Chapter 136 Moon Shadow Seduction Technique

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  Chapter 136: Moon Shadow Seduction Technique

  The man in black was very confused, but looking at the unharmed Yang Hao in front of him, he didn't care to think about the reason, and retreated into the darkness again, planning to repeat the same trick.

  But how could Yang Hao, who was so frustrated at this time, give him another chance?

  To be honest, Yang Hao never thought that he would be attacked and killed in the sect before this.

  Moreover, the spells used by the sneak attackers are so powerful and so hidden.

  It was able to confuse his mind silently, and he was unable to realize that something was wrong for a while.

  If the opponent hadn't attacked him and triggered the effect of Shuangying's skills, Yang Hao would probably still be immersed in the previous illusion.

  Fortunately, Yang Hao always remained vigilant and never stopped releasing various passive spells.

  This time, I'm afraid it will be a disaster.

  After all, the opponent's sword light struck straight through the Tianling Gai from top to bottom.

  The two protective magic weapons without activating protective shields cannot defend against attacks from above.

  If it were hit like this, the consequences can be imagined.

  Therefore, after Yang Hao woke up, his heart was filled with endless anger and fear.

  However, the enemy has not yet been dealt with, so he cannot let these emotions go to his head now.

  Yang Hao could only temporarily suppress the anger in his heart, and immediately activated the protective magic weapon on his body, and at the same time released a five-element divine light shield on his body.

  Finally, he did not forget to add the instant shadow technique again.

  After taking complete precautions, Yang Hao calmed down and looked around for the enemy.

  However, the enemy's concealment level is obviously very high.

  There are no traces that can be found with the naked eye.

  As for releasing spiritual power?
  How could Yang Hao, who had been hit by a move before, dare to release his spiritual power now?

  Who knows if the mental power can still enjoy its protective effect after it spreads outside the shield.

  For safety reasons, Yang Hao did not make this reckless decision.

  While he was looking for traces of the enemy, the men in black not far away also launched an attack.

  "Moon Shadow Seduction Technique!"

  The man in black muttered silently in his heart, and once again released the technique that had previously confused Yang Hao.

  The breeze is gentle, the moonlight is bright, and the shadows of the trees are swaying.

  With the release of this technique, the scene that Yang Hao had seen before was repeated again.

  Invisible fluctuations quietly spread out and enveloped Yang Hao.

  However, this time, protected by the Five Elements Divine Light Mask, the spiritual attack contained in it was completely ineffective.

  The divine light shield just turned the stream of light and blocked all these invisible ripples.

  'It's really a spiritual attack! '

  Seeing the changes in the divine light shield, Yang Hao thought to himself.

  'It's just that this enemy's magic level is very high. Logically speaking, with my strong mental power, even without the protection of the divine light shield, I shouldn't lose my ability to resist so easily. '

  Recalling the previous feelings, I felt like I was sleepwalking. I didn't know why, and I completely lost control of my body. Yang Hao's face couldn't help but become solemn.

  He realized that the enemy in front of him was definitely not low in strength.

  It is very likely that she has the same strength as a preparatory saint like Yan You'e, or even exceeds it.

  Even if you master many powerful spells, you must not be careless.

  Otherwise, the previous scene is a lesson for the future.

  'oh? What kind of defense technique is this? It can actually block my Moon Shadow Seduction Technique! '

  On the other side, the man in black waited for a while and found that his spell didn't work. He was a little surprised for a while.

  His Moon Shadow Seduction Technique has been cultivated to the realm of transcendence and sainthood. Since his debut, he has never seen anyone of the same level of monks who can completely withstand its power.

  But today, he saw two exceptions in the same person.

  How could he not be surprised by this?
  'Hmph, it must be the life-saving magic weapon given by that old guy Zhao Ruyi, right? But a novice disciple could be so precious? It seems that I have to show some real skills. '

  However, he was only slightly surprised.

  The Moon Shadow Seduction Technique has no effect, but it doesn't mean that he has no other means.

  Since he dared to take the task of sneaking into Qingyang Sect to assassinate Zhao Ruyi's disciples, it was impossible that he had not anticipated this situation.

  It should be said that this is more normal now.

  In his opinion, it was a bit strange that a single spell could easily harvest the target's life.

  'Forget it, let you kid have a taste of my Shenglong Explosive Fist.

  The man in black's eyes narrowed, and then he took a deep breath, and his body suddenly rushed out of the darkness .

  Then the spiritual energy in his body was greatly consumed, and his right fist was clenched, with a layer of red gas like blood attached to the surface.

  The moment this layer of gas was formed, a strong wind pressure formed around the man in black, rolling the surrounding branches and leaves like a small tornado.


  The man in black shouted, using the power of sprinting, he suddenly punched out with his right hand, hitting Yang Hao's Five Elements Divine Light Mask hard.

  A violent crash followed, and surging air waves spread out, scraping off a layer of bark from nearby trees.

  The smoke and dust filled the air, making it difficult to see what was going on at the battle site.

  But the man in black was very confident in his attack.

  He stood there and smiled in front of him:

  "Haha, it is an honor for you to die from my blow."

  Then, he used a breeze technique, intending to disperse the smoke and dust and recover the body.

  However, after the smoke and dust dissipated, the scene that appeared in front of him made his heart shrink suddenly.

  "How is that possible!"

  The man in black murmured, with a look of disbelief on his face.

  I could see that where Yang Hao was, the colorful divine light shield was still intact, but the light was much dimmer than before.

  But as time goes by, this light is quickly recovering.

  In the short few seconds when the man in black was shocked, the divine light shield was the same as before he attacked.

  It was as if the man in black had not attacked at all before.

  However, while the man in black was shocked, Yang Hao was not stunned.

  As early as the moment the man in black stopped hiding his figure and rushed out, Yang Hao was aware of his presence.

  But at that speed, it was impossible for Yang Hao to dodge without using his escape technique.

  But now he is still using the Five Elements Divine Light Mask and cannot use the escape technique at the same time. Therefore, he can only choose to use the Five Elements Divine Light Shield to resist.

  However, Yang Hao was very optimistic about whether he could defend himself against the opponent's attack.

  You know, now he is protected by the five elements divine light shield and the shields of two protective magic weapons. In addition, the true disciple's robe can also provide quite strong defense, not to mention There are also instantaneous shadows.

  With this series of defensive buffs added up, I am afraid that only the foundation-building monks can pose a threat to Yang Hao.

  Although the enemy in front of him is powerful, he has obviously not reached the foundation building stage yet, so there is no need to worry about his attack being able to penetrate the defense and hurt himself.

  On the contrary, he also planned to take this opportunity to launch a counterattack against the enemy.

  He didn't place any hope on the sect's rescue.

  Since the enemy dares to launch an attack here, he has obviously made sufficient preparations around him.

  No matter how fierce the fighting here is, I'm afraid it won't attract the sect's attention in a short period of time.

  Therefore, to eliminate this hidden danger, Yang Hao still needs to do it himself.

  Moreover, Yang Hao had almost died before, and the anger in Yang Hao's heart had not yet been vented. How could he allow this guy to be killed by others?
  After making the decision, Yang Hao made preparations in advance. After the man in black's attack ended, he drew out his bloodthirsty knife, activated the charge effect, and swung three knives at the opponent.

  (End of chapter)

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