Chapter 68 Investigation suspended, mission update (RDS)

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  Chapter 68 Investigation suspended, mission update (RDS)

  Sandstorm is never gentle, it treats any life shrouded by it equally.

  The mission of the seven-member DRS team was not smooth. There was no gain at all in the investigation of the forty-two missing cores, but it can only be said that there was no expected progress.

  Inside the factory.

  "Captain, there is an underground hidden space, but no life activity has been detected." No. 18, who focused on trace detection, looked at the feedback information from the device in his hand and said to Captain No. 1.

  "Find it and turn it on." No. 1's voice was steady.

  This is the best news so far. Judging from the traces of this factory, this should be the suspect's hiding place.

  They found discarded bags of nutritional cream and cigarette butts and ashes.

  No. 11 sampled and analyzed the above information, and found a total of three life information. One was familiar to them, and the other two were completely off the record.

  In City No. 88, even the information of dead people will not be deleted. If you want life information not to exist in the records, there is only one possibility.

  Those two people were from the Lower City.

  Zuo Yan is currently hanging out with people in Xiacheng District. In fact, they were not surprised by this result.

  When their investigation of the core core found Zuo Yan, they had already sent a message to the think tank, suspended the operation, and waited for further instructions.

  The name Zuo Yan is quite famous among the new generation of DRS. Not only are these people the highest armed group in the entire No. 88 City, but their military strength can also be considered top-notch. But for such a team, Zuo Yan almost slaughtered more than half of them one-sidedly!

  But they were not without success.

  They got Zuo Yan's biological genes.

  Of course, this is not something worth bragging about. At most, this result is just adding a new collection to the think tank's gene bank, and it is the kind of collection that only has reference value but no practical application value.

  Today's seven-person team, except for number one who is the surviving 'veteran', the other six people are all temporary additions. Experience, strength and other aspects have not reached the 'qualified' indicator.

  In the past, No. 1 would never even take a glance at teammates of this quality, but now he has to fight alongside them.

  There is no way, there is insufficient manpower, and the conditions do not allow them to be picky.

  "Captain, it's done."

  No. 18's voice came from the headset.

  No. 1 collected his thoughts, stood up, and threw the cigarette butt in his hand back to where it should be.

  He walked to No. 18 and looked at the path he opened to the underground. Without any hesitation, he stretched out his hand and touched his wrist lightly. As a low and short buzz sounded, he turned over. And down.

  He was ready for a fight, but nothing unexpected happened until he got his feet on the ground.


  His voice sounded on the channel.

  The helmet has a night vision function, so even if the entire space is extremely dark, it will not affect his vision.

  "Large-scale interference field generator..." No. 1's eyes fell on the wall and he quickly recognized what it was. The main reason is that the texture on it is too exposed and the packaging is not well disguised. Although this does not affect its use, it even has a different kind of beauty.

  Science itself is beautiful.

  This is especially true for technological creations.

  "It's in a closed state."

  After confirming its status, No. 1 turned his attention elsewhere. The underground space is not large, so he does not need to move. As long as he stands here, he can take everything in sight.

  Until, his eyes fell on a platform.

  "No. 17, send me the field wave detection device."

  No. 17 is the player responsible for containment in this seven-person team. Usually the person in this position in the team will have experienced more than three wilderness experiences in the Wilderness Army and succeeded. Only after the heart core has been contained. But obviously No. 17, the guy who became a regular through 'abnormal' means, doesn't have this kind of experience.

  Number 1 even dared to say that he had more experience in this area than he did!
  After waiting for a while, a spherical device was thrown down from above.

  Number 1 took it and pressed his finger on it to activate it.

  A green laser-like beam suddenly lit up in the dark space. These beams quickly hit the surrounding walls and instruments. Then, based on the received information, they were analyzed and sent to the video screen of No. 1 through the connecting device.

  "Forty-two field wave traces remain..."

  When seeing these data, No. 1 knew that he had found the right place.

  Field waves are something similar to radiation produced when the core is exposed to nature, but it not only has the characteristics of radiation, but also has the characteristics of waves.

  There is no accurate range for the residual time of field wave radiation energy particle bombardment. Usually, the self-erosion period ranges from a few hours to a few days depending on the core's capabilities. Therefore, field waves actually become increasingly difficult to detect as time goes by.

  However, materials bombarded by field wave energy particles will inevitably cause changes in molecular structure, leading to atomic nucleus displacement, the formation of lattice defects, and the breakage of chemical bonds.

  The above are the main methods for detecting traces of field waves.

  But the place has been found, where is the core?

  Number One looked around.

  But the existence of the core was not found.

  Except...two discarded panfield restraints.

  This means that two cores must have been removed from the device.

  "Seventeen, have any traces been detected in other directions?" No. 1 asked.


  No. 1 squatted down, raised his hand to take a picture of the restraint device in front of him, opened the subpoena, and sent the picture to the think tank.

  At the same time, the compiled text will be summarized and sent to the current search information.

  The clues really stopped here, and there was no way to continue searching. He sent a message to the think tank. On the one hand, he was reporting, and on the other hand, he also wanted to get the next step of action from the think tank.

  Soon, a reply flashed on his screen.

  He clicked it and the content was displayed before his eyes.

  The first thing he saw was a photo of a person wearing a white research uniform. There was a familiar logo on the uniform. Number 1 had some impression of this logo. It was from some wasteland protection agency.

  But in fact, this is not what the photo originally looked like, because he sent the original to the think tank. The person in the original is wearing a mask, and no more detailed appearance can be seen except for his eyes.

  "The photo has been restored and confirmed. After receiving the news, your department went to the Wilderness Army camp and contacted the relevant personnel based on the following information. He will be temporarily incorporated into your department to assist you in follow-up work."

  "Detailed task assistance content will be sent to you later."

  "Be prepared to receive it."


  (End of this chapter)

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