Chapter 228 The current and future Supreme King

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  Chapter 228 The Current and Future High King

  "I think it is necessary to contact and try to contact this Caledor Elf, but it is only temporary. It is for the purpose of this war. In addition to having some ability in fighting, these Caledor Elfs are not as good as the goblins in other aspects. There is no difference." Thorgreen noticed the hint in Uncle Erickson's eyes and followed his words.

  "This is right. They owe us too much, and they can only repay it with their lives." Gotrek's character is no different from those stubborn longbeards. He stubbornly believes that the elves are the main reason for the weakness of the dwarves.

  After determining the nature of the matter, Erickson looked at Agrim again, "Obviously this news is not enough for you to deliver it personally. Tell me, Agrim, what do you plan to do.

  " At that moment, Agrim licked his lips. Everyone could see that he was in a state of trembling and excitement. "The mount of the current Prince of Caledor is a Glory Star Dragon. I want to try it with Scalarza." Who is more powerful?"

  Sklarzak, a powerful dragon entrenched in the mountains at the edge of the northern world, has intercepted the dwarf army many times and is the dream target of all butchers, but even Karak Kaderin's war slayer's A Grim also knew that there was no way he could defeat this powerful opponent now. He could only find a similar target to try first.

  Erickson's thick eyebrows wrinkled into a knot. He did not doubt the ability of this newly famous mustache, but the Yao Xing Dragon was not like those mediocre dragons killed by the butchers. It was powerful enough to rival the army. Creatures, less than ten Shining Star Dragons were dispatched in the Battle of Revenge, but their terrifying abilities were enough to fill many pages of the Book of Hatred, not to mention that the strength of the Caledor Dragon Lord would never be as high as what he usually encountered. Like pointy ears.

  There is already a big gap in terms of strength alone. The High King's current diplomatic strategy is open-ended, and he does not intend to bring up the hatred between the dwarves and Asur. Just when he wants to stop Agrim's idea, He had already interrupted the movement of speaking,

  "Of course, this does not mean that I am trying to kill the Glory Star Dragon. Although I am a butcher, I am also a prince. Intensifying the conflict with Pointy Ears is not a good thing. I just want to see the fighting performance of the Glory Star Dragon." Agris shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands. He also knew that it was impossible to do this. Caledo could not watch the Glory Star Dragon being killed by a Even if the dwarves kill him, it will lead to a fight between the allied forces of the order races first. The empire will definitely side with the dwarves, and then Caledor will inevitably launch an expedition against the empire and the dwarves by any means necessary, as is Caledor's usual behavior.

  A reasonably wise reserve king.

  Erickson made an evaluation of Agrim in his mind. This idea was considered enlightened in the Kingdom of the Mountains. Obviously his old friend had a fairly reliable heir, but what about himself?

  Looking at Gotrek next to him who was still muttering about the hatred of Caledor in the Great Book of Hatred, he sighed helplessly in his heart. If the Mountain Kingdom was left in his hands, it might be really difficult to revive it.

  "Are you hiding it from Kazaon, or with his permission?" Erickson asked the final question. Agrim is Kazaon's only descendant. If he secretly followed the Eternal Peak army to Keith Reeve, and died there in battle, maybe the old friend would choose to die to wash away the sin of severing his bloodline.

  "Father did not stop me from gathering some people who volunteered to go to Kislev, but he also did not support it." Explaining the situation truthfully, Agrim was obviously very interested in this war. Every butcher king before he succeeded to the throne He has to hunt down a large number of valuable enemies to be convincing. He has already targeted the ancient dragon demons who are unknown in the Chaos Alliance. Presumably those monsters with lightning flowing all over their bodies will be a suitable trophy.

  "Okay, that guy Kazaang doesn't seem to be so rigid." The arrogant High King did not say thank you, but just raised his glass and touched Agrim once to show his appreciation for the mustache.

  Late at night...

  "What do you think about the Caledonians coming here? Tell me truthfully, Thorgrim." The High King in front of the stove was not wearing the dragon crown of Karaz, just like an elder in the family. Ask the mustache for his opinion.

  There were only two people in the originally noisy reception room, which seemed a bit empty, but Thorgreen knew that his uncle was a little troubled. After all, Caledor had always been an important factor in the difficulty in effectively easing the relationship between dwarves and elves.

  "I think this Prince of Caledor is very different from his ancestors. We can try to have more contact with him." Thorgrin put down the information about Imrik and sent Caledor to Agrim. After the news of arriving in the old world came, a piece of intelligence about Imrik collected from the empire was also sent to the High King. It was obvious that the Butcher King was very interested in this Prince of Caledor. "Continue."

