Chapter 339: The basis of strength against the Great Knight!

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  Chapter 339: The basis of strength against the Great Knight!

  "I have already negotiated the matters related to the knight golem. There is no need to increase the production, just maintain the status quo.

  Janice, please pay more attention to this matter. You are familiar with dealing with nobles.

  In addition, the library still uses the production of the great knight golem. The main research directions are the two main research directions: the incarnation of the Wind King joining the mage group.

  Of course, if you have any other ideas, you can also put them forward to me.

  Finally, everyone should not fall behind in their own cultivation. They will not be as strong as a formal mage. , I will not allow you to set foot on the front line!"

  After explaining various things, Brand returned to his room.

  At this time, the half-opened Orc language dictionary was still on the desk in the room as it was when he left.

  Sacrifice rituals, etc., if he hadn't become an official mage, he would still have time to try it.

  But after becoming an official mage, he has a lot to prepare for.

  So I’m afraid this matter needs to be pushed back a little.

  Thinking of this, Brand put the Orc language dictionary on the table into the space necklace.

  After glancing around the room, he began to walk towards the magic training ground of Snow Cedar Castle.


  Because Brand had no intention of hiding anything, the news that he had become an official mage spread throughout the station at an extremely fast speed.

  After Andy, Finn and others praised the scene, they smiled and went to the fort's terrace to drink and "celebrate".

  The two have always regarded Brand as a competitor. Now Brand has become an official mage, and they are still a little short of becoming senior mage apprentices.

  The inner frustration makes them want to drink some wine to relieve themselves.

  Except for Andy and Finn, others don't have so many complicated thoughts.

  In their view, Brand's strength has improved, which means that the strength of their pioneering legion has further increased!
  The stronger the legion is, the more likely they are to make war contributions during the pioneering war!

  As for the elders.

  The first time he received the news, Mr. Holander had a pleasant smile on his face, and the reactions of the other elders were similar.

  Although compared with Brand's other achievements, becoming an official mage is just a trivial matter.

  But after all, it is the junior and "future son-in-law" of the allied family who has grown in strength.

  ——This is a good thing!
  The turmoil outside did not affect Brand's sorting out the realm of a formal mage.

  After becoming an official mage, the magic space, spiritual space and mage core of the mage apprentice no longer exist.

  ——They have all completed their respective missions and turned into resources to help Brand be promoted to an official mage!
  In this process, Brand's mental power and magic power reached a skyrocketing limit!
  A rough estimate, excluding the original extra reserves of magic space and spiritual space, and counting the own reserves alone.

  Now the reserve limit of both mental power and magic power is about ten times that of before!
  In addition, Brand also experienced firsthand what elemental affinity is!

  ——Elemental affinity is a unique attribute that can only be possessed after becoming an official mage. It is a brand-new variable that cannot be touched by a mage apprentice.

  Because this variable can consume magic power to add it to the spell, improving the effect of the spell.

  This is also the theoretical support that formal mages are generally stronger than apprentice mages!

  For example, the standard spell power of a fireball spell is 100 Pa.

  The mage apprentice injects enough excess magic power into the spell structure. If the completion of the spell is not taken into account, the maximum power can theoretically reach 150 Pa.

  But if a formal mage casts the same fireball spell, they can add the additional variable of spell affinity to the 150 pa level.

  Assuming that this official mage has 10% affinity to the fire element, the power of the fireball technique can reach up to 165 Pa.

  And if it is assumed that this official mage has the theoretical limit of 100% affinity to fire elements, then the power of the fireball technique can even reach 300 Pa!
  Of course, the above are only theoretical assumptions, and additional factors such as the environment must be considered in actual use.

  For formal mages, in addition to daily meditation to improve spiritual power, they also need to constantly establish connections with the elements and deepen resonance, thereby increasing the affinity with various elements.

  What needs special mention here is:
  there is no element affinity requirement for promotion to the official mage level, as long as the magic power and mental power meet the standards.

  But if you want to become a magister, you need to have an affinity of at least 70% for one element!

  This is also one of the difficulties in promoting a formal mage to become a magister.

  ——Improving elemental affinity is a process that is easy first and then difficult. The further you go, the more difficult it will be to increase elemental affinity.

  ——Many formal mages with low talents immersed themselves in practice until the end of their lives and still failed to reach this standard!


  Snowwood Castle, spell training ground.

  The primary spells of each department were condensed in Brand's hands, and finally struck the force-measuring target not far away.

