Chapter 285 [285] Take control of the fortress and break through the official wizard opportunity

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  Chapter 285 [285] Take control of the fortress and break through the official wizard. The opportunity
  to break through the official wizard is not limited to one method. The battle for justice in the legendary era. The creator of the fortress 'The Hanged King' has died. A lot of information is filled with the king. In Ya's mind, his pupils contracted slightly and he began to digest and absorb.

  A huge spider web is constantly forming in his mind. This information is the lines on the web, constantly building on everything, although some are incomplete, broken, and there are no clues to connect them.

  But the overall trend structure has emerged, and a result can be inferred from many aspects.

  In the legendary era, there were many ways to break through the official wizards. Why is there only one left now? It is still the kind of timid and conservative people who are the worst in the Hanged King's mouth. They don't even have the courage to conquer the boundless void sea, but they are full of energy. With greed.

  Wang Ya inexplicably thought of the word 'Ninety-nine Tribulations Locking the Sky Witch Array', which came from the information file code-named 'x', which contained his sealed memories.

  The memory is connected together as a whole, related to an extremely dangerous existence, and cannot be viewed.

  However, Wang Ya still understood the vocabulary and fragments of information that did not involve the dangerous existence.

  And through the algorithm database of the Dark Place and the Eye of Truth, a new record was compiled.

  The information contained therein has nothing to do with that danger.

  Wang Ya relied on this method to obtain some real and secret information about the higher-ups of the wizarding world.

  'Powerful wizards do not exist in reality, but in other worlds. The space layer surrounding the wizard world that leads to outer space is also blocked by a powerful wizard formation. Unless you have permission, you cannot enter or exit. '

  According to the information the Hanged King said, what kind of identity does the Deep Blue Wizard play? No, it should be said what position he occupies.

  Why is there something suspected to be the Book of Everything in the Hanged King's Fortress? Is it the statue and the Book of Everything left by the Deep Blue Wizard?

  Wang Ya took a deep breath and couldn't think about it any further. The level, scale, and strength levels involved were too terrifying. The real horror was far beyond his reach and beyond his ability to worry about.

  Sometimes, knowing too many secrets and truths can be a disaster.

  Among the recorded data, what can have a certain effect on him is the hidden space layer channel that may be used in the future.

  The channel where the evil god Gendas sent part of his body to the real material world.

  Wang Ya's eyes flickered, and while he was thinking, the Hanged King continued to answer his three questions.

  "I have no way of knowing the meaning of the existence of this deep blue world. There is no relevant record in my main control system. But it is certain that this world was not created by the statue wizard, but exists in itself. He opened it He entered the resource area of ​​the fortress, took away all the slave resources, and started experimental research on flesh and blood with humans as the core of the experiment." "I didn't know the progress of the experiment. I had fallen into a deep sleep at that time and could only

  go through the cycle of time. Rule engine, I can barely see some images." There was a bit of indignation on the Hanged King's beak and fleshy face, "Forcibly using the laboratory without permission. If the wizard appears again, I will use the World-Destroying Meteor Cannon. Blast him to death."

  When Wang Ya heard the Hanged King's words, he was interrupted from thinking. The battle between the Deep Blue Wizard and the Lord of Blood, Gendas, came to mind. The small book of all things was easily torn apart. The rule of blood, and judging from the level of power, maybe the level of the rule field. The world was completely destroyed after just a little bit of the aftermath, and a large number of stars perished.

  Not to mention the one world-destroying meteor cannon used in the battle fortress, there is a big doubt whether hundreds of them can cause such destructive power.

  Holding back what he wanted to say, he turned to ask: "Where did the statue wizard go in the end? Why did his world experimental site stay here and is about to be swallowed up by the wizard world." "What can't be swallowed, as long as my

  various If these functional facilities are not taken out from all over the Deep Blue World, the Wizarding World will never be able to completely swallow up the Deep Blue World." The Hanged King continued: "The Statue Wizard seems to have encountered something. After completing the World Experimental Site, he threw away the first batch of The transformed ape race left, followed by natural evolution under the ecological cycle." "

  About a hundred thousand years later, six wizard puppets made of black steel metal brought back the wizard statue, along with the broken The ancient book seemed to have been torn artificially and was still stained with blood. At least 90% of it was missing. After being mended by the wizard puppets, it could barely maintain the appearance of a book, but it was difficult for the broken pages to be completely integrated, and finally it was Carving out a special witch formation seems to be using the World Experimental Field to repair that book."

  Wang Ya exhaled a long breath, and with the understanding of a lot of information, the cause and effect was finally clear. Then there was the horror. What kind of existence could make the Deep Blue Wizard vomit blood and even tear up the Book of Everything.

  This is too cruel.

  No wonder the Eye of Truth found no danger after analysis.

  You cannot enter the Hanged King's Fortress without permission.

  The broken Book of All Things is, after all, the point where the rules gather. The field of the cycle of time rules is also subconsciously intertwined with it. It will be reset when it is touched, and it will cycle in time forever.

  If he becomes the master of the Hanged King's Fortress, the rules of the cycle of time will not affect him.

  This means that you can melt the 100-meter wizard statue and get the remaining pages of the Book of Everything.

  Wang Ya's eyes brightened instantly.

  Then the mental mark is left, and the process of soul mark is also very simple.

  There is no resistance for the new owner recognized by the biological master control system. If he forcibly takes over the authority, he will be attacked by the Hanged King.

  Judging from the mental impact, it can at least crush a large number of official wizards to death.

  Wang Ya thought of the forcible use of the Deep Blue Wizard and fell silent.

  If the target is too powerful, not even the Hanged King can do anything about it.

  [Tip: You have become the owner of the Hanged King’s Battle Fortress and have obtained full permissions. You can enter any area and use any device.

  The title of the Hanged King has also changed, "Master, because my various facilities and functional areas have been integrated into all parts of the deep blue world, I cannot escape from here." The huge scarlet mucosal flesh ball cylinder reaches a hundred meters

  . , the interior is a large number of ravine traces of the human brain structure, with blood vessel tentacles interspersed, and a large amount of nutrient solution injected to maintain the operation of the Hanged King.

  Wang Ya was standing on the metal stand next to the main control core. The Hanged King's words were transmitted to his mind through the soul imprint.

  He frowned, "Then how many functional areas and facility structures do you have left now?"

  The Hanged King said with a bit of embarrassment, "Only the Cycle of Time Rule Engine and the Conquest Treasure House are left." "

  But most of the Conquest Treasure House is They are all integrated into a place in the deep blue world, where there are some resources accumulated by the creator when he plundered the world, as well as the legendary blood potion that is most helpful to you, master." "The more you take, the more your sublimation state will be, master

  . It will be completed faster, and finally it will completely transform into the ultimate state of the official wizard stage."

  Wang Ya was silent. He co-wrote the last legendary blood potion, which was the only thing in the remaining battle treasure trove he had.

  (End of chapter)

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