Chapter 406 Madam’s posture

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  Chapter 406 Madam’s Posture

  After receiving the report from her subordinates, Adira nodded slowly and thoughtfully considered what had just happened on the forest road.

  Before getting married, she had made a lady's agreement with Alarielle so that matters between the two would not interfere with Imrik.

  After all, the burden of an ancient kingdom is enough to make people exhausted, not to mention that this person not only wants to inherit the kingdom, but also wants to restore it to its past glory.

  But this does not mean that there is no competition between the two. How to help Imric build Caledor better may be the theme of this competition.

  Judging from the current situation, there is no doubt that he has won. In the past few years, Tyronlock has only invested a large number of caravans and construction teams in Qingyan Port, and has not touched the core and most sensitive military field of Caledor.

  And Avalon...

  Thinking of the previous petition proposed by the Avalon Noble Council to allow the Eternal Queen Champion Warrior to go to Eden Valley to perform their duties, and the proposal to let Agathel re-enter the Dragon Gate, Adira sneered for a moment. .

  Sure enough, having a shrewd father is a good helper. Eldrau targeted Caledor's sensitive areas and reminded his daughter not to get involved in the army without authorization. She only needed to help Imric deal with the politics and business that he didn't want to deal with. After a period of time, the noble The group dragon prince will naturally let down his guard and let his wife take charge of some affairs.

  "Being too hasty is not the standard of a qualified lady." Adira murmured to herself. She was not very interested in controlling Caledo. This was an impossible thing to do. The level of the Noble Council alone was enough to block it. Death to anyone who attempted this, not to mention the dragon's horn, the symbol of military leadership that only Imric could sound.

  Thinking of her husband's character, Adila shook her head helplessly. If anyone tried to attack the kingdom where he bore the name of his family, no matter who it was, he would kill him without hesitation.

  However, as the princess of Tyron Locke, Adira only intends to use Caledor's power to provide some support to the country, and uses her influence to ensure the lower limit of this support, but the upper limit is not hers to decide.

  "Forget it, just do the things in front of you first. The Eternal Queen, huh, is not an enemy." Adila was quite confident and ridiculed the queen. Before, she was worried that the power of the prince's wife would be eclipsed, but the result was just as imagined. Likewise, the husband is not as interested in women as the dragon.

  The palace conspiracy between palace women that I had tried to make up for before was completely useless. As long as the position was secured step by step, power would follow.

  "Elvis, how is the troop deployment going?" Adira called the herald to come closer. Now this brat has gradually become an important intelligence officer.

  Although Imric still insisted that he join the Dragon Prince later, Adira felt that it would be good to set up an intelligence department with him as the head.

  The loyal Elvis took the report and quickly said,

  "Madam, most of the army has been deployed.

  Twenty-six dragons.

  Sixty flame knights.

  Seven hundred dragon princes.

  Three thousand dragon halberd guards. Five hundred.

  Sunhorn three thousand. Claws

  of Pathuniin two thousand three hundred.

  Claws of Tal Kharad five hundred.

  Twelve thousand spearmen.

  Eight thousand archers. There are four thousand Kislev mercenaries.

  There are three thousand human auxiliary troops in Qingyan Port.


  Elvis turned the page and continued to speak out the power in his hand,

  "Davian invited the second magic swordsman Ogus To support this expedition, a total of twelve magic swordsmen and three hundred Hoth Swordsmen came here from the White Tower of Hoth."

  Elvis stood where he was, and now the prince was almost transformed into Qingyan Port As the mascot, the wife has been handling government affairs for several years. Although the two members of the Caledor royal family have not clearly divided each other's responsibilities, they still have a tacit understanding. One is in charge of the military and industry, and the other is in charge of management and business.

  But this situation has also changed recently. After all, the prince will lead the absolute main force in the country to expedition to the southern Dalinhai, and some military affairs are also delegated to his wife.

  Adila rubbed her fingers and thought for a moment. An army with a total number of more than 40,000 people, plus the troops that had previously invested in the southern forest sea, was almost 45,000 people.

  She didn't think it was necessary to use such a huge military force against the Skaven, and judging from her husband's appearance, if he didn't have to leave part of the army to defend the country, he would have liked to devote all the troops to the war.

  A war that will affect the world structure, this is what Imrik said.

  "In addition to Tyron Locke's army, my personal private army, the Twilight Legion, will also join this war." Adila casually said the only military power she could control, and she seemed to be very indifferent.

  On the contrary, Elvis looked at her in surprise. Madam had a private army. With the help of Imrik, it was almost armed according to the standards of the Caledorian army.

  There are only more than 2,000 people, mainly cavalry and chariots, supplemented by some infantry. However, the combat order of this unit belongs to Tyron Locke, which is a symbol of Princess Adila.

  If someone wants to offend the lady, the Dragon Prince will naturally be happy to put to death the unlucky person who insults the royal majesty of Caledor. In theory, this army does not fall under the prince's jurisdiction.

  Although Imric looked down upon this Twilight Legion, it was undeniable that the combat effectiveness of this army was pretty good, at least much stronger than those humans who could only rely on gunpowder weapons to fight.

  "Is my order not clear enough?" Adila asked Elvis, her attitude was much better than the others.

  Only Imrik can ignore this brat’s family background. As Caledor’s first lady with a foreign background, Adira still has to pay attention to the attitudes of her grandfather Harandul Sr. and her uncle Edtelis. .

  "Of course not." Elvis immediately shook his head and rejected, and asked some questions, "The Twilight Legion does not belong to Caledor's military order. If there are casualties, it may cause some disputes." Adira was angry and funny

  . Looking at Elvis, this boy who is fifty or sixty years younger than him is quite thoughtful. He even thought about how to deal with the soldiers who died in the battle. This is better than Imric just charging into the battle and others wiping the butt. The mentality is much stronger.

  "This is something the prince and I should think about. If you are worried, it is best to let your grandfather join the expeditionary force to avoid post-war disputes."

  Elvis shuddered. In his impression, his grandfather has always been With his intimidating appearance, it would be best not to meet him.

  "I understand, I will hand over this matter to the person in charge of the Twilight Legion."

  Adira nodded slowly, turned to look out the window, Davian was taking the absolute elite of the White Tower of Hos to visit the port; a large number of people can be seen in the rain forest Supplies for medium and long-term use are unloaded from the ship; the gunsmith's workshop in the distance is still emitting black smoke.

  A full-scale war is about to begin, and his duty is just to sit here.

  (End of chapter)

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