  "He did not choose to defend the Dragon's Back Mountains. Instead, he actively attacked Druzi. Although this is in line with Caledo's usual style, I think it is not simple." "The dragon ship anchored from

  Marienburg There is a fire dragon flag on the fleet, and judging from the information collected at Haimen Pass, Caledor did not have ships of this level before. This fleet may be part of what he gained in the war with the Oathbreakers, which means He doesn't just think about fighting and letting everyone lick his heels." Seeing Uncle Erickson's thoughtful look, Thorgreen continued to tell the analyzed information.

  "And in the past two years, there have been many trading ships belonging to Caledor traveling to and from the Empire, Bordero, Estalia, Tyrell and other places. According to our intelligence network, these ships While selling goods, we will also inquire about the bad land and the Angland clan. Even though it is very secret, we still discovered it. But what their purpose is, I have never guessed, but it is obvious that they intend to return to the old world. Do something."

  Thorgrin, who took over part of the intelligence work, is familiar with recent events, but he did not guess why Caledor would be so active in seeking information about the Badlands and the Angrond clan. If he wanted If they start a war again, they will definitely be targeting Karazha A. Karak, not an exiled clan.

  This question was quickly answered by the High King,

  "The Horn of the Silver Dragon of Israma, only this thing can make the Caledonians, who are all confused in their minds, so interested in it." Erickson's His face was a little rosy under the firelight, and he thought of many things, including the two Doomsday Anvils lost in the Battle of Revenge, as well as many treasures symbolizing the honor of the dwarves.

  "But wasn't that thing taken away by the greenskins? Why did you inquire about the Angrond clan?" "

  After Caledor II was beheaded by the ancestor Gotrek Starbreaker, the Silver Dragon Horn of Ysrama was It was given to the Angrond clan, but because of the rapid invasion of the greenskins and ratmen that swept across the mountains, the officials responsible for liquidating the loot missed some information, thinking that the thing had been taken away by the greenskins. I also got it from Angron. Only from the Lande clan did they learn that the Dragon Horn was still placed in the ancestral treasury of Bafeng Mountain. Although I don’t know how the pointy-eared man knew this news, it is obvious that his target is the Dragon Horn." Caledo,

  Caledo many.

  This term echoed in Erickson's mind many times. Even if he tried to persuade himself to let go of his prejudice against these arrogant elves, the records in the Book of Great Hatred seemed to be vivid in his mind, but now is not a suitable time to settle hatred. Era, the threat of greenskins and ratmen has been far higher than that of the dragon kingdom in Ulthuan.

  "Then you try to contact the current Dragon Prince and test whether he has any idea of ​​​​recovering the Dragon Horn from Bafeng Mountain. But if he is like his ancestors and his mind is filled with goblin shit, then there is no need to pay attention to it." Ai. There was some helplessness in Rickson's tone. The lost mountain fortress of Eight Peaks Mountain has always been an unforgettable pain for the Mountain Kingdom. It is also the natural moat that prevents Iron Peak Castle from connecting with the compatriots. For thousands of years, the Angland clan It has been overdrafting the Mountain Kingdom's trust in it and spending a lot of resources. Countless dwarves want to help them regain the Eight Peaks Mountain, but to no avail.

  Many mountain fortresses have given up on supporting the Angland clan's long-cherished wish to regain their lost territory. Only Eternal Peak and Copper Mountain Fortress are still willing to strongly support the action of regaining Eight Peaks Mountain. However, if this situation continues, it will be difficult to see a glimmer of hope.

  As a last resort, it may be necessary to use some external force to make this hope more obvious. The High King does not doubt Caledor's military strength, and the importance of the Dragon Horn to it will also make them take such military adventures, but this What is it to a dwarf, to use the power of an enemy against another enemy?
  "Forgive me, ancestors, the current situation of the Mountain Kingdom is no longer as strong as it used to be. Even if humans are willing to help the dwarves, the recovery of the Eight Peaks Mountain is meaningless to them. Only the dwarves would care so much about Valaya's blessing. Earth, even with the power of pointed ears, I have to make this possibility become a reality, and I am willing to bear this sin."

  High King Erickson clenched his fists. Along the way, he had deeply seen the stubbornness of his compatriots. , even though the world situation is so tense, they still try to close the mountain fort and be a tortoise to avoid reality. The goblins in Caledor are more sensible than them. At least they know how to support the Chaos invasion.

  (End of chapter)

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