Chapter 967 Capone Library

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  Chapter 967 Capone’s Library

  is compared to the [Twelve Witches] or Capone’s municipal hospital.

  Of course, a building like the city library would not be open at night.

  What's more, Ronald is not a big thief, and he doesn't intend to steal in a place like a library where books can be borrowed.

  So even if you accept Swift's suggestion.

  Ronald still took Il and Costat and returned to the cabin to rest.

  It wasn't until sunrise the next day that the three of them got up and finished today's breakfast on the steamer. Then I packed my bags and rushed to the library that Swift mentioned last night.

  As a port city.

  The residents of Capone started their busy work today long before sunrise. So when the three Ronalds walked on the streets in the morning, what appeared in their field of vision was the extremely busy impression of this city.

  Vehicles driving horse-drawn carriages to transport goods, vendors shouting business at intersections in the morning, and the noisy work coming from large and small docks, these things can always be heard or seen on the road.

  We walked all the way into the city like this for nearly half an hour.

  When the busy scene of the city began to subside, the three Ronalds finally saw their destination for today's trip at one end of the street - the city library.

  This is an old building.

  The vicissitudes of history and the old smell can be smelled by sight without even walking in. You can just look around from the outside.

  The arc-shaped fence firmly protects a two-story building in the middle. The wall itself can still see the incongruity caused by the different colors of different bricks after many repairs.


  Staring at the library in front of him.

  El, who had just arrived here, immediately made his own declaration about this place:

  "Boss, is this my first time in the library?"

  Ronald turned to El and smiled:
  "This is your first time. I came to the library just for myself. This is definitely a good experience."

  El was very interested in Ronald's statement:

  "Boss, what do you mean? This is your first time going to the library. , or is it because of other purposes?"


  El's question brought back Ronald's memories of the past.

  Recalling the reason why he first stepped into the library when he was young, Ronald couldn't help but smile:
  "Ha, that's quite interesting."

  "The first time I walked into the library was because I was in the library. I occasionally saw advertisements for the city library on the street. At that time, it only cost 90 yuan to apply for a library card for free borrowing for one year..." At this point, Ronald suddenly realized the difference between the currencies of the two worlds, so he immediately He changed his mind and said, "Anyway, it's the price of a night's stay in a not-too-expensive hotel." "

  Anyway, I felt like I was taking advantage, so I walked into the library and applied for a library card." "

  Then what?" El was a little curious and continued to ask.

  "Then I realized the beauty of books, and I could never escape from it."

  After answering El with a smile, Ronald immediately stepped forward and took the lead into Capone's city library.

  The library in front of them.

  At about eight or nine o'clock in the morning, the door is opened and people are welcome to come in and read.

  It is a pity that it is limited to the issue of per capita education.

  Capone is a city with a low literacy rate among its residents.

  So when Ronald and the others walked in, except for two well-dressed men nearby, they could not find anyone else who came to the library to read books.

  The internal structure of the library is similar to the circular exterior wall. Standing in the front hall where borrowers are greeted, Ronald's gaze passes through the central reading area and he can directly see the huge unobstructed stacks of books at the back.

  Countless curved bookshelves surround the circular walls and fill every corner of the interior building. Except for a few empty bookshelves on the first floor, almost every inch of space as far as the eye can see is completely filled with books.

  Long history, good management.

  The combination of the two resulted in the library in front of them.

  For Ronald, this is definitely a surprise.

  He had never expected that in Capone, a port city that was not too inconspicuous, he would encounter such a rich library.

  It's a pity to think that the fleet will leave in two days.

  Ronald's mood became a little depressed.

  I'm afraid he won't have much chance to read here.

  If I really want to enjoy the huge stock of books here, I'm afraid I can only deal with this regret by finding a free time in the future and coming here specifically.


  "Sir, Miss, are you looking for any books?"

  Just as the three of them were looking at the library, they were shocked by the amount of books here.

  The old man in charge of looking after the library in the front hall also came over at this moment.

  He looked at the three young men and women in front of him.

  I searched my memory, but I didn't remember that there were three literate people in the city of Capone. As someone who has been responsible for library management for many years, he knows almost all the cultural people in the city!
  But even if you don’t know Ronald and the others.

  The old man's attitude is still quite friendly.

  Because just by looking at Ronald's appearance and clothes, you can tell that these three people are definitely not ordinary people, not to mention that they are people who have a need for books.

  "If there are books you need, you can tell me directly."

  "I basically remember where they are stored in the collection in the library."

  Someone came up to offer help, and Ronald naturally smiled back:

  "Sir, that's it. "

  We are here to find some historical books that are older, the best of which record information about diseases and plague epidemics." "A long time ago

  ...diseases...plague epidemics..."

  Hearing from Rona Moral needs.

  The elderly librarian frowned in thought.

  Since the scope of this request was relatively special, he quickly asked Ronald for specific details again:
  "Capone's doctors are very good at dealing with diseases, so the city basically has not encountered any plague problems. Sir, you How old are the books you want?"

  Ronald recalled the information provided by the hospital director before and immediately replied:
  "As far as I know - it should be before the establishment of the country of Aireni."

  "So long ago?" The old man was a little surprised by Ronald's demand, but when the conditions were so detailed, he immediately determined the scope of the books. "Before the establishment of Aireni, there were not even yearbooks and history books at that time. There were no periodicals published."

  "If you want to understand that period, you can only get a glimpse of the real history through some ancient travel notes and adventure notes." After finishing speaking, the old librarian pointed his finger

  at He pointed to the upper floor of the library:
  "The book you want is on the sixteenth bookshelf on the upper floor." "

  When you study here, just stay quiet and don't damage the books. But if you plan to borrow them, please come to the front desk. Register with me here."

  (End of chapter)

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