Chapter 688 The Dying Lion

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  Chapter 688: The Dying Lion.

  For the next game, Imric also lost the interest he should have had. Grandpa Bato, who was drawn first in the riding battle, obviously reached some agreement with Ariel and obviously kept his hand during the confrontation. It’s completely different from fighting for a share in an individual competition.

  The final result was that Grandpa Baator won. After all, Creon ended up with a draw when fighting Weitz, and they all chose to give up scoring.

  Since everyone is acting, there are no actors.

  The team battle played by the Charis Guard was not Imrik's business, and he was too lazy to care about the old lion who wanted to shine in the short life he had left.

  After all, judging from Odd's physical condition, which is riddled with hidden diseases, his lifespan is probably no more than a hundred years.

  He led the White Lion warriors to sweep across Bretonnia, the Empire, and the Sotek Sect, but only when facing Aslay, he chose to suspend the war.

  Eldraine walked out of Athel Loren with a livid face. He got the most unpleasant answer. Ariel had a way to cure his grandson, but only if he convinced Imrik to lose the air battle.

  The Aslay raised by Druchi, I will fuck their tree-man ancestor.

  Odd, who was cursing, intervened in the conversation between Imrik and Magnus, rudely squeezing the Emperor and gesturing to give up his position.

  Pious people have also known for a few days that this Prince Charis is more of a warrior than a politician, and it is normal to fight and curse.

  He could only shake his head helplessly and motioned to Imric to talk to him next time. The empire was very interested in the development plan of this clustered factory.

  Imric handed the old lion a piece of barbecue sausage, "It seems Ariel didn't give you a good look." "

  Fuck Elsa's incarnation, I can find any woman in Avalon who is better than her." Be compassionate." Azrael took the sausage and bit it into pieces without politeness,

  "What is the treatment plan you mentioned? Do you need me to kill Orion?"

  Although I really want to say it, there is a high probability that you can't beat Orion. , but Imrik just poked the bonfire with a wooden stick and watched the sparks keep shooting out.

  The four people's actions were successful. The singularity coordinates had been sent in, and they had also visually observed the situation in the small world. Without anyone noticing, part of the power of the rebirth ceremony was also instilled into Teclis' body.

  With the Shadow King, a super assassin, no one found any clues, which meant that his main purpose had been accomplished.

  "You probably don't need to kill Orion anymore. How is Arao's situation?"

  Although he was a little happy that he could survive, when he mentioned his grandson, Odd's face was as heavy as ever.

  "All his bones are corroded by the poison. As long as he is a little If you touch it hard, it will break immediately. Only your heart is beating slightly, your five senses are lost, and your consciousness is only awake for a few minutes every day. He prayed for death more than once..." After saying this, Odd's tone became more trembling and choked, and he covered his face

  . Try not to let tears fall, even if his grandson died on the battlefield, maybe he just sighed that this was the fate of the family.

  But life is worse than death and living for more than ten years. This is not only the torture of Arao, but also the torture of Oud. For an old man to watch the vampire bear endless pain every day, but he has nothing to do about it, this feeling is terrible. Just imagine.

  "Come on, come on, if my father sees you being such a coward, I promise to laugh at whether you were too stupid back then." Imrik thought for a while and gave the old guy three options, "First, spend time slowly
  . Slowly recuperate and improve the body, but I cannot guarantee the length of this process. It may be fifty years, or it may be two hundred years." "

  Second, get a new body and transfer consciousness, but whether it is Arao in the end depends on You and him decide."

  "Third, Caledo is working on a project. I can't disclose the specific use. But the general process is to replace Arao's body tissue with mechanical and magical devices. I can guarantee that he has a normal Asul's various abilities, including the most important family continuation."

  Azrael thought about it for a long time, and it seemed that the most stable method was the first method, but Charis couldn't wait for this time, and he felt that he didn't have much time. , Arao must be allowed to take charge as soon as possible.

  The second one seemed safe, but he didn't bother to think deeply about this consciousness transfer problem. Anyway, it would never be the real Arao in the end. If there were no fatal injuries, it meant that life lacked an experience.

  "The third one, but are you confident that you can use machinery and magic to cure him? Don't let me act like a monkey."

  Imrik smiled helplessly and called the accompanying mage from a distance to come over, "Cure a few disabled veterans Show Odd what he looks like, and Ku-Gha's."

  Different sets of magic images appeared in Odd's eyes, the silver thighs connected to the torso, the veterans walking like flying, and skillfully waving weapons.

