Chapter 408 The Holy Seal of the Horned Rat

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  Chapter 408: The Horned Rat Seal
  Conference has reached a deadlock. In a society based on betrayal and conspiracy, this situation is really normal.

  However, a surprising loud noise caused the sect leaders present to stop arguing.

  Located directly above the parliament hall, at the entrance of the winding roads, the screaming death knell rang for no reason at an unexpected time.

  When the first bell began to ring, the thirteen Gray Prophets entered the council chamber. Dark green halos emerged from their bodies, and soon turned into a ball of blood and dissolved on the ground.

  The second bell rang soon, and there were thirteen more gray prophets. Their eyes were dull, and they raised the Great Horned Rat Seal in their hands unconsciously, gathering the endless darkness here.

  The third sound, the fourth sound, the fifth sound...

  The faces of the council members present began to show fear. Only Negriqi and Siqi, who was from the Pain Clan and was known as the high priest, had fanatical eyes. .

  This is the moment when the Great Horned God delivers another oracle. Only the arrival of the true God will require so many sacrifices.

  The Great Prophet of Gray Claw felt panic and planned to pull his body out of the chair, but the wooden chair that symbolized his status turned into a reminder at this moment. He could feel a kind of power emerging from his body, which was a familiar evil. breath.

  As the bells died down, an evil god with long horns appeared above the conference table, with a green vortex spinning around it, emitting evil light at all times.

  All the ratmen in Skaven City felt a sense of fear, as if the end of the world was coming, and they all knelt down to the Screaming Bell that emitted bright light, trying to get the Horned God to let them go.

  Most of the ratmen in the council room were like this. The patriarchs, who symbolized incomparable authority and power in the eyes of other rats, all knelt on the ground with their heads hunched, praying that the fate of the Great Prophet Gray Claw would not befall them.

  The Horned Rat, who sacrificed one hundred and sixty-nine Gray Prophets, created twelve magic stones on the round table when he appeared.

  "Touch it." The Horned Rat's voice was as evil as every Skaven believed it to be, and no endless filthy words could describe the sound that echoed in the conference room.

  Plague Lord Negrich touched the magic stone in front of him without hesitation, and a special feeling emerged from it. Countless knowledge about making plagues was contained in it, as if he had understood the essence of the concept of plague.

  A glimmer of light appeared on Negrich's head covered with chicken pox, and a forked divine mark symbolizing the horned rat had been imprinted on the Plague Lord's body and soul.

  The sect leaders began to touch the magic stones in front of them. Some died and turned into a cloud of dust scattered on the ground. However, some candidates succeeded and obtained the seal of the Great Horned Rat and the status of members of the Thirteenth Council.

  Touching twelve magic stones is the standard for being a member of the Thirteen Council, and the vacant one is the seat of the Horned Rat.

  After screening the thirteen council members, the Horned Rat was ready to issue an order.

  "Stop the Skaven dispute. The cold-blooded ones threaten the evil ratmen and the elves on the islands." The horned rat's head turned slightly towards Negrich, and he could only feel a lot of things. The prophesied enemy was coming. Wake up, stop all useless disputes, and let them become your own nourishment.

  And this premise is to capture Itaza, the place where the Ancient Saint first descended. There are too many secrets hidden in the Ancient Saint's basement, and even if there is only one, there is no guarantee that there is no knowledge that threatens oneself.

  "The Great Horned God, the cold-blooded ones are attacking Pestilen, and there are also some hairless elves and human things. Our plague has lost its effect, and we can only solve these damn things through other methods. Yes, yes." Negrich raised his head and looked at the sacred figure of the Great Horned Rat, as if it were the most beautiful thing in the world. I am afraid that not even death can erase this unforgettable memory. "All Skaven clans must go to Lustria and kill those cold-blooded species and elven things." The Horned Rat stared at every member of the council present with a burning gaze.

  The divine seal brings not only power, but also absolute control. No thought can escape Zhi's perception. If anyone dares to dissent, turning into dust is the best outcome.

  "Your order, yes, yes." The Night Lord of the Eshin clan was the first to express his loyalty. No one knew what Snake was thinking, and thought he was just a rat who acted based on price.

  But the Eshin clan, which specializes in maintaining neutrality in civil wars, is often the biggest winner. The appearance of the Horned God this time will not be a surprise.

  After Snake, whose whole body was covered by black gauze, expressed his obedience to the oracle, other members of the council expressed their absolute loyalty one after another.

  As a group of rat people who use potions to extend their lives, they cherish their lives far more than any other rats, and they also understand better what the holy seal of the horned rat that appears on their bodies means.

  If you only verbally agree to this operation, you will end up with dust on the ground.

  The Horned Rat gradually retreated, and before leaving, he gave Negrich a warpstone carrying an endless deadly plague.

  After a long time, the rats gradually stood up straight. Their expressions were no longer the excitement and sinister smiles they had during the previous verbal quarrels, but instead were full of seriousness.

  The last time the Skaven gathered strength was during the war with Nagash in Three Thousand Years, but the last time it was in the World's Edge Mountains, an area that is extremely familiar to the Skaven.

  But now we have to go to Lustria. Just transporting the army will cost a lot of time and cost, plus the difficulty of cold-blooded things. I am afraid that this war will be more troublesome than the one with Nagash. .

  "The Eshin clan will send out the Master of Death, the master, the most elite running rat, yes, yes." Uncharacteristically, Snick said the chips. The deadliest assassin was afraid that his life would be controlled by others, so he could only try his best to use other rats. life to satisfy the desire of the Horned God.

  "The Model clan likes those cold-blooded things, yes, yes. I need countless specimens for experiments, and no one can take away the Model clan's experimental products." The tone of the great beast tamer was full of excitement, and all the people in the old world Most of the specimens have been thoroughly studied, and only jungle stuff can satisfy the needs of the laboratory.

  Womenjin, who thought of something, continued, his mouth big enough to swallow a rat-man couldn't help but shed yellow saliva, "There are also those flying dragon things. Pointy Ears has a lot of dragon things in his hands." , they are all mine, mine!"

  "The Storm Rats of the Grin Clan will sacrifice their lives as cold-blooded creatures for the Horned Rat!" said Krach Doomclaw, the great warlord of the Grin Clan.

  Three of the four major clans have already expressed their stance, as well as the powerful grinning clan entrenched in Camelback Mountain. The only one who has not yet spoken is Chief Engineer Warlock Mosquita.

  "War machines will also crush those cold-blooded things, yes, yes." The chief engineer warlock felt the holy seal on the surface of his body was hot and immediately showed his loyalty.

  The Skaven Demon City began to take action, and the civil war was immediately stopped by the intervention of the Horned Rat. A large number of soldiers rushed to Lustria from all over the old world, and another Skaven War will begin.

  (End of chapter)

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