Chapter 594 The giant dragon is like the third one, breathing dragon chariot air attack

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  Chapter 594: The dragon is the third child, breathing dragon chariot air attack.
  Generally speaking, what preparations are needed to fight the dragon?
  An extra-large disemboweling weapon needs to be tough but also sharp to prevent it from getting stuck in the muscles after breaking through the scales, turning it into a hand-to-hand combat.

  Then replace it with a set of armor that is extremely resistant to flames to prevent it from being burned to ashes with a breath.

  We have both spears and shields, but we still lack one thing - mobility.

  The giant dragon with two wings undoubtedly has the initiative. Those who run on the ground do not have this kind of mobility. Those with this kind of mobility do not have this terrifying power. It is a perfect combination of speed and power.

  And warriors who want to slay a dragon often first consider not how to win with skill, but how to limit the dragon's mobility.

  For example, the dragon-hunting crossbows used by dwarves and Druchi have barb-shaped serrated blades that will tear apart flesh wings, and use nooses and chains to force the dragons to fight on the ground.

  But Imrik would not do such a thing, hold a war ritual and use trickery to win.

  This is a battle of honor that long ago symbolized the recognition of each other by both parties involved.

  The three of them came to the top of the mountain together. Ingersolls propped his limbs on the top of the mountain covered with eternal ice and snow, lowered his head and let Imrik and Sklarzak look at each other.

  The bloody dragon has no feelings for the elves and only accepts this ritual because of Imric's blood. He doesn't mind killing the dragon lord, but I'm afraid it will cause endless trouble.

  This shining star dragon is not his war partner. The dragon saddle is a symbol of status and the will of the two parties to connect.

  I am afraid that the other giant dragon will not be inferior to Ingersoll. It will be quite troublesome to fly to other places after staying in the World's Edge Mountains for a long time.

  Imrik was not in a hurry to jump off the dragon's back. Instead, he thought about something with his arms crossed and prepared to tell the truth first,

  "Well... although out of ancient tradition, you and I held the war ceremony together, but I I need to explain one thing first. I already have a dragon partner. Even as a winner, I can't share the glory with you." "I know, but

  I don't think I will lose. It is no longer the time when the Maelstrom was not established. Your ancestors left behind How much of the legacy is left?” Skalazak was not questioning, but rather making a statement.

  Imrik smiled, and then twisted his body, which had not fought for a long time, to maintain a more relaxed state.

  "The legacy of my ancestors has never disappeared, and this power has been completely inherited by me." "

  Then let me see how strong the current Dragon Lord of Caledor is."

  Skalazak said no more and turned to Flying down a gentler slope under the snow-capped mountains, he needed to let Imrik understand that the dragons of the old world were by no means as weak as imagined.

  The way Ulthuan dragons live in groups is a symbol of cowardice. They have been protected since the young dragon stage, without any understanding of the power and arrogance that dragons should have.

  Jumping off the back of Yaoxinglong, his combat boots stepped on the ice and rowed towards the slope. There was no longer any deliberate concealment required by a civilized society. The ice cracked in the gradually rising momentum, and the cloak floated up and changed. It became a spear of flames condensed with determination.

  A hundred meters away, the two sides began a confrontation.

  Compared with the huge body of the bloody dragon, the elf's size is too small, and it seems that it can be crushed to death with a slap, but its proud aura is still clear.

  It seems to indicate one thing, there is no suspense about the winner of this war ritual.

  With the roar of Ingersolls, who was the witness, the snowflakes on the slope slid down towards the mountain. The setting sun passed over the top of the mountain. Skalazak puffed up his chest and raised his forelimbs to make a gesture of breathing from the ground.

  The powerful hind limbs supported the body upright. Before Imrik seemed to react, the flames composed of pure red had already rushed straight from the air.

  Sklarzak's wings were spread wide, and his limbs were stretched out as much as possible. He stood in a way that was contrary to ordinary people's understanding of dragons, and continued to spray flames forward. The ice began to melt, forming a deep pit where snow and water accumulated. Large clouds of steam rolled from the edge toward the sky, colliding with the setting sun, forming refractions that confused the vision.

  The flames lasted for three minutes, and even with Sklarzak's strong physique, his continuous breathing made his throat feel itchy.

  This is just a test. With Imric's knowledge, he naturally knows the dragon's regular fighting method. If he dodges subconsciously, it proves that he attaches great importance to this ritual - he is prepared.

  But when the flames came into contact with the elf, the dragon could only see calmness in those blue eyes... He

  lowered his tall body, pressed his palms on the ice to form two large holes, and the strong wind blew when his wings were folded. Thick water vapor dispersed.

  All I saw was that Imrik remained the same. The high temperature that was enough to melt steel had no effect, and even his hair did not curl.

  Seeing a little surprise in Sklarzak's eyes, Imrik put his hand on the hilt of his sword and explained,

  "Have you ever heard that the fire dragon tribe is weak to fire?"

  Without being too surprised, Sklarzak felt that The artifact armor played the biggest role, but War Sacrifice cannot be won by relying on equipment alone.

  After testing to no avail, he also gave up the idea of ​​continuing to breathe. His folded wings spread out again, and his limbs spread out and ran forward.

  A blood-colored meteor that did not conform to the shape of the body streaked across the snowflakes, with a speed like a cannonball leaving a copper pipe, and the impact that I am afraid, even if it does not receive a slap in the face, is hit by a dragon chariot, it will become Turn into meatloaf.

  The wind was one step faster than Sklarzak, and the air current lifted Imrik's blond hair and cloak high.

  He bowed his body slightly, holding the scabbard with his left hand and the hilt with his right hand, facing the enemy in a sideways posture. At first glance, he looked a bit like Nippon's samurai ronin.

  The dragon lord narrowed his eyes and looked directly at the charging bloody meteor. He was sure to cut off the dragon's forward-stretched arm with one sword, allowing the snow and water to mix with the blood and turn into blood.

  But Sklarzak still obeys the rules. Even for the sake of the Caledor blood descendant, he can be regarded as a sensible dragon and would not do such a thing.

  Should I kill him to avenge Dwarf Duozi?

  The dragon fire sword turned into red light the moment it was unsheathed, and formed an arc of flames along with the trajectory of the swing. After colliding with the claws of the bloody dragon, the elf was quite shocked. To avoid being indecent, he dodges to the left to avoid several other sharp claws.

  Sheathing the sword, at his side, a sharp claw about the size of half a man had slipped off. There was no blood seeping out, and the claw was peeled off with precision, without even touching the wrinkles on the scales.

  Precise, efficient and deadly, this is the fighting style that a dragon prince should have. He will never play fancy martial arts like the sissies of Ulthuan.

  Imric turned around and looked at the dragon Sklarzak who was already flying in the air, staring at his arms with angry eyes, and said with a smile,
  "How about my sword? Is there some legacy from the ancestors of the dragon tamers?"

  This kid , very difficult to deal with.

  Sklarzak secretly made a judgment in his mind, and he was no longer contemptuous as before. He had seen countless warriors trying to obtain the title of dragon slayer, including humans, dwarves, vampires, greenskins, Norscan barbarians...

  But I have never seen someone who can make himself understand the difference with every detail, face the charge head-on without any damage, and cut off the claws of his hands with precision.

  This is to remind yourself not to work too hard, otherwise it will end badly.

  (End of chapter)

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