Chapter 287 [287] Absorbing a large amount of super natural disasters and legendary blood potions

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  Chapter 287 [287] Absorbing a large amount of legendary blood potions from super natural disasters
  "The group of retro robes that disappeared completely after the Machinery Heart explosion fifteen years ago have actually reappeared. We must not let this opportunity pass by."

  Bald Eagle In the federal presidential palace, Big Bang was sitting on a chair in the office. The light screen in front of him also showed the scene of Wang Ya appearing at the Black Dragon Research Institute.

  Compared to what Emperor Red Dragon saw, it was much blurry.

  This is not because the technology is not up to standard, but because the scientific and technological power within the Red Dragon Heavenly Kingdom has interfered with some functions of the satellite skynet monitoring system.

  "It is said that this black-robed crow doctor has always made the old boy Chi Long feel very worried, and he has issued a pursuit order to this day."

  The secretary echoed from the side: "After all, it has caused such a huge loss, Chi Longzi's death, even more It almost brought the Red Dragon Heavenly Kingdom to its knees."

  Big Bang said with a smile: "Since we are willing to do whatever it takes, then let's help the factory and get involved." "

  President, what you mean is that you can also launch heavenly fire to punish the gods. The weapon reaches the territory of the Red Dragon Heavenly Kingdom?" The secretary said hesitantly: "This may cause a backlash from the other side, if a further scourge war begins." "It doesn't matter,

  that thing has been developed anyway, and can be directly used in the atmosphere. Intercepting the Scourge, let alone getting close to our homeland."

  Big Bang said with a sneer: "Just give the whole world a big surprise, and by the way, it will also regain the world hegemony that Bald Eagle lost since the bombing fifteen years ago. status."

  "Don't let me find more of you, the retro robe group. Sooner or later I will wipe out all of you. This is just the beginning."

  Big Bang's eyes were cold and scary, and the source of everything was... It was caused by a group of lunatics who had no logic whatsoever in their actions.

  After the bombing, every high-level force invariably abided by a default rule, which was to destroy any retro-robed group they saw.

  District 10.

  This is a range of semi-industrial cities, factories, industrial parks and other industries in the region.

  Residential areas, activity areas, and commercial areas are on the other side of the opposite side.

  Wang Ya's figure emerged from the void and appeared directly downstairs from the employees' families near an industrial park.

  The hood covered the head, and under the shadow, only part of the facial outline, the white chin, and the lips moved, "Is there a mistake in positioning, or is it the malice of the world." He looked up at the sky again, the

  white Her cheeks were fully exposed, the sun fell down, and her eyelashes blinked slightly.

  "Yes, after all, I am the only wizard left in the entire Deep Blue Secret World."

  It was equivalent to all the malice in the world converging on him.

  It has reached the point where if you take only a few steps, you will encounter trouble and danger.

  Simply put, he is not afraid of the power of technological weapons in this world at all.

  Only the power of rules is what he fears.

  He didn't know why, but he felt a little uneasy in his heart, as if something unexpected would happen during this trip.

  A malicious world may not be able to produce some changes.

  He didn't have time to investigate further.

  In this case, just try to do it.

  What's more, it's not that he doesn't have trump cards and back-up tools to deal with emergencies.

  Wang Ya's eyes remained calm, his expression was very calm, and his figure disappeared again.

  "Master, I have sensed the location of the treasure house. As long as I use the method I gave you, I can break a certain ecological balance and take out those parts." "The more parts I take out, the more power I can

  show There will be more, and in the end, you can even break free from the shackles of the world's experimental field on your own."

  The Hanged King's voice echoed in Wang Ya's mind.

  Wang Ya frowned slightly and responded: "I know, but I don't have that much time to spend in this world, and my current strength cannot take out those parts in a short time." "Through the induction connection of the soul brand

  , Even if I leave the Deep Blue Secret World, I can still re-enter the Deep Blue Secret Realm by locking the space node." The

  Hanged King said: "Master, I have been waiting for millions of years. It doesn't matter, as long as you can still use it. If you can get along with me, I will always be waiting for you."

