Chapter 341 Knight Talent Above the Top

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  Chapter 341 Knight Talents Above the Top

  After finishing the call with Celine, Brand originally wanted to create a miniature twilight cross character array "air model" in the simulated world like the magic force field rune array.

  Then materialize it to exercise your ability to construct this kind of runic array out of thin air.

  Compared with the wind elemental magic force field, the foundation of the great magic circle of Twilight Cross is much more complicated.

  Even though the magic power he possesses now is pure magic power that is gentle and easy to control, Brand still thinks that he needs to spend a lot of time practicing.

  However, just when he was about to do so, he saw Catherine flipping through information.

  ——The information in her hand is basic mage knowledge related to the mage group.

  As one of the most advanced armed forces of the human empire, the Mage Corps has inherited an extremely cutting-edge technology.

  Even if the library mage group inheritance they designed is not a complete mage group inheritance, it lacks many things.

  But it is not something that Catherine, a knight, can easily understand.

  So Catherine is currently working hard to learn relatively more basic mage knowledge.

  "Catherine, have you encountered any problems in learning mage knowledge recently?"

  Brand asked such a question as he took out a bottle of refreshing potion and drank it in one gulp while feeling the rapid recovery of his mental power.

  While waiting for Catherine's reply, Brand also took out various tools for drawing rune circles from the space necklace and placed them neatly on the table in front of him.

  After hearing Brand's inquiry, Catherine quickly responded:

  "There are some."

  Brand said: "Tell me about it."


  while answering various questions for Catherine.

  In the simulated world, Brand came to the Gobi Desert and inside a huge spire house made of steel.

  ——This is his forge.

  At this moment, a dark knight's large shield was quietly placed on the shelf in front of Brand.

  The entire shield has no decoration, only an extremely obvious metallic luster.

  After Brand took it in his hand, his mental power began to be consumed rapidly.

  At the same time, in Brand's room in Cedar Castle.

  Brand suddenly walked to an empty part of the room.

  Then, a dark knight's shield quickly appeared in front of him.

  When Brand's mental power was almost exhausted, the knight's shield was fully formed and was about to move freely along the gravity.

  However, at this moment, a slender palm accurately grasped its edge.

  The knight's shield also stopped in mid-air.

  Seeing Catherine suddenly appear and then catch the shield with one hand, Brand couldn't help but blink.

  ——The extremely fast action did not cause any waves. This is undoubtedly the incarnation of the Wind King.

  But this speed is much faster than Finn using the Wind King's incarnation!

  ——In fact, he didn’t even see Catherine’s movements clearly just now!

  Brand came back to his senses when he heard Catherine's gentle voice.

  He said:
  "Put it on the table, I have to do further processing on it."

  Because Catherine had signed an extremely strict contract with him, Brand did not avoid the ability to realize this fantasy. He only asked Catherine to keep it strictly confidential.

  So Catherine didn't show any surprise when she saw a knight's shield suddenly appearing in front of Brand.

  After returning to the table and sitting down, he took various tools for drawing rune circles in his hands.

  Brand asked Catherine in front of him, who was considering whether the table could withstand the weight of the shield:
  "Does the incarnation of the Wind King always have the same speed just now?"

  Catherine shook her head and said:

  "In addition to his own physical fitness, the knight's secret skills The specific effect is related to proficiency. I have only learned the incarnation of the Wind King not long ago, so my proficiency should still be at a low level. In

  addition, it depends on the amount of fighting spirit used. If more fighting spirit is used, the speed will still be high. It can be further improved."

  Brand felt that if Catherine's proficiency was not high, she would not be so much faster than Finn.

  Maybe it's using more fighting spirit?
  After Brand said this guess, Catherine shook her head and said:
  "No, the fighting spirit I used just now was only at an average level."

  Only at an average level?
  Hear what Catherine said.

  Brand couldn't help but recall the last time he encountered the wild boar in the Chesil Territory. At that time, Yersin also used the acceleration knight's secret skill.

  As the heir to the family, the accelerating knight secret skills learned by Yersin must be the best knight secret skills in the Holland family.

  But compared to Catherine just now, it is still much slower.

  Thinking of this, Brand asked:

  "Which is faster, the best acceleration knight secret skill of the Holland family or the incarnation of the Wind King?"

  At this time, the shield had been safely placed on the table in front of Brand by Catherine. superior.

  Hearing Brand's question, she stood up straight and responded:

  "The speed is about the same, but there will be no huge movement when the Wind King's incarnation is used."

  After receiving Catherine's response, Brand couldn't help but wonder about a statement Suspect.

  ——Catherine is really the same as Yersen, with top knight talents?
  Or maybe the reason why Catherine is a top knight talent is just because the so-called "top" is the highest measurement standard for talent?

  Thinking about it carefully, when he was testing the talent of mages when he was a child, the mage who was tested only gave a top talent level.

  — on the same level as Andy Finn.

  And the obvious thing is that his talent is stronger than Andy and Finn!

  After thinking about this issue for a while, Brand couldn't help but smile on his face.

  ——His head maid is more talented than Yersin. This is a pleasant thing no matter how you think about it.

  Seeing that Brand was in a good mood, Catherine asked:

  "Master, I still have a few questions that I don't understand."

  "Tell me!"


  By the time he had drawn various rune formations for Catherine's shield, time had passed. Two days.

  One thing is obvious: the rune array on Catherine's shield is much more advanced than the rune array on Yersen's small buckler.

  While Brand was drawing the rune circle in the room, the members of the library also followed the Mesa family's legion to go around the orc territory for a few rounds, adapting to the battlefield and accumulating experience in fighting the orcs.

  When everyone went out, little Kaiya was placed with Brand.

  This little guy is quite well-behaved. When he sees Brand busy, he runs aside to play by himself.

  Occasionally, it will read enlightenment books in human language, and when it encounters words it does not understand, it will run to ask the servants.

  As for why I didn't ask Catherine, it's probably because Catherine is very busy every day.

  In addition to taking care of Brand, Catherine also needs to learn the relevant knowledge of the mages.

  This morning, as the last stroke fell, the last rune formation on the shield in front of me also became complete.

  As Brand injected magic power into it, one rune array after another was activated.

  The next moment, under the influence of the rune array's confidentiality means, the dense rune array began to shrink.

  Finally, a series of symmetrical and elegant golden lines were formed, as well as a pair of huge staggered wings in the center of the shield.

   Thanks to book friend 20180418141915849 for his monthly pass.

    Thanks to book friend "Master Mu Shi" for his monthly pass.
    Thanks to book friend "Sam19870726" for his monthly pass.
    Thanks to book friend "Unheard Love" for his monthly pass
  (end of this chapter)

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