Chapter 524 Welcome back, brother

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  Chapter 524 Welcome back, brother.

  After the Blood Serpent Brotherhood eliminated the ambushing vampires, Mazov arrived here with the commando team. The time was just right. After all, it was specially arranged by Imric.

  The one-eyed man was not surprised when he saw the monster with many human tissues hanging on his body. Even when he was stared at by hundreds of pairs of scarlet eyes, he did not panic. He just greeted calmly, "Long time no see, Dettlaff." The monster turned

  . Turning around, he shook off the remains of the vampire's body in his palm, and his figure gradually changed back to his original human appearance. He nodded slowly, "It's been a long time since we last met. Since the last time you killed a plague monk and smashed a few pieces to pieces, After the meat was stuffed into my mouth, we never saw each other again."

  Dettlaff turned his eyes to the skink priest next to Mazov, with a little excitement in his expression. He had just received divine enlightenment, and now there is a priest. This is not Is it fate?

  "Dear..." He hesitated for a long time. After all, most of the lizardmen looked the same. Relying on his memory, he recalled this skink that had been with the snake god prophet for a long time.

  "Priest Gaguiar, does the prophet have any instructions?"

  "Hi~ I'll tell you after the instructions. Now you need to clarify your identity. Hot-blooded people are troublesome and only use prejudice to divide forces." This time it was really Gaguiar. , after all, Imrik must pay attention to Masno's side, and if necessary, increase the power of the Dragon Father's faith and provide it with some support.

  "Understood." Dettlaff nodded. He had thought about meeting the Patriot Army many times, but he never thought it would be so dramatic.

  Looking at Mazov, who still looked as normal, he hesitated and asked,

  "You don't seem surprised at all. This is completely different from what you imagined." "

  Haha, this is my secret. I already know about the Blood Snake Brotherhood. , You have your own choice, although it may be wrong, but I will not deliberately stop it." Mazov put away his sword, walked up to Delav in the surprised eyes of the commando, opened his hands and gave him a hug.

  "Welcome back, brother."

  The naked Dettlaff was a little stunned. The hand on Mazov's back did not move. His eyes were full of disbelief, "But I, but I am a vampire, and you have become You have killed two creatures. Even as a follower of Sotek, I will no longer be your brother..." "

  You idiot, tell me, have you ever sucked the blood of an innocent person." Mazov slapped Dettlaff. His back was pale, and his tone was even a little choked.

  "No, I just sucked the blood of those who committed major crimes, and the idiot Boye." "

  So, have the Blood Snake Brotherhood done this?"

  "We settled in the villages in the southern state, and the village They reached some agreements, and they provided some blood to the Blood Serpent Brotherhood in exchange for money and protection..."

  Dettlaff quickly realized and hugged his brothers who were far away from each other tightly.

  Hilbert stepped forward, looked at a somewhat familiar person, and wiped his eyes in disbelief, "Harland, didn't you fucking die in the wilderness?" "In a sense,

  I did He died there." Harland sighed, walked up to Hilpot, and wanted to give him a big hug.

  The membership of the Blood Serpent Brotherhood is very complicated. The mercenaries originally had ten unit numbers. After experiencing a large number of casualties and reorganization, they were divided into the current three teams.

  Haaland had been affiliated with Winter Icicle before. Although he only stayed for two years, he was at least familiar with Hilpot. But Hillbote pulled out his pistol, gritted his teeth and stared angrily,

  "How the hell did you become a vampire? Did you get mixed up with that idiot Prokin?" "

  In fact, no, after all, I have always been He is a member of the Blood Serpent Brotherhood, different from Plokin." Harland explained, but what greeted him was still Hilbot's anger.

  Mazov, who let go of Dilav, began to relieve the siege, "Okay, Hilbot, have you forgotten the purpose of the Patriot Army?" "

  Unite every force and drive the darkness out of Kislev. But, but they are Vampire!" Hilbot felt that the world was a little crazy. The vampires who were originally absolute enemies were actually friendly forces. It seemed like they were planning to join the Patriot Army.

  "Since they made no mistakes, it means they are still credible." Mazov explained, and continued, "In fact, this is a joint decision between the general and I. We cannot let the Blood Snake Brotherhood, who are instinctively our own, become enemies. We must let the enemies There are fewer friends, and there are more friends."

  He turned around, looked at the gloomy Dettlaff, and stretched out his hand to make an invitation, "Then Dettlaff, are the Blood Snake Brotherhood willing to contribute to the motherland, with your ability? Unable to overthrow the rule of the bloody tsarina, we can only make an impossible agreement with Plokin, but the Patriot Army can, and this also requires your efforts." Dettlaff held his hand and nodded

  firmly He said, "It should be so. Behind us is the motherland. We have no way to retreat."

  After a brief return to peace, the originally tense atmosphere eased a little. At least the vampire body parts of the members of the Blood Serpent Brotherhood will not Liar.

  The commandos began to greet familiar people at a distance. It seemed that the prejudices caused by racial differences would not disappear in a short period of time.

  Elvis, who was watching from the side, began to re-deduct all this. He felt as if he was being used as a tool. His function was to be used as bait and sent to the hands of the Blood Serpent Brotherhood, and then Mazov was responsible for finishing it.

  Take these people who were originally elite warriors, but become even more terrifying after becoming vampires, under your command.

  "Damn it, you have to be over your head when doing things from now on. You can't follow Caledor's methods in the old world." The Grand Master felt regretful in his heart. No matter what he said next time, he would bring a team of hundreds of people before taking action. Such a reckless man In terms of energy, who else but the prince can really do it.


  Outside Caledor's embassy, ​​the guards were fighting zombies. As soldiers who had been replaced in advance, the combat abilities and experience of these elves were extraordinary.

  Just the spear formation of hundreds of people, combined with the magic of the daughter of the Supreme Mage of the Flame Tower, has successfully suppressed the enemy's attack.

  The zombie dragon that was originally flying in mid-air had long since disappeared. During the battle between Ablash and Masno, Jacqueline chose to leave on her own initiative, leaving the ancestor of the blood dragon to fight alone in the street.

  Using a powerful bolt from the blue to briefly knock back Abrash, Masno let out a long breath.

  The battle with Ablash had lasted for nearly an hour. The sound of the fighting had caused half of the street to turn into ruins, but there was still no final decision.

  He could feel that the vampire did not use all his strength. After several fierce attacks, Ablash's strength and speed would increase by one level, and then decrease again.

  (End of chapter)

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