265. Chapter 265: A great harvest, the core of Lingquan! (Please subscribe)

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  Chapter 265: A great harvest, the core of Lingquan! (Please subscribe~)

  Aino Palace.

  This is a magnificent palace complex!
  With silver as the base and gold as the top, it is magnificent.

  Exquisite sculptures of gods and marble fountains can be seen everywhere.

  In the palace, there are also exquisite golden stepped aqueducts, where sweet springs flow, day and night, to irrigate the shades and gardens.

  Exquisite luxury, grandeur, and comfort!
  "Very good..."

  Su Ye's eyes moved slightly and he nodded.

  He was very satisfied with his new palace!
  "Your Highness, Son of God, I hope you like it..."

  Guinevere said softly, her long and slightly curled eyelashes fluttering gently, revealing a hint of charm.

  she continued.

  "The royal secret treasury is located underground. Please come with me..."

  Guinevere walked in front, leading the way for Su Ye. Her steps were graceful and her robes were tight, outlining the round and plump curves of Queen Aino. !
  Su Ye looked at it with a smile, admiring the beautiful scenery in the palace.

  Soon, Guinevere came to a square with stone pillars. She touched the stone pillars in a specific pattern.


  After a few breaths.

  The center of the square cracked, revealing a dark void, and a white jade plate-like lifting platform emerged from it.

  Su Ye swept his consciousness and confirmed that there was no danger, then stepped onto the white jade plate.


  The white jade plate fell.

  One hundred meters...three hundred meters...five hundred meters...

  it didn't stop until it was nearly a thousand meters away from the surface.

  "We are here."

  Guinevere led the way, arousing the divinity in her body, and opened a dusty door.


  The door slowly opened, and the light blue wind blew.

  Su Ye's eyes lit up.

  This is not wind at all, but extremely concentrated spiritual energy!
  "With the nature of the spiritual energy in Far South Continent, it is possible to form such escaping spiritual energy... How many spiritual objects are stacked in this secret vault?!" Su

  Ye was very interested in the millennium accumulation of the Aino royal family!


  Entering the secret vault, he snapped his fingers, and the incandescent light ball rose like a sky lantern, illuminating the space!

  It can be seen that in this 100-square-meter space, there are a large number of spiritual stones stacked up!
  Guinevere introduced: "This is the first floor of the secret library... it mainly stores the Holy Spring Stone."

  The Holy Spring Stone is also a spiritual stone.

  The spiritual stones in Far South Continent are produced from spiritual springs, hence their name.

  "The Holy Spring Stone has a solid structure and is easy to store for a long time. Therefore, when the ancestors of the past dynasties accumulated savings, they would exchange other resources for Holy Spring Stone and then store it." "However, the number of Holy Spring Stones now is much less than in its heyday

  . ."

  "The war against Tihuacan City, the aid to allied city-states, and the cultivation of divine beings... these matters consume a huge amount of resources..."

  Guinevere explained carefully.

  Su Ye swept his consciousness and found that there were traces of movement on the floor of the secret warehouse.

  However, it is just as Guinevere said.

  Su Ye could see that these traces were small and repeated, accumulated over time... They were not transferred in advance against Su Ye.

  "War consumption... and feeding the gods?" Su Ye raised his eyebrows.

  "Okay... let's just treat this part of the spiritual stone as a point of good fortune..."

  "I don't know, is this a food chain?"

  Su Ye laughed dumbly.

  Then, his consciousness surged and he began to check the spiritual stone reserves.

  Among these spiritual stones, the number of high-grade spiritual stones alone is as high as over one hundred!

  Su Ye raised his head and could see it clearly.

  In the center of the secret vault, five football-sized spiritual stones were placed on the golden platform!
  Around them, spiritual energy is like clouds and mist, overflowing and surging, like monks breathing in!
  "This trait, this is..." Su Ye's eyes flashed with emotion.

  ——The best spiritual stone!
  The spiritual energy contained in each top-grade spiritual stone is at least equivalent to one hundred thousand, or even more ordinary spiritual stones.

  Moreover, they also have a unique characteristic, namely: self-generation of spiritual energy.

  Compared with ordinary spiritual stones that will break into pieces when their spiritual energy is exhausted...

  the best spiritual stones can slowly replenish and regenerate as long as their spiritual energy is not exhausted all at once.

  At the same time, when there is sufficient spiritual energy, the best spiritual stones can also absorb the free spiritual energy between heaven and earth for growth!
  Wait if it is a small spiritual furnace!

  Because of this, top-quality spiritual stones have become hard currency among high-level monks!

  However, its quantity in nature is quite rare...

  Only the large-scale spiritual stone veins associated with third-order spiritual veins and above can be produced, and the output is extremely low, only one or two pieces...

  But at this time , but Su Ye saw five top-quality spiritual stones here!

  "Even if you don't count the top-grade spiritual stones, the rest of the spiritual stones here are worth close to 3.6 million!" "

  And these five top-grade spiritual stones, whether they are inlaid with the Falling Moon Halberd or filled with the Youjiao, can... It will bring a relatively good improvement..."

  "Or trade it?"

  "After all... many high-end resources only accept the exchange of top-quality spiritual stones."

  Thinking of this, Su Ye couldn't help but smile.

  He approached the pile of spiritual stones, stretched out his palm, and gently touched these smooth and shiny little cuties.

  "Take it~" Su Ye said softly.


  The storage ring sparkles and creates a strong attraction.

  Like the wind and the remaining clouds, many spiritual stones were collected into the storage ring!

  The first floor of the secret warehouse suddenly became spacious.

  A golden door appeared, leading to the second floor of the secret vault.

  Guinevere opened the door.

  The scene on the second floor of the secret warehouse is fully revealed.

  Compared with the first floor, the second floor of the secret vault has much less space and less collection of items.

  But it is more precious.

  Monster materials, special spiritual objects, exotic flowers and plants...these exotic objects are all sealed with crystals to block the flow of spiritual energy!
  "The heart of the dragon lizard can increase the probability of breaking through the third step by 20%..." "

  The blood orchid fruit can assist in breaking through the second step... the probability is 10% and a half..."

  Guinevere walked beside Su Ye, adding to the chance of breaking through the third step... He introduced.

  "These things...are they considered level-breaking spiritual objects?"

  "Unfortunately, they are of no use to me..."

  Su Ye is already a crystallized real person, and has the same tune as the Youjiao.

  "However, it should be pretty good to train my subordinates..." "

  Especially these spiritual objects. If you bring back Yaoguang and ask the alchemy master to make targeted refinements, you should be able to refine a few crystallized spiritual objects with good effects?"

  Su Ye Thinking.

  Collect it.

  Then, Su Ye motioned to Guinevere and took him to the next floor.

  That is... the final level of the secret library!

  Open the door and hear the sound of flowing water!

  What appeared in front of Su Ye was a spring about ten feet wide!

  The spiritual energy condensed like nectar and jade dew ripples in the spring, the auspicious energy is dense, and the rosy glow shines!


  "The core of the spiritual spring in Ainuo City!"

  Su Ye took a deep breath and felt refreshed. Even his cultivation level had a slight improvement!

  (End of chapter)

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