Chapter 393 Minas Nil Going South

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  Chapter 393 Minas Nir Heading South
  In the middle of the night, Imrik suddenly woke up while lying on the bed and sat up suddenly, along with Adira beside him.

  "What's wrong? Are you feeling unwell lately?" Adila asked her husband with concern, reaching out to pick up a handkerchief from the cabinet next to her, and gently wiped his sweaty forehead.

  She could feel that her husband had been restless recently, especially after yesterday. Imrik, who was still reviewing the selection status of the Flame Knights, suddenly turned into a draconian, with blood-red eyes. Fiery flames.

  Although it disappeared quickly, some people still think that Lustria may have an impact on the prince's physical condition. They suggest that he return to Ulthuan and let Randy or Agathel preside over it. Colonial Affairs.

  "I'm fine..." Imrik's eyes were dazed for a few seconds, and then he gently held his wife's hand, looking at Adira with serious eyes, "If I become something you never imagined, Are you still willing to stick to your eternal vow?"

  Adila felt worried in her heart, but in order to make her husband relax, she still managed to put on a smile and imitated his tone and mocked, "Will you turn into a giant? A dragon? Even if it really turns into a dragon, I have to be the first to ride on it."

  Imrik smiled reluctantly, holding down his wife's hand that was still wiping sweat, "Go to sleep, tomorrow We still have a lot to do."


  After a moment, a pair of smooth arms were placed on Imrik's waist, and with that familiar touch, Adira leaned against his back and gently He comforted, "Don't think so much, this is not the one I'm familiar with. In my heart, you have always been a very proud person, and you will not become like this because of some unexpected things." "I know.

  " Imrik gently patted his wife's arm for a while, and then recalled the dream that had just appeared - the life of the skink named Tehenhoin.

  From his beginning as a craftsman carving gold jewelry in Chakua, to being invaded by rats and finding Sotek's prophecy plaque, and the subsequent two thousand years of fighting.

  This dream was only seen from the perspective of a third party. Imric could clearly feel the suffering of this skink in his life, including the destruction of his home, the killing of his compatriots, the guerrilla war in the jungle that lacked supplies, and the eternity with the rats. war.

  The appearance of all this only made Imrik think of one thing, why he witnessed the life course of the snake god prophet, but to the last scene.

  Tehenhoin, who was standing on the back of the Ankylosaurus, rushed toward the big rat demon, and then the originally clear scene turned into blood-red slides. The last scene before waking up was Tehenhoin shouting the name of Sotek with the blood of the Lord of Disaster, and the prophecy slate in his hand also glowed red.

  Putting his consciousness into the ancient dragon capital, a shadow sitting on the steps had been waiting here for a long time. It was Masnuo who had arrived in the Sky City.

  Masnow sat on the steps and put his hands on his chin. Even though his whole body was just a shadow composed of blue light, it seemed that he was deep in thought.

  "Tell me what happened, especially yesterday!" Imrik chose to ask the champion warrior directly. This trip to Lustria was completely unexpected. Originally, he just wanted to help the lizard people and get some benefit. But now, it seems that he has no way to escape from here, and he must know the cause of the matter.

  "Seven sacrifices, when the seven sacrifices are put into Chakua's Pillar of Prophecy together with your blood, the stars will change, day and darkness will become blurred, and the war between snake and rat will come to an end. "Masnow stood up, his face looking extremely serious. "Your physical condition is definitely closely related to Tehenhoin's behavior. When I participated in the blood sacrifice yesterday, I could feel that he was similar to you, but he was very secretive and more primitive and barbaric. "

  Imrik stretched out his left hand. In this place where consciousness is a phenomenon, every creature will appear in an image closest to its essence. Masno's consciousness, which has been affected by the blue anger for a long time, has gradually turned into ice blue.

  And his body, which was originally like a blazing flame, gradually turned red with blood under the sacrifice of the snake god prophet.

  These reds are centered on the left hand and spread towards the body, gradually covering the original flame orange-red.

  "It seems we have no choice." Imrik put down his left hand and sighed silently toward the sky that was already covered in blood mist.

  Masnuo understood what the prince meant. He could not kill Tehenhuoyin and solve the anomaly in the fastest way possible. Instead, he needed to help him collect these sacrifices to complete the ritual as soon as possible.

  When the two fell into silence, Minas Nir entered the ancient dragon capital and first asked Masnuo about the specific situation.

  After learning that the second sacrifice had caused a lot of trouble for Imric, Lao Mi was silent for a long time, and then said, "I will go to the Sky City in person, whether it is to help this red-crowned skink complete the Ceremony, or to prevent his actions from having an impact."

  "This does not seem to be a good choice, after all, the colony needs your protection." Masnow put forward his opinion, and the reason why he did not bring his dragon companions to the southern Great Forest Sea was It is the rain forest that makes it difficult for the dragon to use it. If there are only one or two alone, it will be difficult to form an effective combat effectiveness.

  "It doesn't matter, the power here is sufficient. The only thing that can really threaten the colony is the Chaos Portal, but Mazdamudi will not sit back and let this happen in Lustria." Lao Mi slowly shook his head, it didn't want to go There is a large forest sea in the south, but if it concerns the life of the brat, then you still have to go there.

  "Okay, you can go to the Sky City first and help the Sotek Sect protect the Sky City. After I complete the construction of the colony and it can operate well, I will go to the southern Great Forest Sea." Imrik nodded and agreed with Lao Mi statement.

  It was originally thought that this so-called Sotek prophecy was just Tehenhoin's plan to conduct another Lustrian Holy War, but the actual situation was beyond expectations.

  Othiotan, who was only interested in demons, led the Divine Chameleon Chapter south to join the war against Skaven, and the fighting power invested by the Pestilen clan was even more bizarre. Two elite Plague Rat Chapters were reorganized, and two more He is known as the Lord of Disaster, but his target is only an advance team of only 3,000 people.

  "Masnow, find out everything about the Sotek sect. This is your current primary goal."

  (End of this chapter)

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