Chapter 392 Three parties converge

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  Chapter 392 Three Parties Converge
  Invisible carnage permeates every corner, the dense sound of blowpipes breaking through the air, subtle explosions, the wails of the tragic death of rats, the thunder in the sky... everything is telling a

  story The thing - the end of the rat race is coming.

  The Caledorian army, which gave up the breakout, chose to charge forward under the leadership of Judith, towards the densest group of rats.

  A pair of bloodshot and angry eyes glared at the rat who was still dodging the poisonous needle. His shoulders, which were a little sore from the long battle, were once again full of strength.

  The support of the Chameleon Army helped relieve a lot of pressure on the Caledor army, but this time the rats seemed to be boundless. Every time a rat died, more rats would pour out of the tunnel.

  Everyone was at a deadlock again, and the choice to give up the breakout seemed to have turned into another wrong move. The last wave of courage had been used up, and the high-flying fire dragon flag also lowered its proud head in the wash of rain.

  Even though the chameleon's blowpipe is so deadly and can kill the ratmen with one blow, the sparse number compared to the boundless ratmen, unless they turn into lizards, it will be difficult to rescue the Caledor army.

  The injured Lord of Disaster held his bleeding belly, and crimson blood was pouring out from it. Words full of filth and destruction came out of his mouth full of sharp teeth, ordering all the people of the Horned Rat to continue attacking. .

  Encouraged by the Great Rat Demon, the rats became even more unafraid of death. The slave rats gave up eating the dead compatriots around them and continued to attack with wooden sticks. The clan rats even showed unprecedented courage, killing all of them. The brush swarmed towards those big sword-pointed ears like the god of death.

  Regarding the current situation, the Great Rat Demon expressed that he was not satisfied. He grabbed a plague priest who was still chanting spells with his left hand. The Great Horned Rat Seal on his body shimmered, and balls of vitality symbolizing decay and disaster poured into his body. .

  The Lord of Disaster let out a groan of enjoyment, and the wounds that were still bleeding gradually stopped, and the energy that supplied the altar to summon the demon was also transferred into his body.

  A black-green halo of light lingered around the big demon, and continued to expand, covering the ratmen on the battlefield.

  Those who were covered were all greatly encouraged physically and mentally, and seemed to be able to feel the gift of the Horned Rat God in this evil aura.

  The invisible hunter felt this change, and aimed the golden blowpipe at the rat demon who was still accumulating power. A poisonous needle mixed with subspace source matter was fired directly at the demon's face.

  The poisonous needle flew through the air at a speed that made it completely invisible, but was stopped by the vigilant rats. The black-green halo seemed to have turned into a protective shell to isolate remote vitality. When the poisonous needle hit, it was Gets stuck and falls to the ground.

  The Rat Demon laughed, seemingly mocking the chameleon's overestimation, but soon he stopped laughing.

  A familiar but terrifying rat aura came from the distance, accompanied by the sound of endless snakes crawling, and the scent of rat blood that could not be concealed even in a heavy rain environment.

  Waves of screams came from the direction of the altar. Amidst the calls of the jungle and the snakes, the snake god prophet led the Sotek regiment here with revenge that has never diminished and determination to never doubt the prophecy. at.

  A large number of strong skinks with red crowns poured into the battlefield, which undoubtedly inspired the confidence of the Caledor advance team who were still fighting.

  The Snake God Prophet stood on the back of an Ankylosaurus. This Ankylosaurus was so huge, with its thick body covered with a hard red shell that even Sotek's Holy Ark filled with thousands of snakes looked dwarfed by comparison. Incredibly small.

  The red-crowned skink holding the slate and sacrificial knife stared straight at Masnow. Under the slightly surprised look of the dragon lord champion warrior, he raised the slate and called out. "The person chosen by Sotek will use the blood of rats to please Sotek, and use endless revenge to transform him!"

  Masno, who was still fighting the rats, fell into a slight sluggish state. He could feel a kind of The will appeared in Tehenhoin. As someone who was very familiar with Imric, the champion warrior knew about the dragon transformation.

  It was a gift from the Father of Dragons, and Tehenhoin also had a similar aura. If what Imrik embodies is the dragon's body, then what the snake god prophet embodies is the consciousness. But it's more primitive and savage than imagined, and more crazy.

  An incredible guess appeared in his mind. Thinking of what the prince had said before, Masnuo seemed to understand something.

  Nodding hard to Tehenhoin, Masnow agreed with his idea.

  Tehenhoin looked particularly excited after receiving the reply, and the artifact in his hand kept dancing with the flow of rain.

  "The second sacrifice! The blood of the great rat demon!"

  Under the command of the Snake God Prophet, the Sotek regiment rushed into the war, accompanied by some cold lizard riders and triceratops troops.

  This greatly supplemented the Sotek sect's shortcomings in cavalry and charging behemoths, and a small number of lizard warriors also volunteered from the Sky City to join the war against the rats.

  The addition of the lizardmen reversed the tide of the war. The legion led by the snake god prophet broke into the enemy's rear from a favorable position. Large numbers of poisonous snakes poured into the rats' burrows and strangled the large rodents in the dark and damp corners.

  The Chameleon Legion, which has not yet emerged, is giving priority to attacking the enemy's high-value targets. Whether it is the elite Plague Censer Monk or the powerful Storm Rat, they often cannot escape the attack of the poisonous needle.

  The advance team led by Masnow is converging on the location of the lizard people. The champion warrior knows very well that the current goal is not to annihilate all these rat people, but to preserve as much strength as possible.

  The three teams gathered together to fight in perfect harmony. Although it was the first time, under Tehenhoin's shouts, Damian had already rushed towards the big rat demon who was still providing buffs to the rats at the same time.

  Like an Ankylosaurus from the Moving Fortress hitting the Disaster Lord, the thick shell ignored the weapon with the filthy curse and knocked it several meters away, followed by Damian's jumping attack.

  A sharp slash hit the Rat Demon's head. Although he barely dodged it, the two long, winding horns that had fallen let the Lord of Disaster know that if he continued to invest his power into these lowly rat men, , I will die here.

  Just when he wanted to change the energy supply state and use the life force drawn from the altar to improve his own state, a poisonous needle appeared.

  When the hunter was at his most relaxed, Othiotan used the blowpipe again to make him disappear into the world.

  (End of chapter)

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