Chapter 225 Future Mercenary Plan

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  Chapter 225 Future Mercenary Plan
  “Caledor wants to hire the Kislev ladies to go to the New World to expand colonies. During the period, they will sign a twenty-year labor contract and send them back to Kislev after the end. "

  After getting Imric's signal, Teclis began to speak on behalf of the dragon palace. If there was a dragon prince here, he might have killed the great mage on the spot for letting the Witch King escape, but unfortunately he didn't.

  "Impossible. Mrs. Kislev can only find the meaning of life by staying in this land where her ancestors came. Your words are just a lie. You must be planning to use those people as cannon fodder in the war." The patriarch said. Understanding the hidden meaning in Teclis's words, he fully understood what kind of kingdom Caledor was during this period, from Caledor the Dragon Tamer to the current prince Imrik. If he wanted to compile a book about the Dragon Tamer Family History, then the other name should be called A Brief History of the War in Ulthuan.

  These words made Imric smile contemptuously. He leaned on the chair wrapped in wolf skin and put his hands on the back of his head, looking very casual. "So you can't even feed your own people and you still have the courage to say this?" Well, have you seen those people trying to catch rats in the port sewers to satisfy their hunger? Have you seen those people rummaging through the garbage thrown out by Boyer trying to find some scraps of bread? Have you seen those people selling their children in exchange for it? Have you had enough food for a few days?"

  Before the Patriarch could answer, Imrik sat up straight, turned his face, and angrily pounded the table next to him with his hand,
  "You have seen it, of course you have, because Every time you go on a tour, you will pass by these pleading people, and every time you pray, they will respond. They use their lives to support the backbone of this cold kingdom, and use the food they cultivate in the farmland to exchange for your ability to resist chaos. Invasion, but what's the result? When you can't solve it alone, just look forward to the arrival of reinforcements, and pray that the gods will protect you again to survive the cold winter, but no one will care about those who have no way to survive, and even use the illusory country to Consciousness to trap the only possibility of survival."

  "Instead of giving them no possibility of survival, it is better to let them go to the new world to open up a land! They no longer have to bear the fate of being oppressed because of their ancestors."

  To be honest, Imric was indeed a little angry. During the few days he came to Erengrad, he not only visited the military command, but also walked around in his free time, but what could be seen everywhere was the lackluster eyes. In early spring, Refugees wearing tattered robes huddled together in leaky tattered tents to keep warm. Children who were unable to support them could only stand on the street waiting for the nobles to buy them away. Even if he intended to have some supplies given to these refugees, but for the huge number, It is only a drop in the bucket for the group.

  Even if he could temporarily delay their death, the reality would not allow it. This chaotic invasion would cause Kislev's forces to be shuffled, and the newly appointed nobles would inevitably need a lot of manpower to reclaim the razed farms. Even if the refugees barely survive the Chaos invasion, the rest of their lives will not be easy.

  The Patriarch was a little speechless by these words. He was not a stubborn religious person who did not care about worldly affairs. Otherwise, he would not have been able to negotiate with Imric here. Why didn't he know that there were a large number of people on the verge of death in Erengrad? , but there is still nothing that can be done about it. Not everywhere is like the blessed land left by the ancient saints in Ulthuan. Just sow the seeds and wait for the harvest next year. The influx of a large number of refugees has caused Erengrad’s food to be stretched. The purpose of this negotiation is to ask Imrik for food and troops to guard this place.

  Tigris walked up to the Patriarch, "The Dragon Prince's words were very direct, but they were all true. Erengrad could no longer support so many people. They only spent twenty years in exchange for a living." I don’t think even the Orthodox Church can intervene in this matter?"

  He looked at the uncertain face of the Patriarch and knew that this matter would most likely be successful. If it were the Boye who owned the land, The nobles will definitely not let these productive forces escape abroad. This barren and backward kingdom can only survive by exploiting the people at the bottom.

  However, as the leader of the Orthodox Church, the Patriarch himself belongs to the non-secular class. In terms of attributes, he does not care about productivity. As long as these people sent abroad still believe in gods, then it is a good thing for them. There are more living believers than The dead are more useful, no matter where they are.

  "I can't agree to this condition because I don't have the power." The patriarch sighed. Although his words were rejection, he actually agreed. "No problem, I believe these people will understand the painstaking efforts of the Patriarch, and Caledor can also understand the difficulties of Kislev. It is difficult for this barren land to support more people, but the threat of Chaos invasion cannot be ignored. If the Ice and Snow Palace and the Orthodox Church are not allowed to maintain high-intensity military power, even if they want to change the living conditions of the people at the bottom, they will not be able to do anything." "Let's be honest, you are playing

  tricks, we Mrs. Kislev can't fight against you elves."

  After hearing this As he spoke, Teclis glanced at Imric behind him, and after seeing him nod, he said, "Calledor is expected to launch a lot of military operations in the future, but due to the scarcity of the population, it is planned to Looking for some reliable soldiers in the old world to serve the dragon court." "

  Of course, this is not to threaten Kislev during its crisis. Caledor will provide these soldiers with military pay and equipment, and focus on Training, with an employment period of eight years, after which they can return to Kislev with military pay and equipment. The Dragon Palace can guarantee that as long as the combat effectiveness of these people meets expectations, the military pay will match their abilities, and if the basic If Sreif is invaded by a large-scale Chaos, the Dragon Palace will also send troops to the Old World for support." The Patriarch sat

  down and thought for a moment. This negotiation has begun to deteriorate, from saving Erengrad to After observing the negotiations between the two forces, he heard the meaning of Tigris' words. As long as the Orthodox Church agreed to let Caledo hire soldiers, the dragon ship fleet would stay in Erengrad and leave troops to help resist Chaos. The coalition forces, but if they don't agree, they can only help Kislev to resist threats at sea.

  Regardless of the country's position, this condition is favorable to Kislev. Not to mention the refugees who leave voluntarily, Kislev maintains a large number of standing troops and soldiers that can be recruited at any time. This is to resist large-scale attacks. Chaos invades, but not every year there are a large number of Chaos troops, which leads the Ice and Snow Palace to hand over the management of the land to Boyer, because the kingdom's finances cannot maintain such high military expenditures, and can only let the nobles from various places be responsible.

  But Boyer also has no money, but due to the threat of Chaos, he can only prepare for war at any time. This has made many places in the country rich in troops. Those Boyers who have no money to pay their troops even pretend to be Norscans to rob the empire. Caravans come to sustain life.

  The Patriarch still has a vague idea of ​​how much wealth Assur has. If mercenaries can improve Kislev's financial situation and get a professionally trained army every eight years, It doesn't seem like something difficult to accept.

  "Your plan convinced me. I can only guarantee that people around Erengrad will accept employment. You need to solve the situation in Kislev on your own, but all this must be based on surviving this Chaos invasion in Erengrad." Under the premise.”

  (End of chapter)

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