  The Nuclear Energy Research Center has also isolated a closed area in the deepest part of this industrial area, and identity verification is required to enter and exit.

  The buildings are also built with high walls, and police officers with live ammunition are patrolling. Any outsiders will be questioned and investigated.

  Wang Ya also sensed the existence of the parts, which were as familiar as his own flesh and blood and his own marrow.

  Empathy that extends from the imprint of the soul.

  Looking at the blocked high walls and pass levels, Wang Ya's figure passed directly through the buildings and some police officers in a floating posture.

  For ordinary people who are not extraordinary, dream wizards really have too many advantages.

  With an extra layer of special space, Xiantian will be invincible.

  The Dream Wizard is famous for his weirdness, and few wizards at the same level would provoke him.

  If the ecological balance between the components and the entire world experimental site was not maintained and the dream world could not be used to infect, Wang Ya would not find it difficult.

  The closer you get to the components, the more you can appreciate the energy that is consistent with the movement of the world itself.

  The impact on the physical level is nothing.

  If it involves extraordinary power at the illusory level, it will be like a shocking tsunami, directly flooding the balancing power of the entire world, enough to obliterate a second-level wizard or even a third-level great wizard.

  Otherwise, the official wizards from the land of mountains and seas would have come in to search and plunder.

  How can there be such a thing as breaking the limit of apprenticeship?

  Wang Ya's figure appeared in the radiation area of ​​the Nuclear Energy Research Center. To be precise, it was in front of the largest bipolar nuclear energy reactor.

  He has locked the location of the component, 1,200 meters underground, but the energy required to perform that witchcraft is too huge.

  There is no natural particle energy, and it can only be generated by using the energy of nuclear energy reactions.

  With the blessing, it may be possible to directly break through the soil layer of 1,200 meters.

  In a purely physical way.

  He also completely walked out of the dream world, and the black line pattern of nuclear fission reappeared all over his body, and even his pupils were emitting black light.

  There is a fission channel entrance and exit in the palm of the outstretched palm, and a large amount of energy is absorbed by the sudden and huge suction force.

  "It's not enough, more is needed." Wang Ya looked indifferently and turned to absorb the second bipolar nuclear reactor.

  "Your Majesty, the target has been found. The black-robed crow doctor has appeared inside the nuclear energy research center and is still in the room of the nuclear energy reactor."

  The old eunuch who was looking at the light screen on the screen made a sharp excited voice, which also made the Red Dragon Emperor extremely excited. With the ultimate murderous intent in his eyes, he said, "Give me the order, use ten rounds of heavenly fire, two rounds of heavenly punishment, all of them." Target the reactor room, I want him to die completely." "

  Use another super natural disaster. He has some ability that seems to be able to avoid physical damage. The super natural disaster directly locks on the target body, destroys and annihilates the target. Every cell of flesh and blood."

  Emperor Chilong gave the order. When he saw the burning fireballs falling from the sky, his voice trembled, "Even a true god cannot survive, Black-robed Crow Doctor, I finally killed you."

  Wang Ya slowly put down his palm and frowned. There were already five reactors, and the energy in them was not much. It seemed that a lot of it had been consumed by use, or it had been transferred away. This was far beyond his expectation. It was very possible that any witchcraft could not achieve the expected power.

  Where to find the huge amount of energy needed.

  The surveillance had already discovered him, and everyone in the entire research center was running away and evacuating like crazy.

  Wang Ya ignored these insignificant natives and was thinking about how to solve this problem.

  Still just have to give it a try.

  Suddenly, his face was slightly surprised, and then he raised the corner of his mouth and looked up, "It's such a coincidence, it's the malice of the world, or a man-made disaster in the past." "But this gift really came in time

  . Ah."

  His eyes seemed to see through the ceiling, and he saw the huge burning fireballs in the sky above the outside world, which carried a large amount of potent concentrated flammable substances. After these skyfires, there were also the former white metals The long sword's material fall, the Sword of Dalimos, is also a strategic scourge weapon.

