Chapter 6 The first pot of gold

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  Chapter 6 The First Pot of Gold
  Early the next morning, at the Material Trading Center of the Beast Taming Alliance in Senluo City, Russell came to the purchase window carrying a bundle of light gray thread.

  The bundle of silk threads was the worm threads spun out by Ayou and his companions, which were simply combed and combined into a ball of thread.

  "Brother Russell, are you here to sell pet materials again?...Hey, the quality of the insect silk today is really good!" The young man who

  runs the insect pet shop is considered a rare species, and the uncle who works at the purchase window has some impressions of Russell. , seeing him coming to sell worm silk again, the uncle took the ball of thread and appraised it with ease.

  "The texture is tough, the color is bright and lustrous, and there is a hazy and mysterious feeling given by the ghost attribute. What kind of worm silk is produced by a pet animal?" Realizing that the quality of the worm silk Russell sent today was far better than before, the

  purchaser uncle came immediately. interested.

  Many insect-type pet beasts lose the ability to spin silk when they reach maturity, but they can spin insect silk of this quality when they are still in their infancy. He even suspected that this kid got a lucky contract with some rare insect-type pet beast.

  However, Russell's answer surprised him:
  "These are the worm threads spun out by the black-ringed silkworm. Please estimate the price."

  Hearing this, the purchaser uncle was stunned.

  Although he is now middle-aged and living in an average life, he was once a graduate of a regular higher beast-controlling school. He clearly remembers that the black-ringed silkworm did not have ghost attributes in its larval stage.

  "I remember that this kid seems to be running an insect pet house? Maybe he found some secrets on cultivating black-ringed silkworms..." With a trace of doubt

  and surprise, the buyer uncle felt that this ordinary thing in front of him was ordinary. It seems that the strange young man is not that simple.

  However, in the world of beast control, such undisclosed breeding secrets are considered commercial secrets, so he didn't feel like asking any more questions and just continued to do his job.

  "According to the official purchase price, each bundle of black-ringed silkworm silk is 50 to 200 credit points, but the value of your bundle of silk obviously exceeds the normal standard. Wait a moment, I will go to the appraisal department." With that, the

  purchase The uncle stood up and prepared to walk to the appraisal room next door.

  There are thousands of types of pet beasts, and the Beast Control Alliance has discovered many new species every year. Therefore, each alliance trading center will be equipped with an appraisal room to determine the value of unconventional materials and pet beasts.

  At this time, a crisp voice suddenly came from the side:
  "Don't bother, how about selling it to me for 1,000 credit points?"

  Russell turned around and saw that the speaker was wearing a cute princess dress and still lying on his shoulders. A little girl with a flower-shaped pet beast, who looked like she was fifteen or sixteen years old.

  Since the establishment of the Beast Control Alliance, the currencies of various countries have been uniformly converted into credit points. The purchasing power of this digital currency is very stable. 1,000 credit points is almost equivalent to half the monthly expenses of the Beast Control House, including rent.

  And the pet beast on her shoulder has a very good background. It is a popular fairy-plus-plant pet beast known as the "Angel of the South" - Shy Lily.

  After undergoing a natural evolution, the shy lily can transform into a lily fairy wearing a coat of white petals, possessing excellent purification and healing abilities.

  Although the bloodline level before and after evolution is only platinum level, the rare fairy attributes combined with the natural and elegant appearance make the price of a Shy Lily not even much lower than some purple-gold level pet beast eggs.

  The way he dresses shows that his family is quite wealthy, he carries a rare baby beast, and he spends 1,000 credits without blinking an eyelid...

  Could this be the classic plot of meeting a rich lolita at the beginning?

  "If you feel that the price is not in line with expectations, I can add more, and you can just tell me the price."

  Russell was stunned for a moment by the aura of rich people coming towards him, which made the little girl think that he thought the price was too low. So he generously said that he could also increase the price.

  "Young man, 1,000 credits is enough to buy a bundle of water-drop spider silk. It is the most difficult insect material to find near Senluo City. No matter how well the black-ringed silkworms are cultivated, the price is about the same..." Seeing

  Russell Before he could answer, the buyer's uncle quickly whispered in his ear.

  The Water Drop Spider is a silver-level insect-type pet beast. When it reaches adulthood, its life energy level can break through the fourth level, and its strength approaches the gold-level. It can be regarded as a top-ranking existence among common insect-type pet beasts.

