, you will be hungry soon. Empress Qisheng has made an oracle, asking you to go to Master Gua to pick up melons in autumn. If you can't eat them, How can I get the melon when I'm full?" The witch's dark eyes scanned the crowd.

  Everyone looked at each other and stayed where they were, not knowing what to do.

  The witch walked up to the lucky man with a butcher's knife and said with a smile: "Your name is Lucky Man?" "

  Yes." The lucky man looked down at the little old lady who was not even taller than his shoulders, and his legs became weak. , scalp numbness.

  "If you want to get melons, you must eat meat. If you don't eat meat, the melons will not taste good." The old man smiled kindly and spoke softly, just like the instructions of the old man at home.

  The lucky student shuddered.

  Everyone's back is cold.

  The witch put down the white cloth and wooden stick, picked up a piece of crispy pork belly from the captain's hand, and handed it to the lucky student.

  The lucky man looked at the piece of meat and said nothing.

  "Eat it." The captain sighed.

  The lucky boy sighed, turned to look at the sunshine boy, took the meat and stuffed it into his mouth, and took a bite. The translucent fat overflowed from the corner of his mouth and flowed down his chin, and the aroma was overflowing.

  But the sunshine boy's expression changed and he stared at the lucky boy's mouth.

  "It hurts... it hurts..."

  A painful moan came out of the lucky student's mouth, as if there was a little person inside swinging his arms and kicking his legs.

  The lucky man chewed it randomly a few times and swallowed it hard.

  Sunshine Boy's stomach churned.

  The witch took another piece and handed it to the captain.

  "That's all..."

  the captain sighed, took the meat, put it in his mouth, chewed it and swallowed it.

  The sunshine boy once again heard someone shouting, "It hurts... it hurts..."

  The foodie swallowed and looked at the reader.

  Listening to the book nodded helplessly.

  Without going through the witch's hand, the foodie reached for a piece of pork belly on the plate and put it in his mouth. He only chewed a few mouthfuls, then his face changed slightly, as if he didn't like it, so he swallowed it forcefully, then turned his head and retched lightly.

  The sunshine boy thought for a while, and like a foodie, he reached for a piece of meat and brought it to his mouth.

  At the last moment, pretend to put it in your mouth, chew it with empty mouth, and put the meat into your right sleeve.

  The witch glanced at the sunshine boy and said with a smile: "If you don't eat meat, the melons won't taste good. If you don't eat meat, you won't live long." The

  sunshine boy's heart skipped a beat.

  (End of chapter)

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