Chapter 394 Adila’s Work

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  Chapter 394 Adira’s Work
  Early the next morning, Minas Nir flew towards the southern jungle with an unknown purpose. No one paid attention to all this, thinking that the Imperial Dragon just wanted to be in the jungle. Find some prey.

  At the warship parked in the port, Imrik was bidding farewell to his wife. Looking at her slightly worried look, he couldn't help but chuckled, "Even if I have a disabled hand, those druchs can't even hurt me in the slightest."

  In order to show the authenticity of this matter, Imrik ignored the "resentful" look of the Vaal priest, picked up a hammer, and with a force of his left hand, he instantly shaped it into the shape of a five-pointed star.

  "Yeah, just wait until I come back."

  When he was about to turn around and leave, he was stopped by Adila, and then a familiar face gradually approached, and then a warm touch appeared on his lips.

  Next to him, Elvis, who was watching the prince's actions with a serious face, was suddenly blindfolded, and then Davian reminded him,
  "Children, don't watch this kind of thing, you are not old enough yet."

  When parting, The joy was always short-lived, when Imrik led the legion to march north, intending to collect some interest from the dark cousin to fill Caledor's already bottoming out coffers.

  Adila waved goodbye to her husband with a smile on her face, then turned and walked towards her work place.

  As the prince's wife, she was naturally accompanied by some attendants, some of whom were brought from Tyran Rock, and the other part were female officers from Caledor.

  Yes, although Imric did not intend to make women the main component of the army, there are still some female officers serving in the army, and to a certain extent, these female officers of noble origin are no better than those with the same status. How much worse is the Dragon Prince?

  The group of people returned to the government working hall in a mighty manner, and the originally agitated crowd immediately became quiet.

  During this time of building the colony, most people became aware of the personalities of the two Caledorian royals.

  The Dragon Prince sees people through his nostrils. As long as he doesn't take the initiative to provoke him and speaks according to his temper, then he can still communicate smoothly.

  But the other Mrs. Atila is a bit confusing. When she is acting vigorously and resolutely, she is an out-and-out soldier. But when she explores the details of some things, she can accurately find out the key to the problem, which makes people confused. There is simply no way to avoid your own mistakes.

  Sitting in the position belonging to the Dragon Prince in the office, Adila was not polite about it. This position in the colony did not have too important symbolic meaning.

  It is not like the Dragon Claw Throne, which can only be seated by the Dragon Prince or the heir. In addition, Imric does not want to interfere in political affairs, which allows Adira to quickly gain a foothold in Caledor's political circles.

  "Let me see what else needs to be done today." Adila took the document handed over by the attendant, opened it on the table and looked at it for a while.

  Build a large shrine to worship the four gods of Kislev?

  Adila didn't need to think about it, and she knew that it was the religious personnel who were mixed among the civilians. The above request is very profound, indicating that the Kislevites in the colony urgently need faith to maintain their purity. Otherwise, it will be difficult to maintain their inner ideals in this barbaric land and they will fall into confusion.

  At this high-sounding statement, Adira nodded, then took out an envelope from the drawer and invited the Church of Ardaeus to settle in the colony in the name of the Dragon Palace. Since Ulthuan rejects the Setharai pantheon, then the colony Not exclusive.

  This idea was secretly approved by the prince's wife. After the letter was handed over to the attendant, the idea was later approved in the petition letter for the construction of the Sizhengshen shrine, but it could only be built in a small size and could not interfere with the long-awaited arrangements. Engineering action in progress. Adila took out the second document, and after roughly reading it, her slender eyebrows shrank into a ball.

  He raised his head and asked the attendant who was still standing next to him, "When was this document delivered? Why don't I even know any information?" The

  attendant who didn't understand what happened quickly replied, "Madam, this document The document was delivered two days ago."

  After receiving the reply, Adila leaned back in her chair rather inelegantly. The document mentioned an extremely unpleasant thing. Some Kislev civilians used the potatoes they secretly saved to brew a batch of inferior vodka, and secretly sold and circulated it.

  Although the colony is still under a rationing system and there is almost no so-called personal wealth, some hard-working people still receive a lot of extra supplies, whether it is food or some daily necessities.

  In fact, Adila knew about this, but didn't pay too much attention to it. This kind of gray transaction exists everywhere. After these people are stopped, another group of people will appear. There is absolutely no way to stop it. As long as these people are stopped, another group of people will appear. Just control the scale.

  However, this idea aroused the strange thoughts of the gangsters who were among the civilians of Kislev. Their actions were very secretive, and they used many methods that seemed good even to Adira to solve Mrs. Kislev's addiction. Drinking habits.

  But unfortunately, this kind of Kislev after a long period of military rule seems to be a bit indulgent, leaving these gang members in short supply.

  If they are normal gangsters, they may choose to expand their scale to form primitive accumulation in the colonies and gradually expand their influence.

  But this gangster named Mike was a person who personally experienced the Great Purge of Erengrad at that time. He was deeply afraid of the Dragon Prince's ruthless behavior and was unsure about the Elf's behavior, so he chose to take the initiative to report to the police. , indicating that this matter was indeed his fault, and he hoped to make up for this sin through labor reform.

  At this time, Adila was quite speechless as she looked at the fingerprints on the document and the begging confession.

  "Let this Mike come to see me." Adila waved her hand to bring this sensible gang leader over. She had done a lot of homework on Kislev before.

  Knowing that the gang was an integral part of it, Caledo didn't like the gang's existence, not from the beginning to the end. But where there is light, there is also darkness, not to mention these gray industrial chains.

  Since it is difficult to completely eliminate, let it be controlled.

  Soon, a slightly restrained young man walked up to Adira. His thick arms were covered with various scars, and his palms were covered with calluses. Even though his face appeared to be very humble, his eagle-like eyes were exposed. This is a man with ideas.

  "Dear Madam Prince, I am not honored to waste your precious time to check my request." Mike saluted, a standard ninety-degree bow, with his head parallel to the desk.

  After a long time, a voice came out that made him feel relieved.

  "Get up."

  (End of chapter)

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