  Wang Ya suppressed his smile and frowned slightly. After the scourge weapons, there was a third type of regular power that could only be released by level 5 superpowers, which was the power of natural disasters that could affect the celestial phenomena and the environment.

  "The maliciousness of the world is in disguise to improve the technological level and strength level of the indigenous people in order to eliminate the harmful substances in the inner world." The

  shadow robe almost blended into Wang Ya's shadow, and the white skin all over his body was also covered with black lines. Covered, the unique wizard's incantation flows from the heart part and travels up and down the body. In the complete state [Nuclear Fission Transformation]

  , the right hand is raised, and the 30 fission fire cores circulating in the fission path in the body all gather together, and according to the unique frequency, the coordinates of the Big Dipper are arranged.

  The vibration and rotation level is Level 2.


  The entire Nuclear Energy Research Institute turned into a sea of ​​​​fire, all matter and life disappeared in it, and the expanding hot wind dispersed the clouds in the sky.

  In the family building further away, the glass was shattered piece by piece, and even the walls had earthquake marks and a large number of cracks.

  High-vibration shock waves are also deadly killers.

  The long sword made of white metal fell at an extremely fast speed, and the flames generated by the friction made a sharp whistle. The terrifying high pressure turned all materials in contact with it into ashes.

  Then there was a more violent explosion and the formation of an energy diffusion wave. The dust and debris in the sky were given the impact kinetic energy, further damaging the surrounding family buildings, like strafing bullets, piercing through everything.

  The power of divine punishment is coming!
  The Red Dragon Emperor stood up from the dragon chair with a sickly flushed face. He was so excited that he held his breath and stared at the light screen.

  The old eunuch next to him said in a sharp voice, "It's impossible. He's still alive. He's still alive. Even three rounds of divine punishment can't kill him."

  In the endless light and heat, the ultimate blackness was so obvious. , a large amount of energy, radiation, and diffusion waves around were absorbed by the black color, and the continuous large and small current covered the black whole, and a terrifying and huge black beam was generated, and it was like a black giant. The sword stabbed straight into the ground.

  A huge gap was cut directly into the ground, and the black beam sword completely submerged into the ground.

  It seems that only the vastness of the earth can withstand such a terrifying attack.

  Because the black slender sword body was formed by absorbing the power of the Heavenly Fire and the Heavenly Punishment.

  The Red Dragon Emperor clenched his hands tightly on the armrests of the dragon chair. His face suddenly turned pale, but he still managed to stay stable. "There are also super natural disaster weapons. It is absolutely impossible for him to escape. It will destroy all the cells in his body in an instant. Even if they are both at level 5, they will be killed."

  Such a terrifying sword was held in a white and slender hand.

  There was no expression on Wang Ya's face. The witchcraft [Sword of Burning Silence] did not cut through 1,200 meters underground as he expected.

  This is a combination of the energy chapter and the kinetic energy chapter. It uses the principle of burning the particle energy through the fission path and briefly confining it in the body of the sword. It has absolute ultra-high pressure and ultra-high temperature, and it has to be improved to a higher level, with a certain degree of Immortal nature.

  The closer you get to the conquest treasure house, the harder the soil becomes, and it seems to be affected by the relevant supernatural power.

  In other words, the energy possessed by the Sword of Burning Silence is not powerful enough and more energy is needed.

  [Tip: We are still 500 meters away from the treasure house.

  "Master, the purpose of the World Experimental Site is to repair the Book of All Things, fuse and repair the rule fragments, and refill the pages. If you can use the power of rules, you may be able to get closer to the treasure house of war." "I understand, but the power of rules is readily

  available "." Wang Ya looked at the third attack from the sky, a very ordinary-looking bombing missile.

  There is a means within that combines the power of technology and rules.

  Under the malicious influence of the world, the explosion of science and technology was promoted, and special weapons were produced against Wang Ya.


  A crack appeared in the shell of the missile, and the next moment, a bright light emerged from the crack, illuminating the surrounding area of ​​100,000 meters.