  It looks like a ball of dew from a distance, its body is slippery, and its habits are very cautious. It is very difficult to catch a water drop spider in the wild, so the price of water drop spider silk, which can be used to make high-grade ice silk pajamas, has always been high. .

  After this comparison, Russell suddenly came back to his senses and quickly put on what he thought was the kindest smile and replied:

  "1,000 credit points is completely enough. Can I trade now?" Although this little girl is very rich, I really want to increase the price for her. Most people would agree, but Russell was not too greedy.

  In business, what matters is steady flow.

  "I want to make a set of performance costumes with the theme of moonlight elves. This kind of hazy silk thread like the night meets the design requirements, but the weight of a bundle of silk threads is too small. At most, I can spin a silk scarf. If you have new products, I will give them away. Go to this address, the more the better, unlimited purchases."

  Taking the ball of thread, the little girl readily transferred 1,000 credits to his account. Since she was planning to make multiple purchases, she did not choose to hide her personal information.

  Just as Russell had just guessed, this little girl lives in the oak residential area in the core of Senluo City, where giant oak trees transplanted from the depths of the Black Dew Forest grow. Most of the houses are single-family villas, and the residents are usually either rich or poor. expensive.

  "Tian Tian, ​​I seem to have seen this name in the Beast Control Stage Newcomer Competition..."

  Looking at the back of the major customer leaving, Russell realized that he had seen her on TV before.

  The Beast Controlling Stage is another type of beast control competition independent of the Alliance Challenge. The competition mainly focuses on the ability of performing beast control masters to flexibly use their pets to show gorgeous stage effects. It is a kind of beast control derived from the peaceful era. Professional branch of division.

  Russell's aesthetics have always been average, and he occasionally watches the official broadcast of large-scale beast-fighting stage matches. To have a place in such events, Tian Tian's ability must be very good.


  Returning to the Imperial Insect House, he recharged the 1,000 credit points he had just received into his miscellaneous fee prepayment account, then fed the pet beasts in the store as usual, and after performing energy screening on a box of black-ringed silkworms, Russell was once again paralyzed from exhaustion. On the lounge chair.

  Judging from his current physical fitness, cultivating dozens of insect-type pet beasts at the same time is indeed a considerable burden.

  But the effect of the "Cocoon of Evolution" talent can obviously help any insect-type pet grow, so it would be a waste just to use it on your own contracted pet.

  Of course, this is not an unsolvable contradiction. The most direct way to solve the problem of insufficient physical strength and energy is to grow into a higher-level beast master.

  The cultivation of the beast master can make the pet beast grow rapidly, and part of the life energy of the pet beast will be fed back to the owner through the soul connection. The physical fitness of the high-level beast master can even be stronger than that of some low-level pet beasts.

  Unfortunately, the life energy of the Black Ring Celestial Silkworm itself is too weak, not comparable to that of an average adult human, so Russell basically received little feedback after contracting with Ayou.

  But he is not anxious about this. As Ayou grows step by step, this problem will naturally be solved.

  Now, all Russell can do is lie down and slowly recover his strength.

  Leaning on the rocking chair and playing with the mobile phone, this is the happiest time of the day for a hard worker.


  After scrolling through the "Yu Shou Toutiao" software for a moment, a piece of news suddenly caught his eye.

  "Today's news: Many people have disappeared outside the Black Dew Forest recently. Please avoid going to the area as much as possible. It is recommended that professional beast masters who perform tasks travel together." Although humans have relied on the power of beast masters to become the most

  powerful Race, but that's just a matter of the past few hundred years.

  Outside the alliance of the four major principalities where human beings live, more than 70% of the area is still an undeveloped area in a primitive state.

  Black Dew Forest is the largest undeveloped area near Senluo City.

  The wild beasts found on the outskirts of this forest are generally of low level and sparsely distributed. In addition, after every fog, a low-level cultivation material called black dew condenses on the plant branches and leaves. Therefore, we enter the forest to collect medicinal herbs and black dew. There are many low-level beast masters who supplement their family income.

  How come there are so many disappearances in a place like this? Professional beast masters are truly a high-risk industry...

  After reading the news, Russell frowned slightly and immediately decided to develop his skills before considering adventure in the wild.

  (End of chapter)

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