Chapter 70 Friends, don’t fight

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  Chapter 70 Friends, no fighting~
  "Have everyone been contacted?"

  In the INN Research Institute, Wenquan left the laboratory, and the wound on the back of his neck had been treated and repaired.

  In front of her was a man who looked haggard.

  "Except for us, there were thirty-two people who were contacted. The rest... I inquired about them all, and they were taken away by the CCGE armed forces."

  These people were all released by the hot springs from the ideological seals in their bodies, and they became themselves. What happens when they are taken away by CCGE?

  When the CCGE test found that those keywords and strobes no longer worked for them, it became an inevitable choice to check whether the ideological stamp existed.

  Hot Spring is very anxious. She is worried that the exposure of a large number of people will cause the CCGE armed forces to start screening the entire institute. They will definitely find the culprit who caused the ideological seal to fail, because this is shaking their 'loyalty'!
  Maybe it has started now!

  "No more waiting, contact all personnel and assemble! Evacuate this place immediately!" Hot Spring said.

  But the researcher has a different view: "I think we can try to save it. The number of armed forces in CCGE is also small. Even if we include people from the security department, we may not have no chance of winning." "Being blindly arrogant is the stupidest thing

  ! Are you a person who can fight two CCGE armed forces or a person who can fight three security departments? Don't use your spare time to challenge other people's majors. Not to mention armed suppression!" The researcher is not unaware that his suggestion is irrational,

  but I just felt that it was already dawn and it was about to break. How could they fall behind?

  They were like cats disguised as tigers, they only dared to make silent eye contact with each other in the dead of night. Time has brewed this emotion more and more intensely, and it has gradually become an existence that cannot be let go.

  Hot Spring's screening of surgical candidates is undoubtedly excellent, and those who can be chosen by her to awaken themselves are all trustworthy people. But just trusting each other, when a group of people choose to let another group of people die, it becomes more difficult.

  They are not victims,
  they are survivors!
  "Go." Wenquan said firmly.

  She must be determined. Everyone in this team can hesitate, but she cannot!
  Wen Yan silently stretched out his hand to grasp Wenquan's palm, and then watched the researcher leave.

  "Let's go and change our weapons."

  The preparations over the years are not complete, but they will never be less than they should be. Hot Spring has been looking forward to this day for a long time. Although there is a difference in time, at least for now, everything seems to be developing in a good direction.

  Time passed bit by bit, and
  people began to approach the agreed meeting place.

  Gradually more and more.

  Everyone put on their weapons in silence. These weapons were all 'stolen' by the comrades of the Security Department who had tried every means to reimburse them and 'stolen' them over the past few years. They were like squirrels, accumulating little by little.

  "Twenty-eight people...where are the seven more?"

  Wenquan glanced around and asked.

  Someone in the crowd responded to her: "I know two, they...were taken away. Just when I was going out, I saw them taken away by CCGE people." His answer caused an uproar in the room,

  but Soon, everyone fell silent again, and everyone turned their attention to the hot spring.

  Hot Spring took out the firearm from the box, inserted the magazine into it, and heard a click of the bolt. She raised her head, glanced at everyone, and said,

  "Let's go."

  She was answered by the messy but firm sound of a bullet being loaded.

  There are three evacuation routes, but due to the ongoing sandstorm, the feasibility of two of them has been greatly reduced. They have almost no choice.

  But the remaining route now is the path they have been trying to simulate and even wander in their dreams.

  They are already familiar with this.

  The group of people held guns in a completely amateurish manner and moved quickly.

  But sometimes this world is like this. The more you try to escape something, the more you will bump into something halfway.

  CCGE Armed Forces!

  But luckily there weren't many.

  Because they were wearing security weapons, the CCGE people did not directly attack them the first time they saw them. And this became the thing they regretted the most before they fell.

  Bang - bang - bang -

  the roar of bullets erupted, half of the twenty-eight people pulled the trigger, but there were only seven of their enemies!

  Almost instantly, when the fire suddenly appeared, the armor of the seven people had been penetrated and they fell into a pool of blood.

  The comrades in the security department have prepared armor-piercing bullets specially designed to deal with these metal armors!

  This is to prevent the dilemma of ordinary bullets being fired at them but unable to cause damage.

  The sound of gunshots echoed in the institute. After a brief silence, the flashing lights above the head dimmed instantly, and a row of crimson light strips lit up on both sides of the passage!
  Violent sirens sounded from all directions!

  Everyone started to move.

  Already reached the second floor.

  This was originally a safe escape area in the plan, but because of the sandstorm, they could not escape from here. The second floor was not high, but the sandstorm would wrap people up and throw them out to death!
  So they have to go to the first floor, to the boundary of the Security Department!

  The huge explosion impact, mixed with fire and debris, enveloped the few people at the front of the team like a rain.

  Before the smoke dissipated, the hot spring saw several infrared laser rays shooting out of the smoke, landing on some people in a three-point pattern.

  The Tyndall effect makes these lights look so psychedelic.

  The next moment, with poof-boom! The short sound sounded!

  Streams of orange plasma rained down towards the crowd.

  In an instant, the armor of the people in front of the team melted through, and their flesh and blood evaporated!
  Death quietly took away their lives.

  Three figures of CCGE-X
  walked out of the smoke. Their equipment was almost the same as the ordinary armed forces of CCGE, but their paint was different. In addition to the extra suffix X on the logo, there were camouflage stripes all over their bodies.

  The aiming laser is fired from the sides of the eyes of their helmets, while the attack plasma is fired from the shoulder cannons on their shoulders that protrude from the back and are mounted on the shoulders.

  Hot Springs recognized them, CCGE's war response force. If the ordinary CCGE armed forces are at the security level, the one in front of them is at the war level.

  The appearance of the three men caused a brief commotion in the team, but soon they began to fight back.

  The armor-piercing projectile roared from the barrel, and in terms of sound, it instantly overwhelmed the voices of the three armed men on the opposite side.

  But the results achieved were extremely pitiful!
  "Force field protection device!"

  Looking at the spiraling bullets, which seemed to be blocked by something invisible more than ten centimeters in front of them, spinning and shaking out of thin air until they finally fell powerlessly, someone shouted out.

  "Hot springs! Use nanobots!"

  Plasma was still harvesting lives. Someone held up the protection, but under their attack, the protection was in danger in the blink of an eye.

  Hot Spring's voice was a little hoarse. She was saying something, but it was completely covered by the roar of the gun.

  The three people at CCGE-X made steady progress, taking their time.

  Only three shoulder cannons forced them to retreat repeatedly.

  In fact, everyone knows that if it weren't for the fact that this is a research institute, it would be a dream to prevent them from attacking with full power of the shoulder cannon based on their own protection level.

  However, at this time, except for the three CCGE-X people, no one noticed that a person walked out from behind their team who wanted to escape from INN.


  little girl!
  The little girl with bare feet and silver hair!

  There was blood on her face, and the clothes on her body were stained with blood. Every time she took a step down and up, she could see a faint bloody footprint.

  "We are friends, right!"

  "Friends... can't fight!"

  On this battlefield with the roar of artillery and firearms, her voice was so clear that it caught everyone's ears.

  The strange thing is - everyone actually stopped attacking.

  (End of chapter)

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