Chapter 592 Pokémon Journey

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  Chapter 592 Pokémon Journey

  "The movements of these night goblins are very interesting..."

  The elf on the back of the dragon thought secretly. The night goblins coming out in large numbers is no small matter. These greenskins who are good at sneak attacks and multi-faceted tactics are the best choice for Dwarf Duozi. The hatred that doesn’t go away.

  Even though the Dragonbeard clan is famous in dwarf society, the many attempts to regain the Red Eye Mountain have been in vain, which is enough to show the capabilities of these night goblins.

  The night goblins like a tide walked out of the underground tunnel amidst the splashing of snowflakes. Their eyes that had not seen light for many years were glowing with a penetrating red light. Their crudely made long knives and daggers were full of various poisons, including but not limited to mushrooms and spiders. ,plant.

  And greenskins’ favorite poop.

  The giant dragon above the clouds was not noticed. The night goblins' vision was no better than other races in the lighting environment, or even if they saw it, they just thought it was a certain giant dragon coming to trouble Dwarf Duozi again.

  "I have never understood one thing. Why do you always like to find something to do before the decisive battle and take such a big risk to do something with low returns." Yao Xinglong's voice was as low as ever, even though his personality was a bit out of touch

  . But physiological changes are beyond his control.

  Looking back at the ground, Imric said nonchalantly, "The military power is too great. If I were to command from the rear seriously every time, wouldn't I, the dragon lord, become just a decoration?" "Hmph, back then you

  were The ancestor Imric had this idea, and he was killed by a few Druchi thieves." Ingersoth reminded him kindly, but when talking about the past, he always thought of unpleasant things, "I only thought at that time. I thought I was taking a nap, but I didn't expect to find that Bennett was dead when I woke up, and only about twenty of my compatriots were revived. It really made the dragon sigh." Thinking of the target waiting for him, Yao Xinglong continued his analysis


  " If you have more cards than Imric, you can't possibly find a barbarian dragon hiding in the old world. But it's strange to say that Druzi relied on Aenarion back then. The remaining elite soldiers of Nagaryth resisted Caledor's offensive, but almost all of them died during the Titris period, and we also fell into a deep sleep and failed to eliminate the Druzi in one fell swoop."

  This strange point made Ingersoll Si fell into deep thought. Although many dragons died in the war with Druchi, the strength of the Caledor dragons was still there. Just fifty Shining Star Dragons were enough to turn them into war destroyers.

  But after Malekith destroyed all the elites left behind by his father at all costs, the dragons also fell into narcolepsy, causing Asur and Druzi to fall into a state of mutual destruction.

  "How can this be strange? You don't even think about who Malekith's father is. There will always be some special care. Besides, if it weren't for the Dragon Prince of Caledor, I really don't know if Nagaryth can survive. Go down."

  "Aenarion... he was pretty good before he pulled out Kane, although the old guy Caledor was a little out of form and tried to use his status as Asuryan's choice to unify Ulthuan, but the relationship between the two of them is not the master-servant relationship as imagined." "

  You don't need to say this. I have heard Minas Nir say it countless times. Aenarion's contribution to saving the world is endless. It is doubtful that if other kingdoms owe Malekith the title of Phoenix King, but only Caledor will not owe it, how much have we provided? Dragons, dragon princes, armaments, soldiers, magic...except Asuryan Except for the identity of God's Chosen, we have provided everything!"

  This rather stubborn idea prevented Yao Xinglong from continuing the debate. Perhaps Malekith would claim the throne as Asuryan's God's Chosen and the true son of the Phoenix King. Suan's position, but Imrik can still insist on using appropriate reasons to refute.

  When it comes to the contribution of the Chaos invasion, Caledor is no less than Nagaryth. Before Aenarion became the Chosen God, he relied on dragons to resist the Chaos army, and after that, even more It is the main force that becomes the Phoenix King.

  There's no reason that the Sons of Aenarion should deserve this honor, while the others were just supporting characters, guarding Ulthuan for thousands of years, and finally became clowns.

  "Forget it, let's get back to the topic. How much information do you know about Sklarzak?"

  These words made Imrik look at the leader in front of him. He was showing off his qualifications just now, so why is he asking about himself now? coming. "Except for the information the dwarves gave me, I don't know anything about this giant bloody dragon. You should know some relevant information."

  Ingersolls was silent for a while, as if he was recalling the past, even the speed of his flight. He also slowed down for half a beat and said,
  "I don't know him, but his father, I may have met him once, is a very traditional dragon. Of course, this has no reference significance. The habits of dragon groups scattered around the world are all the same. The big difference is that Sklarzak's tribe is used to driving young dragons with hunting abilities out of their nests. This is how these barbarian dragons spread to all corners of the world." "

  But no matter what, he is a giant dragon."

  " Yes, that's right, alas..." Ingersus sighed longly. When was the last time he saw a tamed dragon? If the Caledor dragons were still as strong as usual, they would still let the little ghosts fight other giants. Dragon's attention?

  "Don't show off to me. You can cover up later, and I will personally know what this bloody dragon looks like." The dragon

  flew very fast, and in just one day, it had already arrived from the middle of Kislev. Thousand Pillars Stone Hall.

  Imrik had no interest in this underground building that symbolized the brilliance of dwarf architecture. Imric's eyes were completely attracted by a giant dragon below.

  The huge body is completely covered by crimson scales. The dragon horns that grow backward are thick and sharp. The muscles that bulge when twisting the body make people wonder whether this thick body can fly.

  Compared with the streamlined shape of the giant dragon I saw before, this bloody dragon looks a bit more muscular.

  "To be honest, it's a bit ugly, so let's just let it go."

  The giant dragon below is teasing these dwarves. Yes, that's right. He always likes to cause trouble for the dwarves after waking up. Maybe he has a grudge after receiving a crossbow arrow when he was young. , or maybe it’s funny that these dwarves would rather die than surrender.

  He had lost count of how many dwarf butchers with sky-high orange hair had been put into his mouth, and many times he wanted to take a break from get off work. After all, these dwarves with strong bodies were like stones, and it always took a while to digest them.

  And today, Skalazak started the game again.

  He slapped the iron door leading to the underground fortress with his sharp claws, letting the dwarf's crossbows shoot through the holes. The rune magic had no effect. He only needed to pay a little attention to the shooting crossbows and artillery, and used his breath to kill them in flight. melt.

  Dwarf fortresses are impregnable, this is the consensus of all races, but some small mountain fortresses cannot support this reputation.

  The asylum runes on the iron gate flashed again and again, and with the repairs of the rune blacksmith, they stubbornly resisted the dragon's attacks, but anyone with a discerning eye could see that it was only a matter of time before it was breached.

  Even if they can hide in the underground tunnels to avoid casualties, this means that the passage to the main hall will be destroyed by the dragon. The dwarves must not accept this reality, even at the cost of their lives.

  The butchers are ready to take action. Dragon Butcher, a title that symbolizes incomparable glory, is definitely not comparable to the shameless things like flying dragons. As long as the bloody dragon is killed, any shame in the past can be washed away.

  And dying in the hands of the dragon can also symbolize that you are a warrior and can be qualified to enter the Gazul Temple after death.

  (End of chapter)

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