Chapter 593 War Sacrifice

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  Chapter 593: War Ritual
  The bloody dragon seemed to notice something and suddenly stopped attacking. This made the defenders relax and thought it was about to end.

  But he turned more violent, and his red eyes became more ferocious, truly turning blood red.

  The dragon looked up to the sky and roared, the sound covering everything around it, like sound waves impacting all around. The gravel that was shaken loose by the attack fell one after another, and the crossbow arrows hit the scales together.

  A giant dragon actually appeared in the World's Edge Mountains! This is contempt for Sklarzak and the most serious provocation to the dragon that has taken this towering peaks as its territory.

  He no longer continues to play this kind of game with the dwarves. He can tolerate the presence of other races in the territory, but he cannot tolerate the appearance of a giant dragon.

  Spreading his wings that covered the sky and covering the sun, Skalazak began to take off after the shadow briefly enveloped the mountain fortress gate. He did not smell the familiar scent of the dragon above his head. It was a completely unfamiliar feeling.

  But no matter what, a heavy price must be paid. There has been no dragon flying over this land for thousands of years. This is the momentum of the Lord of the Mountains on the Edge of the Northern World.

  Imric pressed Yao Xinglong's back with his hand and said in a sarcastic tone, "He seems a little angry. Maybe you provoked him." "Maybe he is

  jealous that I am much more handsome than him. I don't know why. For the elegance of the dragon." Ingersolls also sneered, but soon became serious and began to dive towards Sklarzak who took off.

  Relatively speaking, as a fire dragon in the tribe, he is better at breathing, and it may be difficult to match Sklarzak with physical strength alone.

  Of course, he opened his huge mouth and took a deep breath. With his chest bulging high, he rushed towards the bloody dragon flying upward and said hello.

  Sklarzak, who had fought many giant dragons, was well prepared. When Yao Xinglong opened his mouth to inhale, he had already made a similar action.

  The breaths of one purple and one red collided in mid-air, and strong air currents rose at the intersection point and spread to all directions. When the conflicting magical winds met, they turned into interlaced flames and sparks falling to the ground. From a distance, they looked like fireworks. .

  But in the end, the side that was good at breathing won. Amid the continuous flames, Sklarzak suddenly discovered that the blue dragon was not at a disadvantage. Instead, the purple flames kept approaching in his field of vision.

  With a swollen symphony, the purple flames hit Sklarzak's body, and with the sparks and smoke, they turned into a group of fireworks in mid-air.

  "This guy... isn't bad." Imrik squinted his eyes and looked at the fireworks. The breath of the Star Dragon only burned away some old scales. After they turned into ashes, a new layer of hard scales replaced them. location.

  "I don't deny this statement, but if you want to tame him, you can't rely on me." Ingersolls looked relaxed, not nervous or serious because of the enemy's strength.

  "Forget it, it seems that I have to explain the truth in person."

  Imrik cleared his throat after communicating with the Yaoxing Dragon. You must speak loudly when communicating with the dragon, otherwise the physiological organs that automatically filter the languages ​​​​of other races will There will always be some trouble.

  He chose to roar loudly in dragon language, "Hey, Sklarzak, how can you be such a waste as a dragon? You only want to be a local tyrant in the world's edge mountains. You might as well join my dragon kingdom Caledor, and then there will be endless Glory is waiting for you."

  The voice was very loud, maybe even the dwarves on the ground could hear it.

  Ingersoth was full of doubts and flapped his wings to stay in the air. "How could I remember that dragon training is not like this?"

  Imric rolled his eyes, "Do you still need me to sing dragon songs to beg him? I can’t let go of this face, but I have Minas Nir.”

  Skalazak, who was wrapped in flames, flew out of the smoke range and did not start to continue the attack. After reaching the same height as the Shining Star Dragon , eyes fixed on the elf on the back. "Descendant of Caledor Dragon Tamer..." "

  Exactly, I am Imric, the purest descendant of Caledor Dragon Tamer, and I am also the current dragon lord of Caledor."

  Bloody Dragon After being silent for a while, he could smell that smell, which was definitely not something that a normal elf could have. It was a kind of majesty that came from the deepest part of his bloodline.

  Hidden in the elf's body is a power older than himself.

  Under Imric's waiting eyes, he chose to reject the invitation,
  "My tribe has no alliance with Caledor Dragon Tamer. I respect your bloodline, which comes from living and dying with the dragon." The oath of the alliance. This time you brought the Glory Star Dragon and broke into my territory without authorization, but this is the only time. Leave, blood descendant of Caledor." This answer

  made Imric feel that it was normal. If A few words can make Sklarzak agree, but it will become very strange.

  In terms of strength alone, this giant bloody dragon is almost the same as the Yao Xing Dragon. People in the old world often call it the Imperial Dragon. Although this name is not rigorous, it is still in line with today's environment where the wind of magic is strong. It's appropriate.

  But there is no doubt that the strength of this bloody dragon is very good. Even if he has Lao Mi as a partner, he will not think it is redundant.

  The dragon lord shrugged and seemed to agree with this statement, but then he roared in a deep voice, "Plamik~."

  There was a solemn look in Sklarzak's blood-red eyes. Unexpectedly, Imric actually They will initiate a war ritual for themselves. This ancient ritual is where the challenger and the dragon fight alone, and the winner is often qualified to form an alliance with it.

  Of course, this qualification is limited to the country of Caledor, which is a valuable legacy left by the dragon tamer.

  "Skarazak, what do you think? I will launch a war ritual to you. I believe that with my bloodline, you have no reason to refuse." The

  bloody dragon thought about it for a long time. He did not think that he was invincible, especially the elves. The race that breeds monsters will surprise the dragon even more. If they lose, they will accept Imric's command, and if they win, there will be no benefit.

  But he still chose to accept it. Many races regard dragons as the most powerful and ferocious beasts, but they don't know that these highly intelligent creatures also have their own traditions and persistence.

  On the one hand, it is the hundreds of years spent as a loser, on the other hand, it is the loss of dignity, and the latter is often chosen.

  "The blood descendant of Caledor, the son of Elliotla - Skalazak accepts this war sacrifice." The

  blood-colored dragon turned its attention to the Glory Star Dragon, looking forward to his answer.

  Ingersolls changed his usual appearance and spoke his testimony very seriously.

  "I, Ingersos, the son of Malediutu, will witness this war ceremony. The winner will get the honor he deserves, and the loser should obey the will of the winner." After preparing some ritual links, the

  three Together they rush to the not-so-distant peak, and the war ritual that has lasted for thousands of years will reappear in this world.

  (End of chapter)

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