Chapter 407: Rat Council

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  Chapter 407 The Skaven Council
  Caledor’s army has been prepared. The overall strategy is for the Dragon Prince Legion led by Imric to go straight from Chapeiuto to the City in the Sky and join the advance team led by Masno.

  Another army led by Agthel will arrive at the misty city of Slanwupeck through the Rainbow Bridge, and will be teleported to Itaza. The Sun Legion led by Lord Ku Ga will transport Lustria to Lustria. The rats that exist everywhere will be eliminated.

  Edgar, who serves as the commander of the Dragon Prince, has arrived at Qingyan Port from Caledor. Looking at these young people next to him who are obviously different from before, his eyelids can't help but twitch slightly.

  Sixty flame knights rode tall horses and stayed by the prince's side. The lances in their hands had long been replaced by long-handled warhammers. The specially thickened armor and high-quality horses made the whole person look extremely strong and strong. Normal elves look much more powerful.

  From a distance, it looks like a group of Chaos Knights wearing golden armor.

  As the guarded Imric, he looked extraordinarily normal. His white Caledor armor was still as bright as ever. He held the Star Lance in his hand and quietly watched the soldiers enter the transport ship.

  If there is any difference, it is the aura exuding at all times. The dragon lord is more terrifying than before. Just looking into those scarlet eyes requires great courage.

  "Edgar." Imrik nodded to him. Although the old guy's age was an obstacle, his experience was unmatched.

  "Prince." Edgar bowed his head slightly and led the Dragon Prince behind him to the predetermined location.

  Tens of thousands of soldiers boarded the transport ship one after another, as well as humans as logistics personnel, and finally a Slann magic priest.

  The big toad rescued by Masno finally woke up. Under the instructions of Master Ma, as Caledo's accompanying mage, he helped him stabilize the spiritual vein gathering network near the Sky City.

  Of course, the giant toad's expedition will definitely have many temple guards as protectors, and a scarred veteran as a military commander.

  "Pull out the anchor! Let's go!" Imrik issued the clarion call for the expedition without hesitation. The war plan this time was very simple. It was to rely on the absolute superiority of troops to attack Pestilen and find its hiding place in Lustria. Click and destroy it directly.

  The Lizardmen have already dispatched many absolute main force legions. The Sun Legion will join the Guardian Legion in Itaza. Two of the most powerful Lizardmen ancient blood warriors in the world today will lead the army to jointly attack the lifeline of the Rats.

  As the Lord of Slanwupeck, Lord Whinni Aitankui has also awakened from his contemplation, and the Mist Legion may also be dispatched, not to mention Tehenhoin who is always on the front line, and Othiotan who appears from time to time.

  The Lizardmen dispatched at least six legendary lords in this war. Unless the Skaven Demon City sent out all the elites of the four major clans, it would be impossible to resist such a huge army.

  As for Caledon, Imric looked at Teclis beside him, as well as Mishan, known as the Storm Stone, and the Flameborn Knight of the Golden Forbidden Army. Perhaps he really had to let the Horned Rat take action, otherwise Ruth would There is no way there are any traces of rats.

  As the Caledorian army marched southward, the distant old world was located in the Blight Swamp north of Tilea, in the central area of ​​Skaven Mordor, directly below the Screaming Bell, and in the central area of ​​the Skaven Underground Empire. A terrible meeting is taking place.

  Following the oracle of the Great Horned Rat, the lord of the Gray Prophet clan ordered the heads of all clans to come here. The emergence of the Great Holy War did not bring much change to the Skaven society. The five-hundred-year civil war continued, and each The clans are all trying to gain more resources and power, challenging the four major clans that monopolize various resources in Skaven society, as well as the Gray Claw clan, the natural rulers of the Skaven, who convey the divine will of the Great Horned Rat. "We are still attacking the hairless city in the south. These humans are very suitable as weapons experiments. Yes, yes." A picture of a rat man with most of his body protected by steel armor sitting in the twelfth seat , looking coldly at the compatriots around him.

  "Your bodies are also suitable to be used as weapons test subjects for the Skuri clan, yes, yes." Mosquita, the leader of the Skuri clan, did not hide his hostility at all. The civil war was not only in various parts of the old world, but also in Sri Lanka. In Cavan Magic City.

  Because in Skaven society, only the Gray Seer clan can theoretically cast spells, the horned rats must be handed over to the ruler of Skaven society.

  But the Skuri clan still ignored the warnings of the Gray Prophet clan in the name of research, and merged magic and technology into an extremely terrifying weapon.

  The two clans are vying for the actual control of Skaven Mordor, and Mosquita is still planning how to kill the Great Prophet of Gray Claw even when the Council of Thirteen is unable to fight.

  A clan leader who was far more majestic than the normal ratmen laughed and responded to the chief engineer warlock's words,
  "The Model clan likes weapons, yes, yes. We need the Skull clan to provide biological modification technology." The Rotten clan Sect Master Womenjin, a rat man who has undergone a large number of biological modifications, firmly controls all the biological transformation rooms in the pit of hell.

  "Mutation stuff, stuff, I don't know what technology is, it's just a waste of precious dimension stones. Yes, yes." The chief engineer warlock despised the great beast tamer, showing no fear of the terrifying rat's physique.

  The conference table fell into chaos, and the clans of each clan began to verbally attack each other, completely ignoring the Great Prophet Gray Claw, who was the spokesperson of the Horned Rat.

  Only the tenth seat leader of the Plague Clan, Negrich, was indifferent to all the fighting and just watched these pitiful rats continue to fight.

  The Plague Clan has always been an outlier in Skaven society. After being driven out of Lustria by the Snake God Prophet two thousand years ago, these blessed ratmen returned to the old world, and with them, they had to fight with a large number of clans. war.

  The ranks of Skaven society are often divided by the color of their fur. The horned rats are naturally noble, followed by the rare white-haired rats.

  Normally speaking, those with black fur are born warriors and the top leaders of the clan, and those rats with brown fur are just slaves and food reserves.

  But the arrival of the Pestilen clan affected this hierarchical system. As a high-level plague priest, there is no complete fur on his body, and the same is true for the elite plague monks. It is completely impossible to judge the class from the fur. The rest of the rats are also in the plague. Under the nourishment, the whole body was covered with wounds and chickenpox.

  There was a fierce war between the two sides, which ended with Negrich bringing the deadly plague to the Council of Thirteen, and the Plague Clan gained a seat.

  The Plague Lord knew that an unprecedented war was coming to his clan, and he came here just to listen to the oracle of the Great Horned Rat, and not to ask for support from other clans.

  Looking at the sect masters who were still chattering and cursing, Negrich thought it would be more practical to try his best to cultivate a plague.

  (End of chapter)

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