Chapter 687 I will witness it all

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  Chapter 687: I Will Witness All This

  The game lasted for a long time. Ariel was finally worried that Imrik had another purpose, so he had to visit here in person to feel relieved.

  The final result of the game was not as expected. Weitz won all three games and was tied with the big white lizard Gorok.

  After Elvis nonchalantly declared the Sotek Church to abstain, the half-griffon knight became the individual champion.

  At the award ceremony, Imric looked at the demi-gryphon knight in front of him who was very impressive and showed off his armor with his head raised and his chest raised. He felt that he was a bit of a comedian, but after seeing a group of people gnashing their teeth in the audience, he also understood what was going on.

  The honor is obtained, the rewards are abundant, and you can be considered a winner in life. You cannot ask a half-griffon knight to perform the feat of punching and kicking the Yankee army and kicking the Mao God's Chosen.

  Although this championship is somewhat watery, it can already be regarded as the highlight of the experience.

  When Wez smiled and raised the scale-rune armor, an artifact symbolizing the championship, Imrik patted him on the shoulder and persuaded him earnestly,
  "Don't follow Magnus. Come to Caledor after the game. Guaranteed to be much stronger than the empire's poverty."

  "Damn it, don't poach people around me." Magnus laughed and scolded, pulling Weitz aside and leaving. How to distribute this artifact is also a difficult problem.

  With so many people dead in the White Wolf Knight, it's impossible for them not to show any signs. Weitz also got a piece of armor. Why not... As

  if he was aware of His Majesty's gaze, Weitz tightly wrapped the treasure in his hands and ran away at a faster speed,

  " I have something else to do, so I will not serve His Majesty for the time being."

  He knew that it was impossible to keep this treasure for himself, and it was not justified by reason. The most difficult part of the Empire Individual Competition was taken care of by the White Wolf Knight. He was just fighting with the Hessian Sword. The Holy Friend "discussed" for a while, and then relied on the advantage of the protective gear to defeat the Sword Singer.

  But this does not prevent me from feeling the uniqueness of this armor first, and then 'gifting' it to the White Wolf Church in the name of respecting the sacrificed warriors. Both parties can get a satisfactory ending.

  Tigris announced a two-day truce to prepare for the next riding battle, so some people were happy and some were sad.

  The empire is naturally overjoyed. The target given by Magnus is a champion. Just get it and there will be no pressure to fight later. If you really want to compete with those monsters, you won't be able to beat them, and losing will be embarrassing.

  In the excitement, the logistics officials from Altdorf brought a large amount of wine and food, and held a banquet to celebrate the victory. Magnus also specially invited Imric and a group of Assur.

  With a strange look on his face, Basalola held up the grilled sausage on a wooden stick. He wanted to say that this was monkey food. How could the noble Assur eat such a thing.

  But seeing the Flameborn Knights putting it into their mouths without hesitation, along with the extremely bad malt and beer, they could only restrain their thoughts.

  Elvis found a few branches that were three meters long, threaded each fish with amazing techniques, and grilled them on the fire. Seeing the expression on the Sword Master Hoss's face, he knew what he was thinking.

  He asked casually,

  "How many expeditions have you fought?"

  "Never." Basalola shook his head and stared at the grilled sausage in his hand, doubting whether it was edible.

  "Aldorf pork sausage is a specialty of the empire. At that time, the Great Holy War had too many people and the logistics supplies could not keep up. I exchanged a lot with the empire's logistics officials and hid them as emergency food. Even in Nagaroth, It's also a blessing to have some dried meat in the army bag." Elvis picked up a grilled sausage with his bare hands, bit off half of it, chewed it and swallowed it, and said with great nostalgia, "

  This is the taste, the northern part of the empire. There will never be such an authentic smell of meat in the ravine. When fighting, it’s good to have something to eat, so you can’t be too picky.”

  Basalola still hesitated, fearing that this thing would affect his health, but seeing that Elvis ate so deliciously that he couldn't help but ask,

  "You are the last son of the Hallandur family. You are more noble than most of the people here. Even on the battlefield, you would not be given this kind of food, right?" ."

  "Yes, indeed." Elvis nodded, without the impact of his veto status. Caledo can be ranked among the top five families, how can they eat such a thing.

  "But when you find that the prince also bites grilled sausages, eats bad stews from the Empire or Kislev, and drinks beer that tastes of metal corrosion and earth. You will find that in fact, the essence of food is just the same , whether it can fill the stomach. But this alone has often become a luxury." "It sounds like you have encountered a lot of things in the empire." "Eating barely enough

  food to fill the stomach, holding the tattered weapons passed down from the grandfathers. , but need to bear the responsibilities of five soldiers, these people deserve respect." Elvis raised the three-meter-long wooden stick and handed it to Pakal who was waiting nearby. He stopped talking too much and concentrated on giving Soti Ge incarnates and offers sacrifices.

  Barsarola took a look and said, forget it, let's eat. In Ulthuan, the Sword Master of Hoth was regarded as a treasure, but it was really different here.

  At the same time, the two leaders wandered along to the other side of the Briogne River holding wine bottles, lamenting their recent experiences.

  Magnus drank the troll vomit in one gulp and slurped twice in his mouth, as if recalling the familiar flavor,
  "This thing is still enjoyable, and it feels a bit like the past."

  "It's a pity that there will never be a great holy war again. , can put you in the same position as me." Imrik took out a bottle of wine from the wooden basket, squatted down and clinked glasses with his old friend.

  "I don't want another great holy war. It sounds extremely glorious, but there are so many sacrifices hidden behind it." Magnus followed Imrik's gaze and looked at Esolo in the distance. Lun Forest said silently, "Old friend, don't blame me for bringing up this issue. You seem to have a disdain for these Asrais."   "I don't deny this, or in other words, I am

  very concerned about the removal of giants.

No race other than dragons looks down upon it, including Asur."

  "As expected, your reputation for arrogance has spread throughout the world."

  Imrik smiled, "Always talk about Caledor. If the world looks at the world with prejudice, then the world looks at Caledor with prejudice."

  Magnus also smiled. If the two had met earlier, maybe they could have made a good story not only in the Great Holy War,
  "Look I will never see a world where we understand each other, old friend." "

  In terms of Asul's lifespan, the acquaintance of more than ten years is just a short and short experience. But I understand what you mean, Old friends." Imrik raised their glasses together.

  "Respect the friendship, may it last forever."

  "Respect the friendship, may it last forever."

  The two of them made a tacit agreement not to discuss relevant political events, and just chatted here and there.

  After three rounds of drinking, Magnus, who seemed a little drunk, slapped his chest and muttered,

  "Let your son come to Nunn. I will baptize him personally and make him my godson. I guarantee that no one will dare to touch this part of the empire." Him."

  "If you give him the imperial throne, I will be even happier." "

  Fuck you, let Pointy Ear be the emperor, Sigma will smash my head with a warhammer when he hears it." "

  There is nothing to say. Now, asking my son to recognize you as his godfather? It’s just a fucking dream.”

  "How many people have begged me, but you are the only one who doesn't know me."

  Magnus sighed, then exhaled, and said a little tiredly,

  "Everyone regards me as their savior, even the brothers who used to know each other have to kneel down. In front of me, treat me as a god, but how long can I dedicate to the empire, twenty years? Thirty years?" "Kingdom

  has no eternity, do what you should do, and you will serve as a banner to protect it forever. With the Empire, I will witness it all for you, Magnus."

  (End of Chapter)

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