Chapter 137 Stalemate

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  Chapter 137 Stalemate
  Swish Swish!
  Three swords with astonishing power criss-crossed and slashed towards the body of the man in black.

  However, considering the subsequent intelligence acquisition, Yang Hao did not target the vital parts.

  But the man in black doesn't know this.

  Seeing the three blades of sword energy that were slashing rapidly in front of him, the man in black's pupils shrank slightly, and then he successfully activated the protective magic weapon in just a few tens of milliseconds before the attack came.

  Dang Dang Dang!
  All three sword qi struck the green shield, making a crisp sound of gold and iron clashing.

  The man in black behind the shield did not receive any harm.

  But after withstanding these three attacks, this green shield was finally overwhelmed and shattered with a "crack" sound, turning into countless tiny light spots and disappearing into the air.

  'What power is this? '

  The man in black has reactivated his spell at this moment, hiding in the surrounding shadows, looking at Yang Hao who is still hiding behind the Five Elements Divine Light Mask with extremely shocked eyes.

  His Youmu Divine Armor is not an inferior product!

  As a top-grade first-class defensive weapon, Youmu Divine Armor had blocked many attacks for him in the past.

  Over the years, it has been by his side, continuing to keep him safe.

  But now, the young man in front of him, who was supposed to be in the middle stage of Qi refining, actually broke through his Youmu Divine Armor instantly with just three sword strikes.

  Is this kind of power really something that can only be released by a mid-stage Qi refining person?

  'Mader, is it possible that the old guy not only gave him a life-saving magical weapon, but also left him some trump cards? He is just a new disciple, how can he be treated the same as his own son? The

  man in black bit his lower lip tightly. When he thought of the Youmu Divine Armor that had greatly damaged his vitality, his heart seemed to be bleeding.

  The shield was broken, and the Youmu Divine Armor severely damaged its foundation.

  Even if it was repaired, it would cost at least several thousand spiritual stones to restore it to its previous functions.

  The total reward for this assassination mission was only twelve thousand spiritual stones, plus a priority to redeem a perfect quality foundation-building pill.

  How could he not feel heartbroken?
  What's more, if you fail to assassinate today, you won't get any of these rewards, and you will be punished if you go back.

  Over and over again, the losses are more than that.

  'No, we must find a way to deal with this guy quickly! '

  The man in black sensed the effectiveness of the covering formation and understood that he did not have much time left.

  This cover formation was made by the Supreme Elder himself. Although the effect was very powerful, it allowed him to sneak into the Qingyang Sect quietly to carry out attack and killing missions.

  But its duration is also very short.

  If he still fails to deal with the opponent in the remaining time, he will never have a chance again.

  Looking at Yang Hao who was still hiding behind the shield, a cold light flashed in the eyes of the man in black and he decided not to retain his strength.

  Anyway, with the cover of the formation, no amount of movement would alarm the people of Qingyang Sect, so he didn't need to think too much.

  'So what if I have the trump card given by that old guy? With your level of cultivation, how many times can you unleash such an attack? How long can that powerful shield last? '

  'Today, I will show you my true strength! The

  man in black quickly chanted the incantation and released his powerful spiritual power. In conjunction with the spiritual power in his body, he prepared to perform a very powerful spell.

  The surrounding spiritual energy was aroused at the same time, and began to fluctuate violently like boiling water.

  Yang Hao, who was about to take out the shadow-breaking lamp to look for the opponent's figure, also immediately noticed something strange.

  'Oops, this guy is preparing to unleash his ultimate move! He cannot be released! Yang

  Hao immediately understood the opponent's plan. Just looking at the power before the spell was released, he knew that the power of this move was not low.

  Even if he is very confident in his current defense power, he does not intend to resist the enemy's attack head-on.

  Therefore, he decided to find a way to interrupt the opponent's spellcasting.

  But the premise is that he can find traces of the other party.

  Otherwise, everything is in vain.

  Thinking of this, Yang Hao no longer hesitated and immediately activated the shadow-breaking lamp to illuminate the surrounding area.


  The man in black never expected that his concealment technique could be seen through. For a moment, the technique backfired and he let out a muffled groan.

  But looking at Yang Hao who was about to swing the sword in his direction, the man in black had no time to think, so he suppressed the backlash and activated the "Ten Thousand Woods Prisoning Dragon Technique" in advance.

  Crunch! Crunch!
  In an instant, all the plants, flowers and leaves around the two of them seemed to be on steroids, growing and spreading crazily, becoming extremely thick and ferocious.

  The originally spacious space became very crowded and the light became very dim.


  The man in black pointed at Yang Hao's position and shouted.

  Tsk! Tsk!
  Immediately afterwards, these mutated plants began to condense and merge, turning into thick wooden dragons, drilling into the ground and arching crazily towards Yang Hao's location.

  On the other side, Yang Hao did not expect that the opponent would act so decisively and even forcefully release his ultimate move despite the backlash of the spell.

  The slashing sword energy was all blocked by the wildly mutated and growing plants, and failed to pose a threat to the man in black.

  And these mutated plants have no human weaknesses at all. Even if they are cut into two pieces by the sword energy, they seem to be fine. They squirm and fuse in the next second and recover as before.

  'This is trouble! Yang

  Hao looked solemn.

  Unexpectedly, the bloodthirsty knife that had always been invincible in the past could also encounter an opponent. The effect of the sword energy on such an enemy that was huge, had no weaknesses and could recover quickly was not as high as expected.

  If Yang Hao swung his knife wildly, he could chop all these plants into pieces.

  Presumably, these plants will not be able to regenerate.

  After all, it's just a technique in the Qi refining stage, and it's already extremely powerful if it can reach this level.

  But there is a problem with this, that is, the spiritual power in the body cannot keep up.

  Although Yang Hao has full-level fluidity, he is still unable to activate the bloodthirsty knife like crazy.

  If you want to use the bloodthirsty knife to release sword energy, you must consume at least two hundred points of spiritual power.

  And there are so many plants in front of you, they are almost everywhere.

  In this case, if you want to use sword energy to kill them, you have to swing dozens or hundreds of swords in a short period of time.

  And Yang Hao's current total spiritual power is only 12840 points.

  It's simply unbearable to do this.

  Therefore, this approach is not advisable.

  So, just rely on the defensive ability of the Five Elements Divine Light Shield to survive?

  Yang Hao thought about it carefully and felt a little uncomfortable.

  The entry for the Five Elements Divine Light Mask does not include an entry for rebounding attacks like the Iron Armor Technique.

  This also means that the Five Elements Divine Light Mask does not have the ability to ignore group attacks.

  In this way, once these plants in front of them attack together, the Five Elements Divine Light Shield may not be able to withstand it.

  (End of chapter)

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