Chapter 7 Cocoon

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  Chapter 7: Cocooning After
  staying at home like this for half a month, Russell repeated the boring life of opening a shop, feeding pet animals, screening energy, supervising Ayou to practice her silk-spinning skills, and then resting from exhaustion.

  During this period, he went to the Senluo City Fossil Museum to pick up the D. scutellaria. By the way, he also showed the Li Moran Research Institute a cultivation video recorded on his mobile phone, and filled out an application form for the "National Cultivation Program Subsidy" on the spot.

  When the last bag of dark lamp grass was almost eaten, Ayou's growth progress bar finally reached a level close to full.   " The growth progress of

  the black-ringed silkworm larvae : 94%   , of which insect-type energy accounts for 66% and ghost-type energy accounts for 28%."   There is no trace of mixed excess energy, all of which are effective attributes specially reserved by Russell.   After days of training, Ayou's silk-spinning skills have become increasingly proficient, and he can spit out a regular round small ball of thread in two or three strokes. There has been a significant qualitative change in both the toughness and control ability of the silk.   When the pet beast's growth is approaching saturation, the effectiveness of conventional breeding materials will drop significantly. At this time, the beast master needs to provide it with advanced materials that are rich in energy and can support the pet beast to complete its transformation.   In order to perfectly meet the energy needs of pet beasts during their evolution, advanced materials are usually not naturally occurring cultivation materials, but energy solutions that are prepared in specific proportions and are easy to absorb.   How to accurately judge the energy needs of pet animals is a skill. Beast masters who specialize in this are called breeding experts and their income is very considerable.   From last night to now, Ayou ate three times of Dark Light Grass, but the growth progress only increased by a negligible 1%. Observing this situation, Russell decisively took out the advanced materials prepared in advance.   This advanced material was made from a mixture of three breeding materials. He ordered it from the Beast Taming Materials Trading Center using the credits he accumulated from selling worm silk.   Two-thirds of Mother's Honey Wax, one-third of Moonlight Mushroom spores, and then mixed with a trace amount of warm orange juice. This is the formula recommended by Russell by the alliance cultivation expert. It is mainly gentle and easy to absorb.   When Russell proposed to increase the proportion of ghost-type materials, he also gave a solemn reminder:   "I know you want to make up for the too thin ghost attributes of the black-ringed silkworm in its infancy, but suddenly exposed to a large number of ghost-type abilities, your pet beast cannot It must be able to withstand it, and it may directly lead to the failure of breaking out of the cocoon. I have seen similar cases many times." Being   cautious and safe is indeed the choice of most people.   However, Russell finally chose to increase the proportion of Moonlight Mushroom spores and prepared this advanced material with a formula of half insect and half ghost materials.   With the blessing of the "Cocoon of Evolution" talent, it would be too cowardly to take the most conventional route of seeking stability.   Not to mention that Ayou already possesses nearly one-third of the ghost-type abilities in his body. Even if the ghost-type energy overflows after swallowing this advanced material, at most he can help drain some of it.   His goal is to cultivate Ayou into the most powerful UFO Hawk Moth in the history of the alliance!   "Are you ready to evolve?"   Russell asked solemnly, touching Ayou's round little head.   No matter how well-prepared it is, transformation is destined to be difficult and painful. If the beast itself is still doubtful and afraid of change, something will easily happen if it forces evolution.   grumble--!   In response to Russell's question, Ayou responded affirmatively without hesitation.   It is an insect with only ambition. It has long been tired of the clumsy body and weak strength of a larval state. Its ideal is to become a hawkmoth that can fly freely, hunt different foods, and challenge powerful opponents.   Although, according to Ayou's current knowledge, the bronze-level colorful feather bird bred as an ornamental pet is the most powerful opponent in its eyes... Sensing Ayou's desire for transformation, Russell moved it to a separate In the incubation box, a small bottle of light yellow solution flashing with purple fluorescence was poured into the feeding trough.   Smelling the energy tailor-made for her in the advanced materials, before Russell could say anything more, Ayou had already rushed to the feeding trough and started sucking.   In a short while, the solution worth more than 3,000 credits was drank up by it, and Russell couldn't help but feel a little painful when he saw the wind and wind.   You must know that the Black-ringed Silkworm is already one of the easiest pet beasts to cultivate. If you change it to a pet beast with a gold-level bloodline or above, the price of this cultivation will have to increase several times.   With the high cost, long cultivation time, and the need to face unknown dangers in the wild, it is no wonder that the proportion of professional beast masters has remained at a stable and low level.   If he did not have the "Cocoon of Evolution" talent, he might also choose to contract with some pet beasts that are not good at fighting but whose abilities are helpful for production and life, and honestly find a job in the city to become a civilian or cultivator.   Chichi…   Just when Russell was feeling sad about his wallet that had become completely dry just two days after it was bulging, Ayou’s somewhat uncomfortable cry drew his attention back to the incubator.   Only two or three minutes after devouring the advanced materials, Ayou's body had already begun to undergo obvious changes.   Excessive energy stretched its already chubby body into an oval shape. Through the translucent skin, Russell could even directly see the light brown insect-type energy and gray ghost-type abilities constantly shuttling and strengthening. Touching every inch of Ayou's flesh and blood.   As time passed, wisps of black mist began to overflow from its insect body, which was a clear sign that the Black-ringed Celestial Silkworm race was about to evolve.   Moths are insect-based pets that require complete metamorphosis and evolution to mature. During the evolution process, their bodies will completely melt and turn into a ball of highly plastic life energy, which will emerge and be reborn in a cocoon.   In other words, when evolution begins, the body of the larvae will first become rigid and then slowly dissolve. If a suitable environment cannot be created in time, the energized larvae will die on the spot.   Knowing that time was running out, Russell immediately issued an order to Ayou:   "Ayou, don't be defeated by pain, quickly spin silk and weave a cocoon!"   Encouraged by the beast master, Ayou, who was twitching all over, perked up and raised his head. After spitting out silkworm silk, a fist-sized cocoon was constructed in the incubator.   Thanks to the specially trained silk-spinning skills, the silkworm cocoon Ayou weaved for herself was exceptionally thin. Under the smooth light gray cocoon shell, brown and gray light alternately flickered on and off. Ayou's vitality continued to increase with each flicker.   At the same time, Russell also felt warm currents flowing into his beast-controlling space along the spiritual link, constantly nourishing his body and spirit.   The growth of the pet beast's strength brings back rewards to the beast master. This is the bond between the master and the pet that shares weal and woe under the role of the beast master contract.   After Ayou formed a cocoon, Russell stayed close to the incubator, spending only a few minutes on eating, drinking, and littering, lest any unstable factors interfere with its evolution, just like a frightened novice dad.   During this period, he not only had to appease the carnivorous insect-type pet beast in the store that smelled the breath of life and started to move around, but also had to observe Ayou's growth progress bar every once in a while to confirm that the energy in its body was not disordered or excessively overflowed.   After a day's work, the level of fatigue is comparable to moving bricks.

  Fortunately, the evolution of pet beasts is not as slow as the growth of insects in the modern world. It usually only takes a day or two to complete. Otherwise, Russell, the beast control master, would have to suffer before Ayou emerges from the cocoon.

  On the morning of the third day, about forty hours after Ayou formed a cocoon, Russell, who was chewing bread with big dark circles under his eyes, suddenly heard a slight rustling sound coming from the incubator.

  (End of chapter)

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