Chapter 340 The idea of ​​releasing the Twilight Cross

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  Chapter 340: The idea of ​​releasing the Twilight Cross.

  After hearing the reminder from Master Claude, Brand did not continue to stay at the spell training ground.

  He turned around and walked straight in the direction of the station.

  Although it has been able to release the wind element magic force field rune array out of thin air.

  However, the consumption of mental energy is still a big problem.

  In order to construct the rune array of the wind elemental magic force field, Brand directly consumed most of his mental power.

  The remaining mental power is only enough for him to cast a few small spells.

  The obvious thing is:

  there is no way to defeat Mr. Holland with just a wind elemental magic force field and a few small spells.

  ——You can’t drink the awakening potion while dueling with Mr. Holander, right?
  Brand felt that Mr. Holland would not agree to such an unreasonable request.

  So this matter still depends on his dear teacher Celine.

  According to Celine's previous statement, there seems to be a way to solve this problem after becoming an official mage.

  When he walked to the library camp, Brand saw several library members teaching little Kaiya how to read.

  Speaking of which, little Kaiya is also a lazy little guy like him...

  - No, it should be said that she is a little guy who likes to enjoy the beauty of life.

  It wouldn't have learned human writing and other things if the members of the library hadn't asked it to learn it and tempted it with various things.

  In addition, when there is nothing to do every day, little Kaiya just eats and rests.

  That is, when it occasionally encounters something interesting, it will get up from its den and fly over to study it.

  To sum up, little Kaiya doesn't have any majesty or posture of a top-level monster.

  ——A complete loser!
  Brand thinks this may have something to do with age.

  Judging from the Firebird's long lifespan, little Kaia at this time is equivalent to a four or five-year-old human child...

  - However, looking at it from another perspective, the dragon at this age is probably already thinking about where to go. Earn or steal shiny magic coins.

  While thinking about little Kaiya, Brand also returned to his room.

  "Master, you are back!"

  As soon as she entered the door, Catherine's gentle and melodious voice reached her ears.

  When Brand turned his attention, Catherine had already put down the information in her hand, stood up, took out tea leaves, and started making tea for him.

  Seeing this scene, Brand felt a little helpless and said:

  "Don't I let you rest for a while?"

  After hearing Brand's words, Catherine smiled and shook her head and responded:

  "I can't sleep, and for a formal knight, one night Not sleeping will have any impact."

  Other members of the library only found out about last night's promotion after getting up in the morning.

  But Catherine stayed by his side from beginning to end.

  Originally, Brand wanted her to take a rest, but seeing Catherine's energetic look, he didn't say any more.

  At the same time, Brand was thinking in his heart:

  Maybe the knight's shield made for Catherine could be realized and processed sometime.

  As early as a few days ago, the orc forging method had not been obtained from the underground forging room of the Forge Volcano.

  Brand has already tailor-made a knight's shield for Catherine in the simulation world with the characteristic of "immunity to weak damage".

  But because of insufficient mental strength, Brand never manifested it.

  Now, his mental strength has reached the standard.

  Brand felt that he could materialize it in the next two days, attach a rune circle to it, and then use it as a gift to reward Catherine.

  Although a new forging method was obtained in the underground forge chamber of the Forge Volcano.

  With that kind of forging method, it might be possible to create a shield of better quality.

  However, Brand feels that most of the orcs' weapons and equipment are relatively large and heavy.

  Catherine might not be able to use a shield made with that kind of forging method now.

  Therefore, Brand felt that using orc forging methods to create weapons and equipment for Catherine might wait until Catherine's strength further improves.

  While thinking about the shield, Brand also took out the empty screen.

  Then, he sent a communication request to his teacher.

  ——I definitely need to be informed about becoming an official mage.

  Soon, the communication was connected.

  Celine, wearing home singles, appeared on the magic crystal screen in front of her.

  In addition, she still wears that light and mist-like veil.

  Before Brand could smile and say hello, Celine made a surprised sound first:
  "Have you become an official mage?"

  Hearing the faint question in his teacher's tone, Brand nodded and said:

  "Yesterday I was promoted at night."

  "It's a little faster than I thought." Celine said in a pleasant tone.

  Brand also responded with a smile:

  "I thought it would take a while, but suddenly I felt the strong elemental atmosphere."

  Celine nodded, and then asked:

  "Have the elemental affinities been tested? Which ones? The affinity of the elements is higher?"

  Brand nodded and responded:
  "The initial element affinities of the wind element, the earth element, and the water element are at about the same level."

  Hearing Brand's words Celine was slightly surprised at the words.

  She had guessed in advance that Brand had the talent of wind element, but she did not expect that there were also earth and water elements.

  Celine did not ask for specific values. These matters that need to be kept confidential are not suitable for talking through an empty screen.

  After briefly chatting about the current situation, Brand asked about the solution to the excessive mental energy consumption of drawing the rune circle.

  Although he knew that this thing definitely couldn't be explained on a blank screen, Brand just couldn't wait to learn about it, even if it was just a little bit.

  However, Celine had no intention of revealing it at all.

  She just smiled and responded:
  "If you want to know earlier, then come to the imperial capital to find me earlier."

  Celine said so, and Brand didn't ask any more questions.

  However, it will still be some time before he returns to the imperial capital.

  Although he felt that he didn't really need to adapt to the battlefield.

  But many library members are different.

  ——They don’t have the overwhelming fighting power that he does.

  During the pioneering war, they would not always stay with him.

  Therefore, they also need to have more experience fighting orcs!
  In case there is any emergency that causes some of them to act alone on the battlefield.

  These experiences can help them survive better on the battlefield!

  Because we also know that Brand is eager to gain the power to defeat Mr. Holland, but it will take some time before he leaves the north.

  Therefore, Celine also gave appropriate advice.

  The first is to further accumulate combat experience, especially experience with strong men.

  The second is to try to build the base of other spells out of thin air, just like building the wind element magic force field rune array out of thin air.

  It's good to practice actual combat skills and accumulate combat experience. After leaving Snow Cedar Castle and heading north, it won't be long before you reach the territory of the orcs.

  If you're lucky, you can meet the orcs after two turns.

  Seeing him, a skinny human, there was a high probability that the orcs would rush up to him with a roar and help him hone his actual combat abilities.

  However, building the spell base for other spells is a little more troublesome.

  Of course, the spells released by using the rune array at such a great expense cannot be ordinary spells!
  Brand first thought of the strongest rune array he currently has:
  the rune array of Dusk Cross!
  (End of chapter)

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