Chapter 525 Duel Invitation

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  Chapter 525:

  It was interesting to invite Ablash to the duel. As a vampire who has been alive for more than 3,500 years, he has seen too many outstanding warriors.

  Whether it was Gilles, the founding king of Bretonnia, or Sigma, known as the strongest warrior in human history, he had seen them all.

  But this champion warrior of the dragon lord is very interesting. His strength is very good, but he relies a little too much on the weapons in his hands. The entire battle idea is designed around this ice sword.

  Slow down the enemy, then suddenly increase the attack frequency, and finally kill them.

  The ancestor of the blood dragon raised the black sword that had several gaps. He could feel that the sword was about to shatter in the extreme cold, but weapons are only tools for warriors. If you lose them and you can't fight, how can you talk about the name of a warrior? .

  "You relied too much on the power of this weapon, which is why this battle has been stalemate for so long."

  Masnow was noncommittal, raising his blue fury and looking at Abolash,

  "I don't deny this, but any Any strength can allow me to dedicate more to Caledor. Before being a warrior, I was a Caledor elf."

  Abrash suddenly laughed, and he looked at Masno's firm gaze. , thinking about the past, I was the same way at that time, thinking that the elixir of life would lead Lamia to self-destruction, knowing that Neferata was doing wrong things, but still dedicating everything to the kingdom.

  But Masnuo was different. There was no doubt in those blue eyes. He identified with Caledo wholeheartedly and was willing to sacrifice his life for it.

  "You are very interesting..." Ablash took off his helmet, revealing a face that was unique to the Nehekhara people, with a wide face and a low forehead.

  He turned around and saw the elite knights suddenly appearing from the embassy, ​​all carrying strong magical power, and knew that this battle could not continue.

  Throwing the big sword in his hand that was almost useless to Masnuo, he said, "This sword is with you first. When the time is right, I will take it away. I hope that you will not let me down again." "

  Can I understand this as a duel?"

  Ablash nodded and put the helmet back in place,
  "Of course you can. I believe we will meet soon, at a suitable time and place.

  " Snow sheathed the blue fury. One can understand a person's character from his fighting style. Ablash may be proficient in various martial arts, including many secret dirty tricks, but he had never used them in the previous battle.

  He didn't think that this vampire would suddenly attack. He held the long sword stuck in the ground and said, "I accept this duel." "

  Very good." The face under Ablash's helmet smiled and turned into the shadows. middle.

  He will not leave Kislev in a short time. After all, Masnow alone has brought so many surprises, and maybe there will be more in the future.

  "How is the victory or defeat?"

  Imrik's words caused Masnow to pause for a moment as he stared at the sword in his hand. He began to summarize the mysterious vampire's combat prowess,

  "I am not sure of defeating him. Obviously just now In the battle, he left a lot of strength. This is my fault for not offering victory to you." "There is no need to blame yourself. I am afraid

  that there are few people in this world who can match Abolash's strength. Moreover, there have been many changes in this war. Iron Wolf's teleportation spell has just received serious interference, possibly due to Manfred's doing." Masnow rubbed his brows, and the thing he was most worried about happened. The vampire obviously did not want to let go of supporting a legal female tsar, so she asked the blood queen of Lahmia to use her connections as the true ancestor to invite several blood families to Kislev.

  Caledor does not want to fight a war far away in the Old World now. Starting from the Battle of Fennoir Plains, more than ten years of continuous war have accumulated some ideas in the country.

  In addition to being enthusiastic about dealing with Drucci, the noble council may not want to invest too much energy in this war between humans and vampires.

  He sighed and said to the prince, "I need some manpower to help. The Patriot Army can rely on gunpowder weapons to make up for the lack of numbers, but to deal with these advanced vampires, I'm afraid more support is needed." "Of course

  , The Flameborn Knights will obey your command, and a group of mages will arrive at the embassy next. To delay some time, Ingersos will arrive in Kislev with the dragon." Hearing that the

  only Shining Star Dragon Association He felt a lot more relaxed when he joined the battlefield. Where there are dragons, there are backbones. This is a thousands-year tradition.

  It always feels a little strange if there is not only no echo of the dragon's horn during the battle, but also no roar of the dragon.

  "Continue your mission and judge how to respond to the changes in the situation. Next, I will go to the Phoenix Court to participate in the war council. Tyrion seems to be planning to take action against the Burial Ship Cemetery. I may not have the energy to pay attention to the movements here in the short term. ."

  "I understand."


  felt extremely angry. Her elegant tulle dress was turned into an ice sculpture, and the bone-chilling chill made even a vampire frightened her.

  The zombie dragon has been buried deep in the tomb. The two warriors have caused great trauma to it, and it needs the wind of death to nourish it and restore it to its original appearance.

  And the reason for all this is the new vampire in front of him who is watching the evil moon.

  "You set a trap for me! You must have known that Rascal was protected by elves, but you still revealed the news to the maid and asked me to snipe him with the zombie dragon." Prokin nodded lightly and watched

  . Xie Yue's figure did not move at all, and his tone was calm, as if he had guessed Jacqueline's reaction.

  "I'm glad you can understand this. Although your actions have not had any effect and have exposed the most important combat power in our hands, I am still happy for you. At least your stupid behavior has made it clear to me. Something."

  Jacqueline suddenly calmed down. The thoughts of this newborn vampire were difficult to guess. In addition to obeying the Czarina, he used his absolute ability to make vampires at all levels of the army surrender. It was impossible for him to do meaningless things. .

  "What is your plan?"

  "Compared with Caledo, who is bound to participate in the war, I am actually more worried about the Sotek sect. After all, a group of madmen cannot guess what they want to do. Caledo is just feeling After Abrash and Manfred appeared, they would send some elite soldiers and dragons to Kislev. The Dragon Prince did not enter the battlefield of Naggaroth, nor did his partner Minas Nir. And the Sotek Sect..."

  He turned around and looked at Jacqueline with a pair of unwavering eyes, "Believe me, when you see a giant beast that can tear apart mountains appearing on the battlefield, you will definitely be shocked. Don't think about how to drain its blood, but run away quickly. If you want to build a paradise that turns Kislev into darkness, it's best to end the current farce before the real thing begins. ”

  (End of chapter)

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