  And most importantly, as the experimental prototype, the lizardman Lord Ku-Gha, the particularly shining hand of the gods. Seeing Eldra's slightly surprised look, Imric continued,
  "This thing is still in the experimental stage. Its stability can be guaranteed, but it is difficult to mass-produce. It is a by-product of the research on the structure. You put Ala Send Ao to the dragon palace, and I will organize people to customize a treatment plan."

  Seeing Eldraine thinking about it, Imric was not in a hurry. This was actually a side result of creating shelter structures for the six dragon princes. He originally thought that It's a very simple thing, but once it involves the soul, it becomes extremely troublesome.

  The fit of the body, the ability to quickly recognize various information, the ease of replacing components, and how to mobilize the whole body were all problems that made the two court mages miserable. Finally, after conquering several core technologies, they Transferring the responsibility to Luo Ning's Flame Tower can be regarded as a typical organizational programmatic research method.

  "Their situation is completely different from that of Alao." Aude raised a doubt. These veterans only had broken arms and legs at most, which is different from their grandson's total paralysis.

  "Technology is not achieved overnight. Just like a blacksmith, he may only be able to forge farm tools now. But after mastering the method of melting iron ore and making molds, he can forge suitable tools according to the actual situation. When forging technology appears, Tools also came out, but hidden in this technology, what the craftsman has to do is to make it according to the rules."

  With an unclear explanation, Odd couldn't help but curse,
  "You are a fucking talent. I have never heard any dragon prince say such a thing. But forget it, I believe you, make him look like a human for me."

  Imrik shrugged indifferently. After hanging out with the big toad for a long time, he would say it from time to time. These are profound words, but no one dares to refute or question them. This is what is truly profound.

  "However, this treatment plan may require Arao to come to Caledo for regular inspections to facilitate maintenance and replacement of equipment." "

  As long as you are not dead, I don't care what you are going to do."

  Oded cursed and grabbed the goat's leg that was still leaning on it. , why does this half-cooked meat feel so fragrant? It tastes better than anything else in your mouth.

  Patting the old lion on the shoulder, Imrik said that there was no need to worry too much, thinking that Teclis's constitution, which was born with a disability that gave Elsa a headache when she saw it, could be cured.

  Your grandson's problem is nothing at all. If it doesn't work, just take a few sips of Master Ke's bath water and make sure there's nothing wrong with him.


  The court mage Hadaris had just woken up, and it was his habit to check if there was a message from the prince first, so as not to be too engrossed in research and forget to reply, and would be scolded again.

  As expected, it was another troublesome thing. What do you mean by using mechanical devices and magic to heal the body of Alao, the heir of Charis, and preferably transform him into a superman.

  Darrett, who got up at the same time, covered his eyes and asked vaguely with a toothbrush on his temples,

  "What's the matter again? Please advise him not to always have some weird ideas. What is the floating city plan? It's just like this in the mortal world." How can it be possible to fly with such a concentration of magic?"

  "The prince asked us to design a treatment plan for Arao, but I know nothing about medicine." Hadaris deliberately sought help from his colleagues, but in fact he wanted to push this troublesome matter onto him .

  "Do I know medicine? Don't forget, the two of us came from the Flame Tower. Why are we good at killing people? Saving people is a completely unfamiliar field. Just throw it into the lizardman's incubation pool and let Arao fend for itself. "

  Although he said this, Darrit received the magic message and began to analyze Arao's injuries, feeling that this was nothing.

  There are only two people, but they are treated as a research team by the prince. How can they be busy?

  He stared at the various messages about Arao, and then the prince's words, and suddenly noticed something,
  "This seems to be a good experiment. The demon-suppressing rune skeleton made before should come in handy." "

  It can be simulated with five senses . What should I do? The powerful runes carved on the demon-suppressing skeleton will immediately eliminate the mimicry magic." "

  He is a living person, not a dead person like Occestes. Let the skink priests of the Sotek sect destroy Arao. Remove the neurotoxins from your body and drink some bath water from the emerald pool. Your five senses should be restored." "That's

  a good idea." After being reminded like this, Hatteris' thoughts immediately came to him. Isn't this the best thing? A test subject? "Just remove his left hand and customize a magic prop with the hand of the gods as a template from the Vaal Anvil." "

  This seems good. The transmission path of the demon-suppressing skeleton needs to be rewritten, and the shoulder connection is An anti-interference array must be set up." Harriet calculated the interference that would cause each other in his mind, thinking that it should be no problem, "It should be no problem


  "Let's resolve this matter today, and urge Mas Now, hurry up and arrest Drucci."

  (End of this chapter)

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