Chapter 69 The liberation of mechanical intelligence

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  Chapter 69: "Mechanical Intelligence" Ability Released Traveling

  through a sandstorm is not an easy task. The weight on the body can be partially offset with the help of exoskeleton armor, but the power from the wind and sand makes Zhang Cishun and Zuo Yan's bodies unable to stop moving towards the wind. It falls wherever it blows.

  The two of them trudged step by step, being extremely cautious with every lift and drop of their feet.

  When the two of them trekked to where Jing Shuo was hiding, they were finally able to stand up straight.

  The noise of the wind and sand disappeared as the door closed. Zhang Cishun bent down and turned off the switch on the shoe, then took off his helmet.

  The sand hidden in the gaps in the armor scattered all over the ground with Zhang Cishun's movements.

  "So fast?"

  In the room, Jing Shuo was still training.

  Train him to use the ability of the heart core, and train his physical body that is constantly being transformed and becomes stronger due to the fusion of the heart core. More training in combat skills.

  It is worth mentioning that the combat skills training method was given to him by Zuo Yan. It was not something profound, but compared to the wild path Jing Shuo had found on his own, this kind of systematic ability was exactly what he needed.

  "It's not too fast, it's mainly because of an accident." Zhang Cishun said. As he spoke, he walked to Jing Shuo's side and stretched out his hand to press on him.

  There are currently five groups of nanorobots in his body, four for medical use and one for military use.

  He planned to assign two groups of medical nanorobots to Jingshuo and let them be hosted in his body. In this way, if he is accidentally injured, the nanorobots in his body can react as quickly as possible and treat him.

  As for military use, Zhang Cishun couldn't give it to him, but Jing Shuo couldn't use it either. He didn't have the hot spring's control core, nor his own "mechanical intelligence" core.

  This thing is not suitable for him.

  When two sets of medical nanorobots were injected into Jing Shuo's body and managed under Zhang Cishun's instructions, he took off the two swords he had been carrying on his back.

  The sword is sheathed, straight and single-edged, and is completely black in color. Only the edge of the blade is slightly purple, with fine hexagonal patterns on it.

  "When the magnetic vibrating blade is turned on, the surface will generate a magnetic field and vibrate at high frequencies, which can increase cutting power and penetration. It is a bit like a high-frequency weapon, but it is a technological product with two different research and development directions." Zhang Cishun introduced, and

  then Pass the sword to Jing Shuo.

  "An energy rod can stay on for a hundred hours. After the energy is exhausted, the strength of the weapon itself is also extremely high."

  Jing Shuo took the sword and showed great interest. He took the sword out of its sheath and danced it casually in the air, making a whining sound as the blade cut the air.

  Then, he held the sword and looked up and down, and found a pressing device at the end. He touched the device, but found that it was not a touch control, but a mechanical device with physical force feedback.

  The force required is not too big, but it is also not small, which ensures that this function will not be accidentally triggered in daily life.

  And as he activated the magnetic vibration blade, a strange feeling was transmitted to Jing Shuo's palm along with the blade.

  He swung the sword again, but this time there was no whining sound.

  Jing Shuo didn't use much force when approaching the object in the room with the sword blade, and saw the blade sinking into the object little by little.

  The incision is larger than the blade of the sword, and it doesn't look like it was cut, but like it was squeezed open.

  Zuo Yan ignored the two of them. After pouring himself a glass of water and drinking it, he dusted off the ashes and asked, "Do you want to rest here? Or should you follow the direction given by the hot spring and touch it?

  " The direction is a rough direction, but at least it locks the direction for them.

  Jing Shuo also stopped his movements, sheathed his sword, and looked at Zhang Cishun.

  "You can go and have a look." Zhang Cishun said, "But it's not necessary."

  As he said that, he pointed to his eyes, where the aperture was still flickering.

  "I'm sifting through all the network messages in that direction. Although the manufacturing plant is probably not connected to the Internet, I can find out as long as the nanobot is used or even the relevant information is communicated on the watch." This

  is For the first time, Zhang Cishun activated the ability of "mechanical intelligence" for a long time.

  Unlike Zuo Yan and Jing Shuo's core abilities, once Zhang Cishun in the "mechanical intelligence" state puts his will into the network, huge amounts of data will continue to pour into his brain. There is no doubt that the human brain is a more sophisticated and efficient 'core' than a machine, but today Zhang Cishun does not have the ability to process large quantities of data.

  It’s not that you don’t have this ability, it’s just that it hasn’t been developed.

  In the past, when he invaded the network, or even tested the artificial intelligence behind the firewall, he did it with a 'purpose'. His single purpose allowed him to subconsciously block a lot of irrelevant information. But this time it's different. He needs 'data' in an entire direction, so he can't block it, he can only filter it.

  From the time they left INN to now, Zhang Cishun's mind captured keywords such as 'experimental subjects', 'manufacture', 'research', etc., a total of 122,567 times.

  The number of locked nanorobot groups reached 7,846 groups! You must know that Zhang Cishun can capture the network information of a single nanorobot in the nanorobot group in this state! And the number of nanorobots in a nanorobot group...

  and these data are still rising.

  In addition, Zhang Cishun also constructed a three-dimensional scene of the uptown area in his mind. Every key node he captured was marked on the map.

  If someone could see the scene in his mind, they would find that in his three-dimensional map, in a certain sector, countless red dots that have been generated and are being generated are spreading rapidly.

  Some of these come from research institutes. Some come from idle network data capture, or retail investors. These data are summarized in Zhang Cishun's mind. The more data there are, the more information he can get.

  It can be said that Zhang Cishun is now more powerful than a supercomputer.

  If there is no smoke coming out of the head, the human brain is considered sophisticated!

  "Of course, considering the direction deviation, I expanded the scope of the search. At the same time, as a guarantee, the nanorobots reserved in the INN deployment center are also under my supervision." "You have killed all the experimental subjects of INN, so

  now Now INN's laboratories are not shut down, but at least 80% of them are. They will definitely apply for new experimental subjects. If I fail to lock in the direction of the manufacturing plant, then the last resort is to wait until they ship new ones. The experimental subjects arrived and were captured by me when they were put into storage." "

  Finding the troops they transported also means that we have found the manufacturing plant. But I don't want the last resort to be effective, because it may delay a lot of time."

  " ..." Zuo Yan silently put down the cup, and after considering what Zhang Cishun said, he suddenly corrected seriously: "I didn't kill the experimental subjects. You did it too." "Yes, I did too

  . "Zhang Cishun did not refute, because what Zuo Yan said was indeed true.

  "So we still have to stay here?" Jing Shuo put down his sword. He had just prepared to put on the armor.

  "I suggest so. But..." Zhang Cishun said, suddenly frowning.

  (End of chapter)

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