  This light is clearer and more dazzling than the light of the sun, and it also affects the surrounding environment.

  The sudden rise in temperature causes water to evaporate instantly. The invisible medium is like a distortion of space, but it is a visual floating phenomenon caused by too high a temperature.

  At this moment, all electronic instruments failed, except for the satellite Skynet system, which was orbiting in outer space and was thus unaffected.

  The daytime flare is like white phosphorus burning, fierce and fast, affecting everything visible in the blink of an eye.

  There is nothing left but light.

  Deep in the light, the black sword body is more solid and restrained, and the speed at which it absorbs light is also exaggerated. It is estimated that it will only take about a minute for the environmental impact of this super natural disaster weapon to completely disappear.

  Emperor Chilong sat slumped on the ground, his face full of horror and despair, "Failed, still failed, why can't even the super natural disaster weapon kill him? What can kill him?" "That guy, that

  guy "The Red Dragon Emperor trembled and looked at the figure holding a black sword in the light curtain. The daylight flare was completely absorbed, once again.

  The black-robed figure in the light curtain suddenly turned around and looked over with indifferent eyes, seemingly meeting the eyes of the Red Dragon Emperor.

  The sudden severe pain in his heart made the Red Dragon Emperor howl, and he rolled off the dragon chair, struggling over and over on the ground.

  "No, don't, I don't want to die, no, no!"

  The old eunuch looked at the Red Dragon Emperor with black flames all over his body in horror.

  When the guards with swords and many members of the royal family arrived, they only saw a mass of charred corpses on the dragon chair.

  Emperor Chilong, die!

  [Tip: The current distance is 100 meters from the Battle Fortress.

  Wang Ya pressed down the Sword of Burning Silence in his hand, but he couldn't press it down, as if it was stuck.

  The remaining 100 meters would require at least three or five scourges, or new super-powered scourge weapons.

  Where is he going to find these things? If he holds the Sword of Burning Silence, the energy supply will be cut off if he takes it off, and will be counterattacked by the power of the world and completely shattered. He may even be injured.

  It seems that the only option is to use the Heart of Halak and utilize the power of rules within it.

  Suddenly, Wang Ya's face became surprised and he looked at the sky.

  It can't be such a coincidence!
  A handful of scourge weapons that looked like silver metal swords formed a square array and fell from the sky. They cut through the air layer and were as dazzling as meteors.

  Where the target landed, it was clear where he was.

  Precise strike!

  Wang Ya: "."

  The squirming sticky skin is black in color. There is a lot of space inside. It is not full, but there are many vacancies.

  The whole thing looked like the stomach of some kind of creature, and it was very fresh.

  The treasure trove that the Hanged King needs to conquer is the sticky thing Wang Ya is holding in his hand at this moment.

  [Target: The Hanged King's Conquest of the Fortress]

  [Details; Current functional organization: Master Control Brain Area, Conquest Treasure House Area.]

  [Perfection: 10%]

  One-tenth of the functions have been restored.

  "Master, you have allowed me to regain my stomach. Now you can go to the complete treasure house of war. I don't know how many resources and things are left in it, and which ones can still be used." "But the legendary

  blood The potion is definitely enough for you, Master, to complete the stable transition stage of the sublimation state as quickly as possible."

  Under the teleportation power of the witch formation, Wang Ya's figure disappeared from the main control room and appeared in a new corridor.

  It is wider and easier to transport and put things in.

  The recessed door on the fleshy wall has turned into golden scales and is still a special handle for testing authority and identity. Different treasure rooms are written above the door.

  "Master, I have searched. There are only three copies of the Legendary Heart Potion left, but there are many other things. I believe it can have a great effect on you, Master." A palm-sized potion appeared on the fleshy wall

  . The bird's beak and fleshy face showed hospitality to Wang Ya as if seeking credit.

  Soon a gap opened in the wall, and all the corresponding things rolled out.

  Wang Ya's eyes suddenly lit up.

  What a good thing!

  ps: The scourge weapon has been modified in the previous chapter, and the patch is completed.

  (End of chapter)

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