Chapter 226 Conflicts among the left-behind personnel and the dwarves

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  Chapter 226 Conflicts between the left-behind personnel and the dwarves
  As the negotiations between the two sides ended, Imric returned to the center of the Caledor army and began to figure out how many people to keep here. The mercenary plan was originally planned to be discussed with the Tsar. But I didn't expect that a patriarch would show up halfway.

  However, the outcome of this matter did not change much. The deal with the Patriarch was even better than that of the Tsar. The religious forces headed by the Orthodox Church had a great influence on Kislev. Even some Tsarists did not Wherever the method affects, the church can maintain a high influence.

  Glancing at Agthel beside him, he saw that he had only brought him a high-level dragon prince with outstanding commanding ability. He must have left him in Erengrad, but how many soldiers should be left behind was a big problem. Caledo's troops must have He couldn't leave it here, after all, he still had to fight the main force of Chaos, and he couldn't trust the miscellaneous armies of other kingdoms.

  So he thought of a way and looked at Iron Wolf, "You three have no problem staying here, right?" The

  Dark Trio is one of the trump cards of the Dragon Palace, not only for its powerful combat power, but also because of its unique power. , that teleportation scroll can only be used by those who have entered the Dark World and the Dark World. If the battle situation in another place is really urgent, it can also pull the three of them there.

  Just when Tie Lang was about to say that these barbarians were almost like Chaos and didn't want to stay here at all, the voices of Mishan and Damian came out, "
  I follow your instructions."

  "It doesn't matter, as long as we have a fight and something to eat. ."

  According to the previous agreement, the trio would hold a democratic vote when they had different opinions. This made Iron Wolf can only snort,
  "They are just some chaotic barbarians. The descendants of Kurast Port will not care. Destroy them without mercy."

  Imric didn't want to say too much to the sharp-tongued Iron Wolf. This guy had the same virtue as Minas Nir, and he would never give in verbally. Then he looked at Agathel,
  "You stay here, and the armies of Itaien and other kingdoms are under your command. Mishan and the others will also stay here, but if the situation on the other side is really urgent, you need to be prepared for them to leave at any time."

  Agger Although Seer didn't know what the prince talked about with the patriarch, he could only hide this doubt in his heart. He couldn't help but glance at the emaciated figure of the archmage. Imric and Tigris walked very closely in the past two days. Recently, it seems that some agreement has been reached, which may not be a good sign.

  "Yes, I need the dragon ship fleet to cooperate in the operation. If necessary, dismantle some of the dragon claw ballistas on the Vaal's Wrath and use them as city defense guns." "Yes, as

  my adjutant, you already have this power, Agather Yes." Imrik nodded, took out a dragon scale token from his arms and handed it to him. Although the effect of this thing is not as good as the fire dragon crest ring, it also symbolizes the presence of the dragon lord.

  After leaving a large amount of supplies and manpower here, Imric, who led the army to the battlefield, said something to Agathel who was left behind, "If those Kislev ladies still have this attitude, go to the big army first." Patriarch, if the situation remains unresolved with the intervention of the Orthodox Church, you will first return to Marienburg by boat, and then transfer to a boat on the Reik River to return to Kislev." Everything must be done with a backup plan. I am just afraid

  . Agthel is determined to live and die with Erengrad, and there are at least 5,000 troops left behind. As long as the dragon boat fleet solves the threat at sea, even if it is surrounded, it can persist until the main force of Chaos is wiped out. But if you are held back, make final plans.

  But those refugees may have no choice. Food needs to be provided to the soldiers first. The risk of traveling to and from the Claw Sea is too great. There is no way to use the dragon boat fleet to transport food to the empire. They can only pray that Esun is more reliable than Asuyan. Some can protect them through this cold winter.


  Located in the North World's Edge Mountains southeast of Kislev, Karak Kaderin is built on a steep mountain. Ever since Karak Ungol was occupied by orcs and goblins in the Battle of Longbeard, it has been the place where the dwarves have built their home. Gateway to the North. Several high kings tried to recover Karak Ungol from here, but no progress was made in four thousand years. The dwarves shamefully called this lost fortress the Red Eye Mountain, because the scarlet eyes of the night goblins can always Arouse that endless hatred.

  The flames on the altar of Grimnir seem to be no longer as strong as before. This is the gathering place for the most fierce and fearless warriors in the old world. All dwarves who want to wash away their shame in battle will come here. Under the influence of the ancestor gods, While watching, he swore an oath not to back down from any battle, to look for every opportunity to die gloriously, to take off the heavy steel armor, and to use paint and lard to make his hair as scary as Grimnir. Dwarves who are fearless and fearless are also called butchers in awe.

  But today, these butchers may have broken their oath.

  In the underground drinking hall, the Butcher King raised the craft beer from Torrent Pass and raised his glass to High King Erickson. His rough voice overcame the noisy environment and said, "Welcome, the Lord of the Mountains is coming again after a hundred years.

  " What an honor it is to go to Karak Kaderin."

  "Hahaha, my dear friend, it seems that you still haven't found an opponent worth fighting."

  Erickson took a sip of the thick beer And then, obviously I was very happy to see my friends again after a long separation, but this was not the most important thing.

  As barrels of beer were placed on the table and the roasted goat was carried off, the Butcher King finally got down to business,

  "You want Kaderin's heirs to support Kislev."

  He put down the wine glass . Erickson nodded. He has great confidence in finding troops from Kaderin. The cultural atmosphere here is relatively open and he can better understand the significance of human beings to the mountain kingdom. In addition, the largest Gelin The Temple of Mnir is here, and it will certainly not be as empty as in other mountain fortresses.
  "Yes, we need to rescue Kislev from the claws of Chaos, otherwise the mountain kingdom will lose its most important thing." The barrier."

  But what the High King didn't expect was that the Butcher King made a shocking reply,
  "You are indeed in the right place, but I will not agree. Kaderin has been attacked in the previous operation to regain the Red Eye Mountain. A lot of losses. I will not let my men carry out a meaningless support. Pointed Ears has already gone to Erengrad, and the Empire will arrive at Kislev soon. I think this is enough." High

  King He looked at his friend who had known him for hundreds of years in surprise. He never thought that trying to find support from Kaderin would fail. He couldn't help but clenched the wooden wine glass in his hand, and said in a low tone, "You know that
  Kisili The husband meant something to the Mountain Kingdom, but he still did this. Once they are defeated, the Chaos and Ratmen in the north will be able to enter the World's Edge Mountains from the Red Eye Mountains unscrupulously." The Butcher King was not angry, and he also knew that he had let the old

  man The friend was disappointed, but the king's duty did not allow his men to try to find a glorious death. The dwarf was already weakened. This was an indisputable fact. He needed to preserve every strength to liquidate the contents of the Book of Hatred, not Things that get mixed up between chaos and humans.

  "Kadrin will kill all the intruders without leaving a single trace behind!"

  (End of Chapter)

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