Chapter 966 Determine the clues

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  Chapter 966 Determining the Clues

  "Is this lady infected without being aware of it?"

  In the office on the second floor of the hospital.

  After listening to Ronald's account of Er's situation, Zephiel, the leader of the [Haisitong] School, was thinking seriously about the problem.

  He was well aware of the capabilities of the three distinguished guests in front of him.

  He also knew that he could never make these three guys angry.

  So when faced with the other party's inquiry, Zephyr thought carefully for more than a minute and confirmed that there were no omissions in the information he knew. Then he answered in a respectful tone: "Mr. Ronald

  , As far as I know, there have been absolutely no similar products near Capone in recent years. Even the disease samples retained by our school would never be able to infect Miss Ile in this way." Zephyr first expressed his concern about this matter

  . judgment of things.

  But when he saw Ronald's slightly frowned brow, regardless of whether Ronald was really angry with him or not, the guy hurriedly changed his words and added:
  "But in my memory, this area should have appeared a long time ago. We have experienced similar situations."

  "It's just because the history is too long. At that time, even the country [Ereni] had not yet been established, so the materials of our school only mentioned it briefly when listing various spreading disasters. Just a mouthful."

  Zephiel was a little nervous about the information he could provide.

  Because the content he knows is really limited.

  But for Ronald, this is already a breakthrough from scratch, and it is absolutely of great significance!
  So he immediately asked the hospital director in front of him:
  "Mr. Zephyr, can you tell me in detail the information you know?"

  Faced with Ronald's proactive questioning, Zephyr naturally immediately told what he knew. Information:

  "Probably at the end of the Dark Ages. Currently, an infectious disease of unknown origin is prevalent in the area near the territory of [Ereni]. The main characteristics of the patients are similar to what Miss Elle just said."

  " It’s just that the disease epidemic came and went quickly, and there were no traces left on the bodies of the casualties. Therefore, within our school, we did not record the incident in more detail." "

  ... ”

  —The Dark Ages have just ended.

  With such a condition slapped on his face, Ronald immediately had an idea.

  The epidemic time of the infectious disease mentioned by Zephiel happened to be the time when the wizards of Barrier Mountain were sealed into the [Infinite Negative Realm], and the world had just ended a great war.

  From the records in many documents, Ronald determined that it was an environment in which the power of magic was far superior to that of the current era.

  Looking back at the current environment where IL has problems.

  It also happens to be an environment in which the number of spellcasters in this world is increasing rapidly, and the power of spells is steadily and gradually increasing.

  This infection is of unknown origin.

  Perhaps there is a mysterious side issue that is very closely related to this condition!


  "Mr. Ronald, this is all I know."

  Ronald lowered his head and thought about the meaning of this matter, while the hospital director in front of him carefully continued to speak at this moment:
  "Excuse me ——Do you have anything else to ask?"

  "Ah, no more!" Ronald immediately shook his head when Zephiel woke him up from his thoughts.

  At this point in the conversation, he was satisfied with the information he had learned.

  So he called up Il and Costat who were standing next to him, and Ronald immediately said goodbye to the hospital director in front of him:
  "Mr. Zephyr, I'm sorry to bother you so late."

  "Grader's fleet You will stay in the port for a total of three days. In the next two days, if you have anything to do, you can send someone to find me on the ship. I will not refuse within my ability!" "You are too

  polite!" Ronald heard Zephyr immediately showed a flattered expression, "It's just a trivial matter to ask about this kind of thing. It's obviously an honor for me that you are willing to take the initiative to ask me." Ronald is already somewhat used to this person

  [ The attitude of the person in charge of Haisitong School, so after calmly accepting such an action, he quickly said to the other party at the end: "It's getting late, so

  we won't continue to disturb you here."

  "Please walk slowly. ——"


  "Huh... I'm finally gone."

  Standing in the office on the second floor of the hospital, Zephiel didn't sigh in relief until a long time after Ronald and the other three left.

  Although there was nothing wrong with his expression on the surface.

  But in the short time of this conversation, his inner guard had reached its extreme.

  Dealing with such an extremely powerful original code holder is like walking on thin ice, and you have to pay attention to your every word and action at all times.


  On the other side, Ronald and the other three have returned to the port under the cover of night.

  For the city of Capone, the three steamships of Greed are definitely the highest priority guests.

  So even late at night.

  There are also a sufficient number of staff, busy back and forth here, providing various kinds of help for the repair of the three ships.

  At this time, the advantages of the caster are revealed again.

  A behemoth like a steamship must be sent to a specialized shipyard for repairs. But now that there are various spells from the caster to solve the problem, this original necessary condition has been solved.

  Even if it is just floating on the pier, as long as the corresponding materials are transported, the practitioners responsible for repairs can repair the ship in their own way.

  For example, the traces left during previous battles at sea.

  Only with this kind of efficient repair can it be repaired in just three days.


  "Ronald, you're back too!"

  Watching the scene at the dock, the three of them returned to the ship smoothly.

  However, before they could cross the deck of the ship, a somewhat surprising voice reached their ears.

  Look in the direction the other person is coming from.

  Ronald looked happy.

  The person who stopped the three of them turned out to be his good friend he met in Burrenwich, the great detective Swift!
  This detective came from the Burrenwich fleet. It was night at the moment, and he seemed to be blowing the wind on the deck, so he discovered the three Ronalds returning to the ship.

  Swift shouted and came forward:
  "You came back so late, did you encounter something on the shore?"

  For this old friend who had acted together, Ronald did not hide his actions too much.

  So he pointed at El who was still looking depressed behind him:
  "There is something wrong with this guy."

  "El was infected for no apparent reason just now, so I took her to the hospital to consult about the situation. According to the hospital director, This infection seems to be a very ancient thing, and their school of thought doesn't even have detailed records." "

  Oh?" Swift's expression changed after hearing Ronald's answer.

  "If that's the case, I have a recommended place to go on this issue." As he spoke, Swift showed a mysterious smile on his face, "Today during the day, I was walking around the city and found Capone's books. There are some quite precious information books in the library."

  "If it is really a very ancient event, you might be able to find something there."

  (End of this chapter)

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