Chapter 968: There is a dark future and a bright future

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  Chapter 968
  Farewell to the elderly librarian in the front hall.

  Following the other party's guidance, Ronald and the other three arrived at the second floor of the library.

  When you come to the huge library, the first thing that catches your eye is the bookshelves here - the numbering method of the bookshelves is quite local.

  There is a piece of paper taped to the top of every bookshelf in Capone's library.

  There are clearly identifiable horizontal and vertical lines and circles drawn on it.

  One vertical line represents number one, and two vertical lines represent number two; until number five, a horizontal line will be used to replace the number five; similarly, when the horizontal line reaches five, It will be replaced by a circle to perform this fairly standard quinary numbering accumulation.

  Although this system may be a little more inconvenient than the decimal system.

  But after the whole floor of the library is divided into four areas according to the four directions of southeast, northwest, this is enough to meet the need for division numbering.

  Next follow the librarian’s reminder.

  The three Ronalds circled around and quickly confirmed that the area mentioned by the other party was the sixteenth one on the eastern bookshelf. There were two horizontal and one vertical patterns drawn on the piece of paper attached to the top.

  The three men immediately began searching the bookshelves for books that might record history.

  During this process.

  El had strange feelings about the discovery in front of him:
  "Boss, the words in these books are exactly the same as those in Greed?" "

  But I remember that according to what you said when you taught Phil before, different regions Shouldn’t the culture, history, and writing and language of the two countries be very different?” “

  Because this place is still within the radiation circle of the main cultures of the Latojoa continent.” The question that Il was curious about, Ronald I happened to do research in Springs, so I immediately gave the absolutely correct answer, "And as early as the Dark Ages, the magicians who had no taboos at that time integrated the cultures of their respective regions, so this world There are only three or four most commonly used languages ​​in the world."

  Tell the truth directly.

  Ronald did not forget to add a few words to satisfy some of El's imagination:
  "Of course, if you insist on looking for some unique languages, then you can continue to the south, and you can encounter them on some small lands isolated by the ocean. To some completely different cultural systems."

  Listening to Ronald's serious and careful explanation, El also nodded thoughtfully:

  "So that's it..."


  What followed was an orderly process. Look for work.

  The collection of books in the Capone Library is indeed very large and comprehensive. Ronald and the three of them simply searched on the bookshelves in front of them and found several travel notes that were very old and exceeded the founding period of the Aireni.

  In the end, the three of them each selected a few books, then stood or sat in front of the bookshelf and began to look through the books for possible clues.

  In this way, the time went from morning to noon.

  After the three Ronalds carefully searched, most of the books on the bookshelf that may contain this thing have been confirmed by them.

  However, the result was the same as what the hospital director said.

  Indeed, someone mentioned in a few words that strange plague that came and went away quickly.

  But we need written records that detail the situation at that time.

  But I really can’t find any extra gains.


  "Boss, why don't we forget it?"

  Faced with this situation, it was El who was the first to give up.

  "I feel like we can't gain much here, so why not go out for lunch now! I see some of the food sold on the streets here, which is quite interesting!" After hearing El's complaint,

  Rona De replied with an almost grim face:
  "El, we are here to look for information for your safety!"

  "I know." Seeing Ronald's face darken, El quickly put down the book in his hand, She was sitting on the ground and jumped forward, immediately hugged Ronald's thigh and started acting coquettishly, "Just searching like this, it feels like there is really no hope." "

  Besides, don't you see that I am doing well now? ?"

  "Anyway, it's over, so let's forget about it!"

  Snap -

  Ronald slapped El on the head.

  "El, please be quiet. This is the library, no noise is allowed!"



  Just when Ronald was teaching El.

  The first middle-aged man downstairs who had been reading a moment ago came up after hearing the sound.

  He looked at the somewhat noisy Il and Ronald, who was criticizing and educating him. After carefully identifying the faces of these people, his expression changed and he immediately stepped forward: "Excuse me -

  yes Mr. Ronald?"

  "Ah? I am!"

  Ronald responded immediately.

  At the same time, his eyes glanced at the man in front of him who asked the question.

  He was sure that this was a well-dressed and wealthy man, and that he also had some vaguely good magic power fluctuations in his body.

  It would be no problem for a spell caster to appear in the library.

  Ronald thought about the other party's identity.

  The man's expression became quite respectful because Ronald admitted his identity:
  "It turns out it's really you!"

  "Yesterday, the elders in the school said that important people came to the port, and they also circulated your photos to us. I just never expected that I would be lucky enough to see your heroic appearance today!"

  Ronald waved his hand quickly:
  "You're welcome."

  "I got off the boat and saw the city of Capone. There are many great people in it. I was also impressed by what he did."


  The two of them exchanged some polite words back and forth, and then the man named Ayer took the initiative to ask:
  "By the way, Mr. Ronald."

  "Let me see how you are doing. I'm looking for books here, but I don't seem to be getting any results."

  "To be honest, I am a frequent visitor to the library. Maybe I can be lucky enough to provide some help in this matter?"

  A person who often comes to the library to borrow books The caster?
  Such help was simply good news from heaven, and Ronald asked for help without hesitation:
  "That's it, we are looking for records of an infectious disease that spread in nearby areas after the Dark Ages and before the establishment of the Aireni country. But in the literature we looked for, most of them only mentioned the infectious disease that came and went away quickly, and there were no detailed records."

  While talking about his troubles, Ronald picked up a travel journal he had just found next to him, and immediately opened a relevant record and showed it:

  "Look, this is it -"

  "Let me see... "

  The middle-aged spellcaster took the book and read the short text in one glance.

  "This is indeed something with very few records, and I have never seen it..." He

  opened his mouth to confirm that what Ronald said was true.

  Then Iyer lowered his head and thought for a few seconds, and immediately gave Ronald a surprise:

  "But Mr. Ronald, I think there is an elder in the library who should be able to give you some help in this regard!"

  (End of Chapter) )

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