Chapter 138 Elf!

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  Chapter 138 Elf!

  Not to mention, there is a man in black outside who has yet to be dealt with.

  We still don’t know what kind of powerful moves the opponent will use next, so we can’t sit still and wait for death.

  But it would be unrealistic to give up the Five Elements Divine Light Mask and use iron armor instead.

  After all, Iron Armor can only rebound attacks with damage below 3000 points.

  Not safe enough.

  So, what to do now?

  Yang Hao quickly turned his head and began to think of ways to resolve the crisis.

  'plant! Since they are all plants, they should all be afraid of fire! '

  Suddenly, Yang Hao had a flash of inspiration and thought of the fire attack method.

  It just so happened that he still had 22 lv3 fireball talismans left on him.

  'But, can this level of fireball talisman pose a threat to these mutated plants? '

  Yang Hao took out ten fireball charms and muttered in his heart.

  Although fire restrains wood, if there is a huge disparity in strength between the two, then this restraint relationship may not be effective.

  However, he saw the man in black controlling the mutated plants and starting to attack him.

  He didn't have time to think about this problem.

  Whether it can take effect or not, let’s try it first.

  Anyway, there are only a few fireball talismans, so I don’t feel bad if they are wasted.

  Having made up his mind, Yang Hao released the fireball talisman towards the wooden dragons rushing towards him.

  Twenty huge fireballs formed quickly and shot towards the target.

  The fireball and the wooden dragon were in opposite directions, and their speeds were extremely fast. Almost in an instant, the two collided directly.

  The entry effect of the fireball talisman was triggered, causing a series of violent explosions.

  Large black holes were blown out of Mu Long's head. At the same time, when the fireball exploded, sparks flew out and scattered on some dry grass blades on the ground, instantly igniting a fire.

  Tsk! Tsk!
  The fierce flames roasted these mutated plants, causing them to twist in pain and let out wordless wails.

  "Hmph, don't even think about it!"

  Not far away, the man in black who was maintaining the spell snorted coldly, and quickly controlled the wooden dragon to roll on the ground, hitting each other's burning spots on each other's bodies, trying to extinguish the flames on their bodies.

  But how could Yang Hao let him get his wish?
  He quickly released ten more fireball talismans and hit them on the plants, making the fire even more raging.

  After releasing the fireball talisman, he slashed with the knife, cutting the wooden dragon's body into several sections, and its mobility was temporarily reduced.

  Under the fierce flames, the recovery ability of these plants seemed not as strong as before, and they have not been able to reorganize.

  The man in black had been busy for a long time, but the fire grew stronger and stronger. Most of the activated mutant plants had burned out and turned into fly ash.

  There were only a few tenacious wooden dragons left that were still struggling, but it looked like they wouldn't be able to hold on for long.

  "Damn it, if my spell hadn't been interrupted..."

  Seeing that he was helpless, the man in black also gave up his plan to save these wooden dragons.

  He looked at Yang Hao not far away, his expression extremely ugly.

  A mere lucky boy in the middle stage of Qi refining actually caused himself to stumble over and over again. What went wrong?

  Is today my unlucky day? Everything goes wrong?

  The man in black has some doubts about life.

  He felt the remaining spiritual power in his body.

  After a series of sneak attacks, battles, and spell backlash, there was not much spiritual energy left. If the stalemate continued like this, let alone killing the opponent to complete the mission, whether he could escape safely was a question.

  "This can't continue like this. I have to find a way to determine the outcome in one fell swoop!"

  The man in black knew that he couldn't delay any longer.

  Even if there is still a lot of spiritual power, there is not much time left to cover up the formation.

  If the opponent cannot be eliminated before the formation effect ends, no matter how much spiritual power is left, it will not help.

  After all, this is the enemy's base camp. Once discovered, there is no chance of survival.

  But it would not be advisable to just give up on the mission.

  If he fails in such an important task, the punishment he awaits when he goes back may not be much better than death.

  "It seems that I have to take out the treasure at the bottom of the box!"

  Thinking of this, a ruthless look flashed in the eyes of the man in black.

  He patted the storage bag and took out a very delicate-looking talisman.

  "I originally planned to use this talisman when facing the foundation building stage, but now I am forced to use it on you, who is in the middle stage of Qi refining. What a waste!" The man in black glanced at the talisman with nostalgia for the last time, and then locked on

  Yang Hao, mercilessly input spiritual power into it and release it.

  Wow - Wow - Wow -

  the talisman shattered, and a huge light blue figure appeared in the field.

  The figure's entire body is formed by light blue water, with no facial features, and surging water flows around it, making a sound like ocean waves.

  "Blue Water Elf!"

  Not far away, Yang Hao was happy to have solved a big trouble. When he looked up, he saw this huge figure again. The relevant memories instantly appeared in his mind, making him exclaim.

  Elves, a life form that is very different from beasts and humans.

  The body is composed of inanimate matter, but it has a spirituality unique to life, which is very miraculous.

  And the Blue Water Elf is one of them.

  This kind of elf usually lives in offshore areas and feeds on fish and shrimp.

  They are powerful.

  After reaching adulthood, you can have the strength equivalent to the human Golden Core Realm.

  And due to the special structure of the body, it can almost be said to be immune to most physical attacks.

  They have a long life.

  Normally, they can live to be five hundred years old.

  For humans, one hundred years is almost equivalent to the end of life.

  But for the blue water elf, this is just the age of adulthood.

  Yang Hao had only accidentally seen relevant information in miscellaneous books recording the customs and customs of the immortal world before. He never thought that he would see one in person so soon.

  It's just that the blue water elf in front of him has unclear facial features and is obviously underage.

  But even so, it still has the strength to build a foundation.

  Appearing in this battle can be said to be an absolute advantage!

  With Yang Hao's current strength, he has almost no chance of winning against this blue water elf.

  Bloodthirsty knife? Sorry, not immune to this physical attack.

  Thunder Knife? This can indeed pose a threat to the blue water elves.

  But, it's just a little bit of a threat.

  After all, the lightning attribute damage attached to the thunder knife is not much. For such a huge blue water elf, it is probably not as threatening as being bitten by a mosquito.

  Moreover, to release the Thunder Blade, Yang Hao must lift the Five Elements Divine Light Mask.

  With the man in black still watching secretly, this was obviously not a wise move.

  So, what to do now?
  He can't be beaten again and again, and he can't defend himself.

  Is it possible that we can only make a temporary strategic retreat?

  Yang Hao looked at the blue water elf striding towards him, his brain was running rapidly, thinking about countermeasures.

  (End of chapter)

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