Chapter 105: Night of the Night

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  Chapter 105 The Night Guards enter the melon field under the moonlight.
  "Master of Life, can you solve this mystery?" the school captain said.

  Sunshine Boy said: "I carefully recalled the whole process. We only got tricked twice. One was before and after entering the village, and the other was roast pork. This time we were asked to go. It was not a trick in itself, but it's hard to say. Who did we go? Have you ever heard of Mr. Gua?"

  Everyone shook their heads.

  "You are a life magician. Is there nothing you can do?" Lucky Man asked.

  "Yes. You gave me your birth date and agreed with me to watch your fate. Then I used the life-stimulating technique to enhance your destiny in the next few days, enough to fight against strange things. But you have been secretive and unwilling to help. , whether we survive or not. Two people have already left, but you are indifferent. How many people must leave before you are willing to use your powerful destiny to help us?" asked the sunshine boy.

  The night guards stared at the lucky boy.

  The lucky man said hurriedly: "I am willing to help everyone, but how do I know whether what you say is true or false?" "I have

  solved the mystery before."

  "I don't believe it."

  A young night guard said: "I bear witness, Sunshine Boy He has solved tricks. You know that my second brother is an eighth-grade martial arts cultivator and serves in the Western Courtyard of the Prison Division. The day before the demon hunt, he came to my house to say goodbye to me and said that Sunshine Boy had solved tricks and asked me to ask him if I have anything to do. Before Something happened in the west courtyard of the prison in the past few days, but no one knows what it was. My second brother didn’t go into details, but I estimate that the trick was solved by Sunshine Boy.” Sunshine Boy said: “There were three tricks that day, and

  I I solved two problems."

  The sunshine boy said and glanced at the man, remembering that his name was blacksmith and his father was a blacksmith.

  A middle-aged David said: "The blacksmith has been in the Monster Hunting Division. We have known each other for many years. He has never been to the Shendu Division and has no contact with the Sunshine Boy. It should be true." "Good Luck Boy, what do you say?" Listening to the

  book asked.

  The lucky man lowered his head and said nothing.

  The sunshine boy sighed: "It's human nature to be afraid of good luck. I can't force him to do anything, but I hope everyone understands that I tried my best. I am only a tenth-level life magician. No matter how strong I am, I can't force him to do anything." How strong is it? I really envy the fate of lucky people. To put it bluntly, even if I want to harm lucky people now, it will be like a lion biting a tortoise. I have no way to bite, and I am even afraid of having my teeth broken. Think about it, If you were me, a low-level fortune-teller, and met a person with a better destiny than good luck, would you harm him?" "

  Of course not. Fortune-tellers always flatter the superior and disdain the inferior. I have never heard of any fortune-teller. Magicians specialize in dealing with those with strong fortunes." Tingshu said.

  The night guards nodded.

  The blacksmith said: "No wonder Lucky Boy has made things difficult for you several times, but you don't dare to say harsh words. It turns out that you are afraid of his fate." The sunshine boy looked embarrassed, sighed, and

  lowered his head, as if he didn't want to be People see their own weaknesses.

  The lucky boy glanced at the sunshine boy and his expression softened.

  The captain nodded and said: "It is true that fortune-telling masters are respectful when they meet those with good fortune. I have never heard of any fortune-teller who specifically provokes those with good fortune. Good luck student, I heard that you are in Hou The house is not going well and he has been harmed miserably, so he is always afraid of being harmed. But Sunshine Boy is only a tenth-level life magician. Even if he wants to harm you, he will not be able to harm you, and he may even be self-defeating and harm himself. "

  "There are quite a few life magicians who have suffered fate backlash."

  Many night guards nodded in agreement.

  The lucky man's chest gradually puffed up, and his face became more and more beautiful, even slightly rosy.

  "Let me think about it again." Lucky said confidently.

  He glanced at the sunshine boy while listening to the book, and a smile flashed at the corner of his mouth.

  While everyone was chatting, Wang Laoshi came over. He changed into a variegated white robe, put his hands in his sleeves, and said with a smile: "Masters, it's time to hit the road." A cold wind blew directly on the backs of

  everyone's necks.

  The school captain forced his face and said with a smile: "Okay, please lead the way, old man."

  Wang Lao walked in front, and everyone followed, and came to the entrance to the west of the village.

  There is a ditch surrounding the entrance of the village. Under the moonlight, the ditch looks like a white silk wrapped in black cloth.

  Wang Laoshi pointed to a house in a field in the distance, the dim light illuminating the papered windows.

  The house was much larger than ordinary houses. It was only one floor but two stories high, and the doors and windows were also larger.

  "That's the melon field of Mr. Melon. You go to Mr. Melon and ask for a big watermelon. If you come back and give it to the mistress, you will definitely be rewarded."

  Everyone's eyes moved.

  "What's the reward?" the captain asked.

  Wang honestly smiled and said: "How could we know that the mistress has made her own decision." "Okay, let's go."

  The school captain took the lead and stepped across the stone bridge over the ditch. A total of nineteen night guards walked on the path in the field. .

  The field near the ditch is a green wheat field, low and sparse. The night wind blows, stirring the green and black wheat waves.

  After walking through the wheat fields, we came to the melon fields.

  Everyone stopped by the melon field and frowned.

  The melon vines are spreading, the leaves are stacked on top of each other, and bright yellow watermelon flowers are everywhere. Some small green watermelons that have just begun to bear fruit are scattered on the ground. The largest one is no more than the size of a fist.

  "Look again."

  The group of people walked along the road outside the melon patch until the end, but no ripe watermelons were seen.

  "Everyone, tell me what to do?" the captain asked.

  Everyone looked at the melon field and the wooden house with lights on in the middle of the melon field, without saying a word.

  The school captain looked at the sky and said: "We must take the watermelon back before dawn! If we can't take it back, we will probably stay here forever." The

  listener frowned and said: "There must be some way to make the melon grow, or , there are ripe watermelons in the melon shed."

  "Sunshine boy, Lucky Boy, you two think about what to do."

  Lucky Boy shook his head.

  When the sunshine boy saw the dragon looking angry, he glanced at the melon field, but couldn't feel any strange aura, and then looked at the melon shed.


  "There's something weird about that melon shed." Sunshine Boy said.

  "There must be something weird, but we have no choice but to ask Mr. Gua. Who is going?"

  The team was silent.

  The captain sighed, looked at the melon shed, and shouted loudly: "Is this Mr. Gua in the house?"

  No one responded.

  "Is there Mr. Gua in the room?" the captain shouted again.

  A sudden night wind made everyone feel cold all over.

  "You can't shout anymore." The listener whispered.

  The captain said helplessly: "We can only go to the melon shed. Let's find a ridge and walk across it. The ridges in the watermelon field are not obvious. Be careful not to step on the watermelons." The captain's true energy condensed his eyes

  , He found a relatively spacious road in the melon field and said, "Follow me!"

  Nineteen people formed a line, entered the melon field, and walked slowly inward.

  The sunshine boy was careful.

  The lucky man turned his head and glanced at the climber who was following him, and then glanced at the sunshine boy, thinking about something while walking.


  with a muffled sound, everyone stopped and looked at the lucky man.

  The lucky student turned pale and slowly raised his right foot. The small watermelon was rotten into a puddle, with green skin and white flesh mixed together.

  "You..." The captain blushed angrily.

  The rest of the night guards looked at the lucky man with strange eyes, thinking of the lanterns used to herd cattle and the roasted whole pigs put in water.

  (End of chapter)

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