  ——Brand is testing the power of spells to infer the affinity of common elements of various systems with him.

  After becoming an official mage, the mage's affinity to each element is in an "initial state".

  This initial state of elemental affinity corresponds to the mage's talent in each element.

  The higher the talent, the stronger the initial affinity.

  The "element feedback" that occurred during the creation of the Dusk Cross, a large magic rune circle, told him that he should have a rare and amazing talent in the wind element.

  Considering the unique perception when searching for the earth rock laurel under the furnace volcano, Brand felt that his talent in the earth element should also be quite extraordinary.

  In addition, during the promotion process last night, in addition to feeling the breeze representing the wind element and the mud representing the earth element, Brand also felt the morning dew representing the water element.

  So, his talent in water elements should be pretty good too?

  Soon, the test results came out.

  The affinity of the three elements of wind, earth, and water is about 10%.

  It has basically reached the extreme value of the initial elemental affinity of a formal human mage.

  However, other elements are all below 3%.

  This situation means that Brand is more suitable to focus on cultivating these three elements.

  ——The element affinity of these three elements increases faster than other elements!
  After thinking about these things clearly, Brand was ready to go back and think about spells.

  Since he has unique talents in these three elements, the spells he will use in the future will of course be based on these three elements.

  After taking two steps, Brand suddenly stopped again.

  Thinking about it carefully, these official mage gadgets cannot help him defeat Mr. Holland.

  ——What he needs is more powerful power! The power of the Magister!

  ——And he had already imagined this kind of power!

  Thinking of this, Brand estimated the upper limit of his mental power

  and found that it was barely enough. He was ready to give it a try!
  In the simulated world, Brand suddenly appeared in a warehouse filled with various metal cabinets.

  After he opened the cabinet in front of him, he took out a large jar of "ink".

  ——This is rune ink made from the blood of the black-armored rhinoceros.

  At the same time, Brand, who was at the Snow Castle training ground, took out a bottle of refreshing potion and drank it in one gulp to restore his mental strength to full state.

  Then, he held it lightly with his right hand, and a "blue wind bullet" gradually condensed in the palm of his hand.

  What is different from the "mutated wind bomb" that Brand usually releases is that this blue wind bomb is filled with densely packed fine lines that are visible to the naked eye.

  In addition, there are seven more conspicuous "colorless bubbles" here.

  ——This is the base of the magic circle with no runes yet!

  The next moment, Brand's mental power began to be consumed rapidly.

  At the same time, a little black substance suddenly appeared inside a colorless bubble.

  ——This is the manifested rune ink!
  The brush called Fantasy Embodiment begins to draw on the platform inside the bubble.

  Soon, a number seven rune was drawn.

  Then the brush moved to the second bubble, then the third...and finally the seventh.

  With the last rune drawn in the last bubble completed.

  Brand, who was sweating on his forehead, had a satisfied smile on his face.

  ——The whole process was unexpectedly smooth!

  Wait for Brand to activate the "unique" rune circle in his hand.

  The "border" of the "Blue Wind Bomb" begins to disappear.

  The huge amount of air and wind elements that lost their boundary constraints did not scatter around, but began to "collapse" inward!
  Finally, a "black particle" was formed.

  ——This is the core of the wind elemental magic force field! This is the basis of strength to fight against the Great Knight!

  As Brand activated the black dot in his hand, explosive magic waves spread around it.

  Everywhere the wave passed by, Brand could clearly feel the wind element in his armor! In formation! Roaring! Waiting for any instructions from him!
  this moment!
  A heartfelt sense of satisfaction welled up from within!

  ——After working hard for so long, he finally successfully realized this idea!

  After a moment of joy, Brand wanted to take the wind elemental army for a "gallop" around the training ground.

  However, he suddenly felt that there were many probing spells and several conspicuous eyes converging on his position.

  Then, the voice of Lord Claude rang in his ears:
  "Brand, the explosion of such a huge amount of magic power inside the fortress will easily interfere with the normal operation of the Snow Castle War Array. You'd better go to the fortress next time. Testing spell scrolls outside."

  Knowing that he might have caused trouble to others, Brand said a little embarrassedly:

  "I'm sorry, I will pay attention to it next time."

  As soon as he finished speaking, a strange old voice sounded in his ears. :

  "It's just a small thing, just pay attention next time. Mr. Brand can come to the command center of Snow Castle when you have time and chat with me, an old man." Brand responded with a smile: "I'll see you another

  day I will go and visit."

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  (end of this chapter)

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