Chapter 523 Justified by Righteousness

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  Chapter 523 Justification of Faith
  If you ask what a vampire is, it is undoubtedly very stupid.

  The highly respected Nagash not only created a system of necromancy based on Druchi's dark spells, but also asked Arkhan to deliver the elixir of life to Neferata's mouth.

  If this world were to evaluate the level of villains, I'm afraid Nagash and Arkhan's master and servant would not be much inferior to the Skaven.

  But the dead vampires have one characteristic in common: the endless expansion of what they want in their hearts, Vlad’s desire for the throne of the empire, his true love-blood oath with Isabella, Manfred’s intrigues and betrayal, Abrash is eager to fight...

  from another perspective, he is very paranoid, and this is why Imric set his sights on the Blood Serpent Brotherhood. To say that vampires are completely evil, it is not possible to say that vampires are completely evil. precise.

  After all, just relying on Vlad and Ablash, they can raise the moral ceiling of this race to a higher level.

  "Give him the albino snake skull."

  After receiving the order, Elvis untied the rope around his neck and said to Dettlaff, "Maybe as long as you persist for a while, the Blood Snake Brotherhood will not become like this."

  "As an outsider, you can naturally say this. If you and our situation were exchanged, maybe you would make a similar move..." Dettlaff's tone was a little sad, but he still took Elvis and threw it away. albino snake skull.

  A terrible will suddenly surged into his mind. It was a familiar smell, the taste of blood and revenge.


  "Do you insist on your faith in me, vampire."

  Dettlaff hesitated. If all the Blood Snake Brotherhood were converted into vampires just because of the worship of blood, this statement might even be unacceptable to him. Do not believe.

  Power, and it was the desire for power that made him do such a thing. Suddenly, the scene in Lustria was recalled in his mind. Through blood sacrifices, each lizardman obtained the Blood Seal and became stronger than before.

  The vampire's tone was full of hesitation, "I...I'm not sure about this. I didn't even think that you would really respond to me, a humble mortal, but for this belief, I have become a vampire. What's the matter?" In name, I can no longer call myself a follower of Sotek."

  "Justification by righteousness, not justification by faith."

  In order to maintain a sense of mystery, "Sotego" ended the divine revelation. If this vampire doesn't have any brains, then It's better to die.

  "Being justified by righteousness..." Dettlaff muttered quietly in his heart, holding the albino snake's skull tightly, and then loosening it again, with a look of relief on his face.

  He threw the important sacrificial object to Elvis, put the sword into his waist, and motioned for Harland to do the same.

  "I seem to have found the answer. The Blood Serpent Brotherhood can be on a common front with the Patriot Army."

  These words caused quite a commotion. The blood descendant behind Harland was not a member of the Blood Serpent Brotherhood. The leader Laimi Maid Ya came out again, her expression filled with sudden realization,

  "Sure enough, the so-called loyalty to glory regulations of the Blood Serpent Brotherhood is just a joke. Maybe the Brotherhood of Wallpaper is more suitable for you." Harland did not care about the words of the maid and whispered. Asked Dettlaff, "What happened?"

  Hundreds of people at the entrance began to move around. The armor on their bodies was still the half-plate armor issued when they retired. Only their scarlet eyes and pale skin showed that they had all become vampires.

  Dettlaff looked at the brothers who were waiting outside and spoke loudly about the revelation he had just received,
  "Sotego has answered my prayer. The conflict between the Blood Serpent Brotherhood and the Patriot Army lies in their different races, but Sotek's sect, as Kaler, As the main gods of the lizard people, we, as believers, also have a place where we can reconcile with the Patriot Army."

  He looked at Elvis, who had fastened the albino snake skull, "Are you right, Great Horned Viper Knight? The Grand Master of the regiment."

  "I personally think there is no problem. What determines whether you are a true Sotek believer is not your race, but your beliefs and behaviors. But it is not up to me to decide for the Patriot Army." For the sake of safety, Egypt Ervis chose to take a step back first. The prince should be able to get a few people away, but he probably will continue to watch the fun for now.

  "You are a wise man. The Patriot Army will naturally be solved by me. So now, is it time to turn your attention to these Lahmian vampires who made the motherland bleed?" After speaking, Dettlaff began to behave like a vampire

  . On the other side, the black leather coat was torn apart by the suddenly bulging muscles, and the sharp claws and fangs suddenly lengthened, turning into a humanoid beast nearly three meters tall.

  The Lahmian maid obviously planned to use her past tactics to solve the matter. She still maintained a confident look and did not feel embarrassed at all when surrounded by hundreds of elite warriors. "Dettlaff, the source of your bloodline is still in Catlin's hands. As

  a The blood descendant of Lahmia, if she knows that you betrayed us, what will happen to the Blood Serpent Brotherhood?"

  Dettlaff, who turned into a beast, opened his mouth, but instead of explaining, he let out a low roar and attacked the maid. .

  Oliveira, who was standing next to him, couldn't even see the speed of the attack clearly. She only felt a black shadow passing by, and then the maid's head was already held in Delav's hands.

  Dettlaff, who held the maid's delicate head, whispered with a hoarse beastly roar, "Sotek... is far more powerful than you think. He is the god that the Blood Serpent Brotherhood believes in, not you guys who are playing tricks. Mia Vampire."

  He crushed the maid's head, raised his arms high, and told the world that he had broken free from the restraints, shouting loudly, "The Brotherhood of Blood Snakes, in the name of blood and revenge, pay tribute to Sotek. Bring the sacrifice."

  A sound of bloodthirsty roars came from the entrance. Under the leadership of Dettlaff, these warriors who were deeply conflicted between their ideals and positions finally found an outlet and couldn't wait to let the vampires taste the taste of being slaughtered.

  Another fanatic...

  Elvis covered his forehead as he watched the situation change drastically. He tried his best to prevent the giant horned viper people from becoming Sotigo fanatics like the red-crowned skink, but the reality will always be Teach him a lesson.

  The giant-horned viper, which is often protected, has little impact. On the contrary, these vampires who are trapped in darkness actually maintain such a fanatical attitude.

  He sighed, and then there was something interesting to do. Sotigo admitted that these vampires were believers, but if the Patriot Army did not think that they were members of Kislev, they would probably have to join the giant army. horned viper.

  After all, elves do not have much prejudice against vampires, and there are very few opportunities for contact between the two parties. Just like who would pay attention to the monsters in the distant old world that hide in the darkness and suck human blood, they can only treat them as strange news or send them to the Netherlands. Sibaita was treated as a specimen.

  (End of chapter)

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