Chapter 286 [286] Retrieve the treasure house and fight against the Red Dragon Heavenly Kingdom

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  Chapter 286 [286] Retrieve the Conquest Treasure House and Fight the Crimson Dragon Heavenly Kingdom

  "The more you take the legendary blood potion, the master will quickly progress through your sublimation state and become an official wizard." "

  Inside the Conquest Treasure House, there is also a formal upgrade The "Legendary Heart" potion with the wizard's strength also has related supporting potion formulas, including the subsequent "Legendary Soul" potion and "Legendary Spirit" potion, which continue to extend the limit and continuously improve the strength until it reaches the fourth level without any hindrance. Wizard."

  The Hanged King's words echoed in Wang Ya's mind.

  The reason why the legendary series of potions can become the best way to break through is also closely related to breaking through the fourth level wizard.

  Carrying the rules, birthing the rules, there will be no resistance and everything will come true.

  The Great Wizard of Black Sun spent his whole life, until he died of old age, without successfully advancing to the fourth level of the Great Wizard.

  The other party's pride also makes him unwilling to cause any stains or loopholes in his own path as a wizard in order to survive and extend his life.

  'No wonder the wizarding civilization in the legendary era is notorious and feared throughout the boundless void sea and the world of heaven. Wizards are even more ugly, barbaric, and heart-eating in the historical books of some civilizations.'

  Anyone who sees the figures in black robes with shining eyes and extremely greedy will feel fear.

  Not to mention other benefits, just the legendary series of extraordinary potions. Wang Ya admitted that he was moved.

  "Master, the internal structure of my fortress was dismantled and integrated into the depths of the deep blue world. It maintains the entire world experimental site. Only after retrieving those parts can I leave this place." "Similarly, the world experiment

  . The field will also be destroyed, which means that the balance is broken, and the wizarding world will completely devour this world."

  Wang Ya's figure was enveloped by the power of the teleportation wizard formation, and he took a rough look at the internal structure of the entire fortress, like the Hanged King As it was said, nine of the ten rooms were empty, and almost every area had its components removed.

  The current Hanged King's Fortress is incomplete, imperfect, and has lost most of its power.

  The World-Destroying Meteor Cannon lacks the most important energy-melting connection pipe between the engine and the muzzle.

  Even if Wang Ya becomes the master of the Hanged King's Fortress, he still won't be able to take this big guy away.

  Unless the relevant structural accessories are removed.

  This is obviously difficult. According to what the Hanged King said, most of the places where those accessories are located are in unfathomable seabed cracks, or are buried thousands of meters deep in the earth. A more reliable way is to use the power of Deep Blue indigenous
  technology , to dig underground, or to build an undersea exploration base.

  The time it takes is destined to be very long.

  Relying on one's own strength, it is still impossible to blast open the earth veins.

  The most powerful fission witchcraft of Burning Silence cannot affect such deep strata.

  Wang Ya doesn't have the time to do these things.

  What I learned from the Hanged King is that the flow rate of time in the cycle of time domain is different.

  Every time it is reset, the time gap with the outside world is one year.

  Wang Ya has reset at least fifteen times, which means that fifteen years have passed in the outside world.

  His long-term disappearance will definitely cause a chain reaction.

  What worries me is some of the conditions in the Dark Land.

  Hope it's not too bad.

  There is still good news, that is, the location of the accessories in the treasure house is not as scary as being buried ten thousand meters underground, but only one thousand meters away.

  Because of the operation of the continental plates and topography, it extends from the depths of the earth's veins to the positions closest to the surface.

  Perhaps it is also the only accessory that Wang Ya has the ability to obtain.

  The extraordinary resources that exist in the Conquest Treasure House are also what he needs.

  The most important thing is the extraordinary potion formula of the legendary series.

  As well as the legendary blood potion that can allow him to complete the sublimation state and enter the ultimate state of the wizard in a short period of time.

  The Heart Dream Mirror appeared in front of me. In the yellow-orange mirror, deep underground, a large number of tree roots tightly entangled and sealed the six wizard puppets.

  No, maybe after melting the statue of the deep blue wizard, the black steel metal is enough to sublimate his Heart Dream Mirror and Magnetic Silence Mirror.

  The corners of Wang Ya's mouth curved upward, revealing his white and neat teeth.

  Red Dragon Alliance Heaven.

  Hundreds of regions have been put into a state of war readiness at the same time to deal with terrorist actions and secret attacks from other major powers and super-powerful terrorist forces. Five years have passed since the outbreak of the global war between superpowers and technology.

  The war situation is no longer the initial situation of each being on guard, watching each other, secretly developing and conquering super technology, and trying to overwhelm each other through economic warfare in all aspects.

  Only some small countries will suffer. They have no ability to bear risks. Once orders from big countries stop, the entire economic system will completely collapse, and the currency will be like banknotes, eventually becoming a subordinate colonial power.

  This has also led to the birth of a large number of underground forces and terrorist forces, which are madly seeking revenge within the borders of major powers.

  Moreover, due to the small number of personnel and high mobility, they often cannot be traced and are harassed again and again.

  Although the losses were small, they devastated the people, making citizens panicked and unable to survive. It also brought the prestige of those big powers to a low point and led to economic recession.

  The trigger was the explosion of the Heart of Machinery, the large number of super gene carriers, and the uneasiness and fear among the top brass of the old human race.

  In the end, the whole world fell into chaos. As long as there are interests, even the two forces that have just cooperated can fight each other again. Many far-sighted people are afraid of how far it will go.

  The true strategic weapon of scourge breaks out.

