Chapter 5 Silk spinning training

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  Chapter 5: Silk spinning training
  After receiving Russell's instructions, Ayou, who was full of food and drink and full of energy, raised her head and used the only skill she currently mastered.

  Puff -

  With a faint puffing sound, the energy in Ayou's body quickly liquefied and spurted out from its narrow mouthparts.

  This viscous liquid dries quickly in the air, and when it falls on the wall of the incubator, it turns into worm threads with weak stickiness.

  "The use of worm silk basically depends on instinct, but the quality of worm silk is better than before."

  After watching Ayou's puffing performance, Russell gave a fair evaluation.

  Nourished by the ghost energy, the worm threads spit out by Ayou are no longer pure white but have a slightly loose texture.

  Under the light, you can see wisps of light gray soft light interspersed among the silk threads, and you can feel the good elasticity when you gently pull it with your hands.

  It can be reasonably inferred that as long as the proportion of ghost energy in Ayou's body continues to be increased, at least in terms of the quality of the silk, there will be no problem at all.

  So, the key to ensuring Ayou's smooth cocooning is mainly the proficiency of silk spinning skills.

  Since worm silk has the characteristics of self-drying and shaping, the cocoon-making process must be completed in one go. Otherwise, it will be difficult for the two strands of worm silk to maintain the same thickness and curvature with a long forming interval, which will affect the sealing effect of the cocoon.

  If you want to weave a silkworm cocoon with satisfactory shape and toughness in a short period of time, you must first ensure that there is sufficient energy in the pet's body, and secondly, it depends on controlling the rhythm and angle of silk spewing.

  The racial weakness of the Black-ringed Celestial Silkworm lies there. Even with the "Cocoon of Evolution" talent to help cultivate it, it is impossible to reach the point where the energy in the body is endless and cannot be used up no matter how much silk is spun, so Russell has no intention of improving it. Start with the direction of the total amount of energy in the ghost body.

  As the saying goes, practice makes perfect. As long as you practice cocooning dozens or hundreds of times, continuously optimize the process and reduce energy waste, Ayou's current energy limit will be enough to form a cocoon that can accommodate its evolution.

  Just do it, Russell gave Ayou another order:
  "Ayou, continue to use silk spinning, try to make the worm threads pile up around you."

  Insect-type pets generally have low intelligence in their infancy. Ayou's small head is not yet able to understand its master's intentions, but it still carries out Russell's orders diligently.

  After all, this human being in front of me can massage himself with warm silk threads and find so many delicious grass leaves. He is right!
  Maybe as long as I work hard to spin the silk, the master will bring more delicacies to eat... Aftertaste

  the taste of the dwarf grass that is many times sweeter than ordinary mulberry leaves, and the feeling of ghost energy slowly flowing into the body with the juice of the leaves. , Ayou's spinning movements became harder unknowingly.



  The incubation box is only so big, and the sound of Ayou spinning silk quickly woke up the resting companions.

  Maybe they were full and wanted to vent their energy, or maybe they were infected by Ayou's fighting spirit. The other black-ringed silkworms also began to spin silk.

  It's just that their growth progress is slower than Ayou's, and the ghost energy in the body barely reaches 1%. The worm threads spit out are only slightly gray, and the change is not obvious.


  Thinking that Ayou would soon form a cocoon and transform, in the next few days, Russell devoted all his efforts to training its silk-spinning ability.

  Due to excessive silk spinning, Ayou became a little weak. This state was not conducive to growth. In order to supplement it with nutrients, Russell did not hesitate to take out the inventory at the bottom of the imperial insect house's press box.

  At this moment, Ayou was lying on the edge of the incubator, looking eagerly at Russell's busy back. "One portion of pectin, three spoons of insect-specific egg yolk powder, half a cup of warm orange juice, stir thoroughly and sprinkle on the original cultivation materials..." A moment later,

  a plate of sticky yellow-green food appeared on Ah In front of You.

  Even though this special breeding material does not look good in terms of sales, it is a great supplement for insect-type pets that need to spin a lot of silk.

  Warm orange fruit helps restore physical strength, and pectin and egg yolk powder are materials that supplement protein and wormwood in the body.

  Relying on the supply of plates of special cultivation materials, Ayou can always quickly recover after being tired and practice the silk spinning skills over and over again.

  Under such high-intensity training, its silk-spinning skills developed rapidly, and it was able to weave a decent round cocoon within a few days.

  After all, Ayou is not a spider pet. It is enough that its silk spinning skills can meet the needs of cocooning evolution. After achieving certain results, Russell also slowed down the pace and only asked it to practice spinning silk once every morning, noon and evening to consolidate the training results. .

  During the special training, the ghost energy in Ayou's body was also growing steadily, and now accounts for more than 15%. The worm silk it spits out has a shiny luster, and the texture is extremely silky. It is of high quality at first glance. goods.

  This is the change brought about by feeding the Styx and using the "Cocoon of Evolution" talent to control the direction of growth.

  Although the other black-ringed silkworms do not enjoy the same special treatment as Ayou, the dark lamp grass still takes care of it, and Russell will insist on helping them filter the energy in their bodies every day.

  After a few days, the ghost energy in the bodies of these black-ringed silkworm larvae exceeded 5%, and the quality of the silkworms they spit out was also visibly improved.

  Looking at the collection box full of light gray worm threads, Russell smiled happily.

  Due to the huge number of insect beasts, worm silk is one of the most widely used pet materials. The trading center opened by the Beast Taming Alliance has been purchasing all kinds of worm silk in unlimited quantities for a long time, so there is no need to worry about sales.

  It's just that the business field has always valued scarcity. The number of insect beasts has created a series of related industrial chains, and at the same time diluted the profits of small-scale practitioners.

  Take worm silk as an example. The reason why the Beast Control Alliance Trading Center dared to announce an unlimited purchase was that, in addition to considering the huge output and usage of silk thread, its low price was also a key factor.

  Fortunately, after the improvement of the "Cocoon of Evolution" talent, the worm silk produced by the Imperial Insect House can be said to have officially separated from the ranks of ordinary goods on the street. Russell estimates that these worm silk with ghost properties will definitely sell well. Price.

  The most important thing is that similar quality optimization operations are completely replicable.

  As long as his strength can further grow and he has the spare capacity to screen the energy of more insect-type beasts, he can also carry out targeted breeding for other pet beasts in the store.

  Of course, these are all things for later. Russell now not only has to devote all his efforts to cultivating Ayou, but also continues to screen the energy in his body for other black-ringed celestial silkworm larvae so that they can continue to produce high-quality silkworm silk. He really has no energy to use his beast-controlling talent anymore. Breeding another kind of pet animal.

  Furthermore, becoming a professional beast master and challenging city gyms and league events is his ultimate goal. Breeding insect beasts in batches and improving the quality of output materials can only be regarded as a channel and method to obtain resources.

  Although making money is also important, you cannot put the cart before the horse.

  Try to follow the trend as much as possible, and in the process of cultivating the main pet beasts, slowly improve the operating conditions of the insect house. This is the healthiest development model.

  Russell's current plan is to allocate some materials and energy to continue cultivating this box of black-ringed silkworm larvae, and expand the business of selling silkworms while concentrating resources on how to make Ayou cocoon and evolve as soon as possible.

  Having been a good citizen for more than 20 years in his previous life, he really doesn’t want to be in arrears with water, electricity and rent anymore...

  (End of Chapter)

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