Chapter 686 A sparse and ordinary day

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  Chapter 686: A sparse and ordinary day

  . The twisted and strange jungle is full of irregular trees that grow wantonly. The charred surface is like iron sheet, with some broken bones and blood foam in the grooves.

  A voice suddenly came from the deserted ground.

  "We're almost there, I have to slow down."

  Four people suddenly appeared on the spot. The two Tai brothers carefully looked at their surroundings, the gloomy-looking Aris, and the panting Iron Wolf.

  Tie Lang wiped the sweat from his forehead and secretly thought that this work was really not done by humans. The special environment of this poor place makes it difficult to mobilize the surrounding magical wind. It naturally resists mages who are not certified in the network. He can only rely on the power in his body. Magic reserves are transferred.

  Teclis took a look at Iron Wolf without leaving any trace. He had seen this mage several times, but he thought he was just a war mage, but he never thought he was so proficient in teleportation spells.

  In order to cover up the traces, the Supreme Mage's duty was to minimize the fluctuations of Iron Wolf's teleportation spell, and he was responsible for the teleportation of the four people.

  But the greater the mass, the more energy is consumed. It is a bit of a miracle that three super combat powers were transported one after another without mobilizing the surrounding magical wind, and they did not die halfway.

  Iron Wolf obviously noticed Teclis's gaze. He held his hands on his knees and urged with heavy breaths,

  "No, don't fucking look at me. Hurry, get ready quickly. If you weren't greedy for Imrik's bottle of 180 Even if you kill me for the palace jade liquor of the year, I won’t do it."

  After hearing this, Tyrion whispered the reward in order to let Iron Wolf give him some strength,
  "If this thing is done, I will give it to you this year. I'll give you half of the special wine for the Phoenix King."

  Iron Wolf swallowed, but he didn't expect that this elf boy who looked like a poor man was quite rich. This half amount is enough to drink for a long time.

  He took out a leather bag and opened the wooden cork to replenish some energy.

  The Shadow King, who was on alert with a bow, whispered in a low voice, "Someone is coming!"

  He just took a sip and before he could swallow it, Iron Wolf quickly squeezed out the last bit of magic power with quick eyes and hands, and carried the four of them to the northeast.

  A group of masked agile elves were running through the jungle with broad swords. They thought that the evil spirits here were preparing to cause trouble again. After feeling some magic fluctuations, they rushed here immediately.

  After careful observation, the leader inexplicably smelled a hint of alcohol, and began to lead people to trace the source of the smell, but found that it quickly dissipated.

  Perhaps an alcoholic died in this place a long time ago.

  The leader laughed at himself. Athel Loren hid endless dangers. Even Aslay did not dare to step into certain places, such as the forest under his feet. Time was chaotic.

  "Close the team and leave immediately."

  The last teleportation spell made Iron Wolf immediately paralyzed. He rolled his eyes and raised the leather bag in his hand, muttering,

  "Wine, wine..."

  "This guy." Terry Ang sighed helplessly, took Tie Lang's wine bag, and gave him the life-saving wine.

  He met this guy who claimed to be Imrik's confidant halfway, and the exchange between the two parties was quite pleasant. He thought he was providing cover, so he didn't care much.

  But I never thought that Iron Wolf was the main attacker of this operation.

  Teclis stared at the waterfall in front of him. It was crystal clear and extremely deep. In the water rolling down from above, he seemed to be able to see the destination hidden in the darkness.

  Without looking back, he ordered his brother Tyrion,
  "Put the stones in his chest bag into his mouth."

  Tyrion was confused, but he still prepared a feast of stones for Iron Wolf along with the wine. , and stuffed a stone as thick as a little finger into his mouth.

  The Shadow King walked to Teclis, looked at the waterfall and said, "This is very risky." "But the risks come with rewards." Teclis took out the staff of the master of knowledge and prepared to communicate with Ulthuan's colleagues. The staff that Teacher Beranal borrowed temporarily, as for the staff of Lilith, is still held in the magical phantom.

  The Supreme Mage invested power in the staff for the first time, and whispered to the Shadow King,
  "The Iron Wolf will ensure the stability of the transmission channel, invest your will to the singularity, and then the Slann Council will be responsible for everything." The

  Shadow King nodded to express his understanding . , directing attention to the aperture at the top of Teclis's staff, which will make the spell more risky, and the imperceptible energy particles add another mental power of the same volume.

  But he must know the truth, whether Lilith has abandoned the elves long ago.

  The court mage far away in Ulthuan was thinking about grabbing more Druchi for experiments. When he saw the crystal ball starting to flicker, an excited expression appeared on his face.

  When traveling between the two worlds in the past, they missed a lot of things due to level restrictions, but this time they will not make any mistakes again.

  After untying the outermost magical iron ring of the World Stone, an insignificant observation particle has been sent to Teclis's hands, along with a huge amount of energy.

  In the emerald pool, Master Ke was snoring and making dazzling gestures with his palms. When it comes to traveling through the world, no one can compare to the ancient saint.

  The dragon tamer who was watching all this smiled helplessly, and used his staff to tap Nagash next to him to calm down, adjust the focus of the maelstrom, and temporarily block the divine power of the old world.

  Sotigo was discussing with Elvis how the wildness of Aslay's blond girls was different from that of Enil. He was unambiguous in his hands and found the end point of the teleportation for him with his eyes that could look straight into the void.

  An ordinary day passed like this. Except that the believers could not get a response from the gods, the Death Island set off a roaring wave, the Dragon's Back Mountains suddenly shook twice, and the lizardmen of Lustria heard the snoring of Master Ke, nothing happened.

  Today is also an ordinary day.


  Teclis withdrew his gaze and opened his eyes at the same time as the Shadow King, an extreme sense of self-pity appearing.

  What they saw were thousands of Lake Knights patrolling the endless wilderness, streams flowing in the green grassland, and various creatures running in the wilderness, chasing the shadow of the moonlight.

  But these are all false, and they are all false lies made up of dreams. Only the Green Knight, or Saint Gilles, sitting alone on a hill overlooking the world, is real.

  "Pity, generosity, wisdom, honor, heroic knights, illusions of faith, dreams and lies, this is really ridiculous, hahaha..." The Shadow King laughed out loud, and the corners of his eyes seemed to become a little moist. In the past, he was still... Imrik was doubtful of his persuasion.

  After all, Lilith has pointed the direction for herself countless times in these thousands of years, breaking away from the encirclement of Druzi and saving the elves of Nagaris.

  But now it seems that maybe this is just to deliberately enter the ambush circle and rescue the siege at the last moment, so that everything can develop as expected.

  Teclis stood up silently. He had seen more than the Shadow King. In this small world, he saw the weak power of many gods.

  The strange worship of Lilith in the White Tower of Hos and the Lilith Temple on the seaside all show that she has been preparing for this plan for countless hours.

  "Let's go, we still have one thing to do, although this matter is irrelevant."

  Tyrion, who didn't understand what was going on, just asked what the reason for coming here was. He originally thought he was here to break the protective layer of the Oak of Time, but looking at the expressions of his brother and the Shadow King, that was not the case at all.

  Iron Wolf handed Tyrion a wine bag, patted him on the shoulder and sighed, "Don't think so much. Some things are just nonsense if you ask them. Do your thing well and don't worry too much." The four of them ran up again

  . A secret journey, but only Tyrion was extremely excited about what was to come. The health of his brother was something that could only be dreamed of.

  I think my parents would be happy if they knew about it.

  (End of chapter)

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