Chapter 227 Trivial Hatred

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  Chapter 227 Trivial Hatred

  "I shouldn't be here with this stupid head like a green-skinned war pig!" In

  Kaderin's noble reception room, Erickson clenched his fist and punched the long metal table, Kara The dragon's crown seemed to be shaken by its anger. As he spoke, he planned to take out his personal book of hatred to write down the incident.

  "Damn idiot, after this war is over, I will definitely shave his head."

  But the High King seemed to have forgotten that the Butcher King's hair only came from that helmet, and he wrote all kinds of things on it. There is a name written down in the little book of hatred of the dwarf. If you look carefully, you will find that there are already the names of the lords and princes of the major mountain castles, but none of them have been cleared. It is obvious that the High King only uses this method to vent his heart. dissatisfaction.

  "Uncle Erickson, what should we do now? Since the Butcher King is unwilling to send troops, should we join the empire directly?"

  Thorgrin of the Drakduraz clan sat on a stone chair and looked at his Supreme King. Uncle, and there were several young men of similar age beside him. Compared with the beard that reached to the knees of the High King, their beards that only reached their chests were indeed just young men.

  "If you ask me, I shouldn't have come here. I didn't expect that the dwarves in Butcher's Castle have lost their courage. Those pointy-eared bean sprouts dare to go to Kislev. Why don't the dwarves dare." Gotrek, the eldest son of the High King, is also with him. His father was just as angry. The famous Dragon Beard clan in the mountains had become like this. How could they still worship the God of War Grimnir?

  Gotrek's younger brother also lost no time in saying, "Yes, Chaos has a lot of hatred towards us. If Chaos is eliminated and a few more pointed-eared bean sprouts are killed, then the journey to Kislev will not be in vain.

  " The conversation was centered around despising Butcher's Keep and killing Pointy Ears. Only Thorgreen saw a hint of disappointment in Uncle Erickson's eyes. It could be seen that the High King was not at ease with these two heirs. If he only knew Settle the hatred, and the dwarves will only repeat the fate they have had for thousands of years.

  The young Thorgrin pushed the silent dwarf next to him with his thick and powerful arm, "Belega, what do you think about this matter." He

  intended to let this young man who followed the clan into exile to Karazha A. People integrate into this atmosphere circle and regaining the Eight Peaks Mountain requires a lot of support. Whether Gotrek becomes the High King or his brothers become the High King, only Belegar has a good relationship with them will he have greater confidence.

  But it was obvious that Belega did not give him a satisfactory answer. He just shook his head slightly and said, "I follow your majesty's instructions. My elder brother asked me to come here because he wanted me to become a qualified warrior." Thorgreen sighed secretly

  . By the way, Belegar is only over a hundred years old. Most dwarves of this age are still digging coal in the mines or learning skills under the leadership of Longbeard, but Belegar has already experienced many battles against the greenskins. This is also a microcosm of the dwarves who have lost their hometown. They lack the protection of land and fortresses and can only use battle axes and shields to survive. Not to mention that the long-cherished wish of the Angland clan to take back the Eight Peaks Mountains for thousands of years has been shattered by two young people. For a person, fighting is the epitome of his life.

  Just as the Gotrek brothers were complaining at the speed of a dwarf, there was a knock on the door. After the High King nodded, Belegar took the initiative to open the door and found a dwarf who was drinking and bragging with them at the wine table. outside the door.

  "I heard your voices from a long way away. Maybe I should also leave the name of the Drak Duraz clan in the Book of Hatred?" Karak Kaderin's War Undertaker, Giant Slayer, Dragonbeard Agrim Ironfist, the famous warrior of the clan, made a joke at the people discussing heatedly inside. Brother Gotrek stopped talking. After all, it was difficult to continue discussing the matter if he was caught red-handed.

  Agrim patted Belegar on the shoulder with his iron fists. He had a good impression of the prince who intended to regain the Eight Peaks Mountain. This belief was the pillar that allowed the dwarves to persist to this day.

  The High King didn't pay attention to Agrim's words. It was a consensus among the mountain kingdoms that he liked to record people in the Book of Little Hatreds, but he had never carried out any actual act of revenge. Everyone regarded it as a small hobby and spoke. Said,

  "Agrim, if you want to tell me some happy news, it's best to say it immediately." "

  In fact, no, Your Majesty the High King, my father still insists on his original idea and does not intend to send People are heading to Kislev." Agrim first bowed his head slightly to the High King and then responded.

  "That guy Kazaon is as stubborn as his father." Erickson said, and wanted to add a stubborn hatred towards the current Butcher King in the Little Book of Hatred.

  "But I received a piece of news that His Majesty the Supreme King will be very interested in." As he spoke, Agrim took out a note from his leather pants and handed it to Erickson.

  Putting down the pen in his hand, Erickson took the small piece of paper, and the expression on his face began to become uncertain. Obviously, the content on it made even the Supreme King a little weird.

  "Father, what did it say?" Gotrek asked curiously. This expression had not been seen on his father's face for a long time, which made people curious.

  "The dragon lord of Caledor has come to the old world and has arrived in Erengrad." Erikson said with some gritted teeth. The relationship between the dwarves and Asur has been greatly improved due to Fenuba's efforts. Ease, but Caledor is another matter to the dwarves. It can be said that most of the hatred in the War of Revenge comes from Caledor, the arrogant kingdom that burned countless dwarves to death with dragons.

  As soon as the news came out, the people nearby couldn't sit still. "Those bean sprouts must want to use Kislev to deal with the dwarves. We must not fight with them." There were various opinions for a while

  . , Caledor, this name not only symbolizes failure for Druzi, but also symbolizes hatred for the dwarves. The 437 hatreds of Caledor II alone can be expressed Out of the mountain kingdom's resentment towards him.

  "That's enough. If we only focus on the hatred in the past, it will only make the dwarves weaker. Thorgrim, tell me what you think." The High King slammed the table hard to stop the chaos. The relationship between the dwarves and the elves The situation has eased a lot thanks to the efforts of himself and Finuba, but they both tacitly avoided talking about Caledor. This is a scar shared by both races. The dwarves had a lot of mountain fortresses burned and a lot of people died. Compatriots, Assur also left the colonies in the old world to humans, and the Phoenix Crown was taken as a trophy.

  (End of chapter)

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