Chapter 71 Stop doing bad things

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  Chapter 71: Stop doing bad things.
  Zhang Cishun's sudden pause attracted the attention of Jing Shuo and the others. Zuo Yan looked at him and asked, "What's wrong? Is there any progress?" "No."

  Zhang Cishun replied, After a pause, he continued: "There were riots and fighting inside the INN."

  The nanorobots he placed in the body of the hot spring became his eyes and ears. But this was not enough. Zhang Cishun quickly invaded those people's watches and constructed the scene in his mind through the mapping function of each watch.

  He watched them prepare and act, and then encountered CCGE's armed forces, and then encountered CCGE-X's people.

  "Three armored CCGE-X armed soldiers formed an overwhelming situation against Wenquan's team. They were retreating, and the number of people who lost vital signs was gradually increasing." Zhang Cishun told the two of them the situation at the scene in his mind. listen.

  "They had no way to deal with those three people. The armed suppression made their attack ineffective." "

  ...A living thing appeared behind them." Zhang Cishun suddenly said: "Is it...a little girl?"

  Zhang Cishun Cishun looked at Zuo Yan.

  Zuo Yan's movements also paused: "Then what?"

  "She spoke."

  Zhang Cishun said, but when the voice just sounded and before he finished speaking, Jing Shuo seemed to feel something, and his core ability was instantly released, and the two colors Apertures bloomed in his pupils like flames.

  Jing Shuo put his hand on Zhang Cishun.

  "She said... we are friends and can't fight."

  Zhang Cishun frowned. He was extremely rational when his core "mechanical intelligence" was released, but when he heard the girl's voice, His calm mind from beginning to end suddenly fluctuated.

  An indescribable sense of peace and trust, as well as a sense of weariness from fighting, are gradually breaking through the rational line of "mechanical intelligence".

  "Everyone stopped! This is wrong! She is... qualified!"

  Zuo Yan was completely stunned, with a look of disbelief on his face: "No way, she is just... a clone, and why Is it such a coincidence?"


  On the silent battlefield, the hot bullet shells and the molten steel still emitted a blazing temperature.

  Everyone's attacks stopped! Everyone's eyes were focused on the little girl who didn't know when she appeared behind them.

  The small body, the blood-smeared face, and the infectious joy in the eyes.

  All the owners who looked at her had an idea from the bottom of their hearts, this is their partner, the best and best partner!

  She walked, barefoot on the ground filled with debris from the bombardment of concrete, and on the debris of metal.

  She walked through the crowd and met everyone's gaze.

  She stepped on a pool of blood, which mixed with her blood and left a series of footprints behind her.

  When everyone saw this scene, they felt a kind of heart-wrenching pain, and this pain made them even a little breathless.

  The little girl walked step by step in front of the three CCGE-X combatants, raising her head.

  "Hey, can you... make way for us?"

  She said in a clear voice.

  The helmets on their faces obscured the face hidden beneath them, but they were probably hesitating, so they didn't move.

  Until her voice sounded again!

  "Now, make way for us, please."

  The voice fell, but this time, the three combatants did not hesitate at all. The plasma cannons set up on their shoulders quickly disintegrated, and then folded up behind them. Backpack' in.

  They got out of the way.

  The little girl was very happy. She stretched out her hand and received the same response from the three combatants.

  The large armored hand and the small hand curled under the long sleeves were pressed together.

  "Don't do bad things again, uncle."

  This is a promise.

  The blood in the little girl's palm left traces on the pure armor of the three combatants.

  she left.

  The three combatants stopped in place, watching her disappear, and then moved their eyes to the group of people on the other side of the passage. Then they looked away and talked with each other for a moment, then they took steps towards the place where the little girl disappeared.

  "Let's... follow her. It's so dangerous for her to be alone."

  Some survivors suggested, and soon, this suggestion was agreed upon by almost everyone.

  Hot Spring also nodded in agreement, but when they set off, she felt a short stinging pain in her chest.

  The thoughts filling her brain and heart became clear for a short time, but disappeared again as Wen Yan pulled her and asked her worriedly what was wrong and why she was suddenly in so much pain.

  "I'm fine, everyone hurry up!"

  They left.

  There were only corpses left on the ground, which was a bit ridiculous.

  The alarm shocked all defense forces within INN, and the Security Section and other CCGE members quickly received the news.

  However, they never imagined that when they arrived, the last thing they would see in life would be a plasma cannon!

  Three CCGE-X soldiers walked beside the little girl, and the plasma cannons on their shoulders were set up again.


  So close!

  But at this moment, the three CCGE-X soldiers stopped, and the one close to the little girl even stretched out his hand to block her behind him.

  The plasma cannon on the shoulder begins to charge!
  The thick lower layer of the 'arm' armor began to decompose, and parts emerged from it, and quickly formed a structure centered on their arms!
  Hand cannon!

  There is an electric arc shining at the muzzle!

  The armor layer under the ribs separated, a 'bracket' extended out, and then merged with the 'hand cannon'. A structure similar to a double fork began to extend from the front of the muzzle. The interior of the double fork began to glow with the blue light of the grille.

  The battery magazine was pushed inside with a click.

  This is a plasma field sniper rifle!
  This sniper rifle is a high-energy sniper weapon that combines plasma and magnetic field technology. Use powerful magnetic fields to control and accelerate plasma. Its working principle is somewhat similar to that of a laser sniper rifle, but it is more powerful. The plasma heated to a high-energy plasma beam state will be controlled and focused by the magnetic field, allowing it to have a longer range and stronger penetration. force!

  It's a weapon that can penetrate force fields!

  Bang -

  three balls of plasma bombarded out with high power, and the temperature radiated from the trajectory even distorted the air.

  But it was not over yet. Three sniper rifles were aimed in the direction of the door. As the grilles flashed in sequence, the energy dimmed out the light band at the muzzle. The next moment, a blue and white dazzling high-energy plasma beam bombarded out!


  Almost instantly, the entire door including the wall disappeared. As the sandstorm poured in along the gap, it was instantly heated by the high temperature.


  "Are you telling me about science fiction movies?"

  Zhang Cishun did not respond to Zuo Yan's question. Instead, he raised his hand. With the control of his consciousness, the watch on his wrist showed the scene.

  He had controlled the nanorobots that were supposed to stay in the hot springs to invade the bodies of those CCGE-X and hijacked their screens.

  This also means that Zhang Cishun can see whatever they can see.

  "Oh...I'm beginning to be glad that the day I invaded the think tank was a surprise attack..." Zuo Yan said. She suddenly likes the Wilderness Army and the City Guard now. At least they will never have the authority to use such weapons.

  (End of chapter)

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