  There are almost no people in C9 Park, and there are more wild animals, scurrying among the grass and trees.

  As Wang Ya walked on the warm stone path, weeds popped up and brushed against his boots.

  Returning to the Ninth District, he felt a little emotional. The influence of the Black Dragon Research Institute is still continuing to this day. Most of the people have moved to another area of ​​activity, or simply moved away from the Ninth District.

  The streets were also very deserted, except for the abundant electricity supply. Various neon lights flashed in the steel city, which gave it a particularly sense of loneliness. Wang Ya was also surprised that Zhanzangcang actually existed inside the Crimson Dragon Alliance Celestial Kingdom.

  It is also the Nuclear Energy Research Center in the 10th District, which has a large amount of nuclear energy storage, and is also a source of raw materials for the scourge weapons.

  It can actually help his plans and purposes to a certain extent.

  Before that, he needed to take out something left at the Black Dragon Research Institute.

  The cold wind blew the leaves of the wild grass and forests, and the Black Dragon Research Institute area in front of them was hollow, with all kinds of vegetation crazy, becoming a paradise for animals.

  It seems that the Black Dragon Research Institute that disappeared after his disappearance not only failed to break the theory of the forbidden area, but actually deepened it.

  Even if the white wave light does not exist, no one dares to enter the research institute.

  His pupils were shrouded in four-color luster. What he was looking at was not the vegetation and flowers, but the Black Dragon Research Institute in the dream world.

  The black energy beam still exists, although it has shrunk a lot, and the internal fission fire core cycle is about to collapse. However, 30 fission fire cores are enough for Wang Ya to use. If it comes later, it is estimated that it will be left behind. The dream seeds can no longer maintain the supply and consumption of dream power.

  A black magnetic mirror appeared in front of him. The mirror surface was rippling with light. It was introverted, like the mouth of an abyss, capable of sucking in endless matter.

  In fact, it is absorbing the power of the black energy beam. The fission fire cores are like small black balls, sinking into the mirror, causing ripples one after another on the waves.

  The internal bottle of magnetic silence perfectly utilizes the energy of the fission fire core, and begins to cycle to accelerate particle collisions, reproducing its original level of power.

  Then, holding the magnetic silence mirror with his right hand, strange black spells appeared on the surface of the skin, the blood vessels seemed to become black lines, and even the bone marrow and flesh had the brilliance of energy flares, but they were extremely dark.

  A creepy aura gradually spread out from Wang Ya's body.

  That kind of energy level that is restrained to the extreme, as if it is about to shatter the world, is rising without any end as the fission fire cores pour into the body.

  Until the last fission fire core poured from the handle of the Magnetic Silence Mirror into the palm of his hand, Wang Ya's aura gradually subsided, and those strange black mantras and black lines did not penetrate into the skin.

  Spreading his white palms, Wang Ya had a subtle look in his eyes and raised the corner of his mouth, "This power is really fascinating, but it is far from the limit that I can bear." The fission wizard in the heart

  part After the operation is completed, the fission nuclear energy body is already in a complete state.

  There is no difference from the real elemental body of a formal wizard, and it will be more powerful.

  "What will happen if we combine the biological force field with the fission nuclear energy body? Well, now is not the time to think about this problem."

  Wang Ya suppressed the inspiration in his heart, raised his head, looked at the sky, and then His eyes turned to the direction of District 10.

  The next moment, his figure faded and disappeared.

  At the same time, the major powers with satellite grid monitoring systems all detected an energy level comparable to battle-type scourge weapons at the same time.

  Emperor Chilong woke up from his nap, sweating profusely, panting heavily, and with full fear in his eyes.

  A nightmare about the annihilation of the Red Dragon Guards fifteen years ago and the reappearance of the death of the most powerful natural disaster, Red Dragon. He didn’t know why he dreamed about the monster called the black-robed crow doctor, but fifteen years had passed. .

  I can’t forget it, I still can’t forget it!

  The resentment and hatred in his heart made him always looking for its traces.

  But the other party seemed to have disappeared from the world, without any clues at all.

  Leaning back on the dragon chair, the Red Dragon Emperor's chest heaved. He was a little tired, and white hair appeared on his head. Even the genetic injection didn't work. It seemed that he had to try injecting a super potion.

  "Your Majesty, we have detected an energy level comparable to that of a scourge weapon. Based on the energy release position and related monitoring images, it can be determined that the target you have been looking for has finally appeared." The guard with a sword knelt at the door of the hall, his

  voice Echoing continuously in the space.

  The Red Dragon Emperor suddenly raised his head, his face changed drastically, "What did you say!"

  After seeing the transmitted light screen image and seeing the black-robed figure appearing in the Black Dragon Research Institute area, he even stood up directly from the dragon chair. He stood up, and he didn't even notice that there was traces of fear in his eyes.

  "Report again, Your Majesty, the target has appeared in the tenth area, and it seems to be heading towards the Nuclear Energy Research Center."

  Emperor Chilong took a deep breath, and in a trembling tone, he ordered the second person to kneel at the door. The sword-carrying guard said, "Use all your power, all weapons, no matter what level, whether it's heavenly fire, heaven's punishment, or even super-powered natural disaster weapons in the experimental stage. I have only one purpose, and that is to destroy that guy without leaving anything behind." No leeway, no matter what the cost, even a nuclear energy research center."

  "According to the order!"

  "Fifteen years later, I finally found you, and finally this time, I must kill you, I must!!" Chilong The emperor turned his back to the main hall, with trembling eyes.

  ps: The 10,000-word update will resume tomorrow. The next chapter will be before 1:30, maybe ten minutes longer.

  (End of chapter)

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