Chapter 67 Preparing to leave

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  Chapter 67: Leaving Preparation
  The conditions for this exchange were given by Zhang Cishun after thinking about it in a state where his core ability was liberated, but it was not unconditional. He would give Wenquan's body an insurance. For him, controlling a wave of It is not very difficult for nanobots to lurk in the body of Hot Spring.

  Life will instinctively seek survival, but there is always a will that overrides the instinct of life. Of course Wenquan can seek death, but she has to consider Wen Yan's existence.

  She struggled for herself for six years, and then returned to the darkness to struggle for Wen Yan at the dawn of time until today. Their relationship does not need the affirmation of others, and cannot tolerate others' doubts.


  Wenquan responded firmly, not even questioning whether Zhang Cishun was deceiving her.

  "After I mastered the method of unlocking the thought seal, because this technology has no way to unlock Wen Yan's thought seal for the time being, I have been making improvements. Every time I make improvements, I will recruit researchers from the research institute as experimental subjects."

  "In the past year or so, I have uncovered the ideological stamps of many researchers after inspections, and with their help, I have screened out suitable candidates from various systems of the institute. We plan to escape from this city. Before the cold winter comes, leave the barrier in the name of the mission, and then escape through the garbage truck that will cruise around the numbered city at a fixed time..." Wenquan answered

  Zhang Cishun's question, and also gave Zhang Cishun a preliminary description of the operations outside the barrier. Condition.

  "As for the blueprint plan... I don't know. I do know where the CCGE manufacturing plant is, but it's just a general direction. For specifics... you have to ask someone from CCGE to answer it for you..." "My answer

  , Is it enough?"

  Hot Spring's voice fell.

  The atmosphere became quiet.

  "Enough." Zhang Cishun nodded, accepting the hot spring's answer. After asking her to point out the location of the manufacturing plant she knew, Zhang Cishun raised her hand.

  A clearly visible ray of nano-robot floated out from his body, spiraling in the air, and finally submerged into the hot spring's body.

  He did it deliberately to show Onsen to prevent her from doing something irrational.

  "Are there any CCGE people in your team?" Zhang Cishun asked.

  "No." Hot Spring replied.

  "The ideological stamp of CCGE is not genetic modification of thinking, but neural network iteration technology. It is an irreversible technology. The nerves in the brain of people transformed by this technology will be replaced one after another in iterations. This

  means Their 'imprint' will become more profound as time goes by. Any means of removing the mental imprint will ultimately lead to a breakdown in their thinking, or they will become madmen or a vegetative state." "So 'nervous

  ' Is network iteration a higher level of ideological stamp than genetically modified thinking?" Zhang Cishun asked.

  "No, in terms of safety, neural network iterative technology is excellent. But its drawback is that it makes people lack creativity. Many scientific research relies on sudden inspiration, but neural network iterative technology will obliterate the reason why it was born. Soil.

  For researchers who have undergone this technological transformation, their upper limit is fixed, but their lower limit is also fixed. They have changed from scholars to workers, safe advanced workers!" "Understood, that is to say

  , , I can’t get the manufacturer’s information from the CCGE people.”

  Zhang Cishun concluded.

  The conversation between the two ended here. The hot spring has calmed down, at least I no longer need to support my body while standing.

  Zuo Yan disappeared from sight again, and Wen Yan sat up from the experimental table. Behind his blank expression was the memory that would cause severe pain every time he thought about it.

  Hot Spring's operation was successful, but the memory and behavioral inertia of these years controlled by the stamp of thought will still continue to impact Wen Yan's self.

  "When will the garbage trucks that patrol the numbered cities at fixed times come?" Zhang Cishun suddenly asked.

  "At the end of August, early September, before the first wave of cold wave comes."

  "It seems it's still early. Does that mean you will continue to wait here for the time to come?"

  "The original plan... Yes. But something unexpected happened ." Wenquan looked at Zhang Cishun: "Two large-scale deaths of experimental subjects triggered a screening by CCGE armed personnel. Many people were taken away, and there are not many people who are still hiding." Zhang Cishun is not

  now Concerned about what the plan was for those of them, but he remembered a point in time.

  Late August, early September.

  There is still more than half a month left from now.

  Zhang Cishun's questions were answered, and he had no intention of breaking his promise from the beginning.

  He left
  without hesitation.

  "Aren't you afraid of causing trouble again?" Zuo Yan's voice sounded in his ears.

  Zhang Cishun pointed at his eyes. Just after his ability was released, he never took it back, but kept it open.

  "I'm watching her and listening to her. Her death will come before the accident." Zhang Cishun said.

  After saying that, he turned his head slightly. He couldn't see Zuo Yan in the "virtual" state, but the sound just came from that direction.

  "I think you should be more worried than me. The door of the distribution center was opened." "

  The experimental subject you let go opened it."

  Zhang Cishun's words failed to get an answer from Zuo Yan. On this question, Zuo Yan chose to play dead.

  The Safety Department is on the first floor. Zhang Cishun is not familiar with this section of the road, but Zuo Yan is.

  After walking down the stairs, Zuo Yan led the way.

  She didn't show up, but kept telling Zhang Cishun what to do next.

  Under the leadership of Zuo Yan, Zhang Cishun safely entered the weapons warehouse.


  Zuo Yan skillfully took down the sealed equipment and placed it in front of Zhang Cishun.

  It's a complete set of equipment, a lined flexible uniform and an enclosed exoskeleton armor. This is not high-tech. Compared with the equipment worn by the two armed forces of DRS and CCGE, it seems to be much lower-end. Lightweight and thin are probably its only advantages.

  But this advantage also represents poor security.

  Especially when Zhang Cishun put his hand up to look at the system panel, he found that apart from the strength of the material itself that served as physical defense, it had no external equipment such as force field protection.

  The only thing that can be seen is the shoes.

  It is the guarantee for Zhang Cishun and Zuo Yan to cross the sandstorm.

  After putting on his equipment, Zhang Cishun did not accept the external weapons Zuo Yan handed him. Instead, two palm-sized oval metal devices were removed from the weapon rack and inserted into the armor's slots according to the description.

  Then he looked around among the firearms with obvious technological gaps, and finally took out an assault rifle and a pistol and hung them on his body.

  Of course, he didn't forget to take two cold weapons in his hands at the end.

  For Jing Shuo, the development of his "patrol" ability is getting deeper and deeper over time, and cold weapons may be more useful to him than hot weapons. But that is the future, but it is better to prepare now than to not have it when it is needed.

  (End of chapter)

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